Let it be perfectly clear: Sarah’s phrasing of the “death panels” ultimately killed Obamacare.
It was unpopular to begin with, but she drove the final stake thru it’s heart. Reaganesque.
YOU said my sentiments exactly...and despite how well people like Ryan did at the summit yesterday--Palin's presence was sorely needed as well. It would have saved us a few hours as she would have cut the spin and faced Professor Obama in a more head-on way, without losing a sense of graciousness either. Would have made for some killer soundbytes too.
I was watching her VP debate from '08 with Biden and appreciated her style even more. She would have nailed that debate even more had she known more about what Obama's real intentions were. She receives a lot of criticism for how she talks, I think her tagline style of analysis is very effective in implanting the message in people's minds. "We need a Commander in Chief, not a Professor." "Perfume on a pig." "Death Panels." etc...Let's not forget Obama did not win on the details of any substantive policy. He won on the tagline "hope and change."
I guess I'm frustrated the summit took place in the first place. All this Healthcare nonsense CLOUDS the REAL debate going on in this country right now: Socialism vs. Freedom. The public would have been much better served had the debate been one on philosophy and principle and not the ins and outs of CBO numbers and healthcare premiums. The Democrats don't care about the plan at all--they just want to set the foundations for socialism and undermine our foundations any which way they can.