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To: hamboy

Even if pitbulls are no more likely to attack than say a beagle, the difference is an average person can fight of a beagle, but almost no one can fight a pit bull or rottweiler.

4 posted on 02/16/2010 1:10:16 AM PST by LukeL (Yasser Arafat: "I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize")
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To: LukeL

“Even if pitbulls are no more likely to attack than say a beagle, the difference is an average person can fight of a beagle, but almost no one can fight a pit bull or rottweiler.”

Most true pit bulls are not large dogs like rottweilers are. They should max out at about 60 pounds, despite the fact that almost every 100+ pound dog involved in an attack is somehow reported as a pit bull. The size of the dog has a little bit to do with it, but even very small dogs have taken lives. The biggest impact is the owner’s, not the breed of dog. This is hard to believe considering how many stories you see on the news, but in places that have banned pit bulls (Denver, Colorado and the UK for example) have either seen no reduction in serious attacks, or even an increase. Places that have passed responsible ownership laws have seen huge declines in serious attacks. You could have the biggest dog in the world, but if it’s bred right, socialized, trained, and kept safely within the home (and fixed), the chances of that dog attacking someone go way down. In fact, the vast majority of dog bite fatalities involve irresponsibly owned dogs, and this is a pattern that surpasses breed.

8 posted on 02/19/2010 3:04:36 PM PST by solosmoke
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