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Letter To Ben Nelson: Give Us Liberty, Not National Healthcare
Elective Decisions ^ | 12/20/09 | Chris Davis

Posted on 12/20/2009 12:12:29 PM PST by writer33

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1 posted on 12/20/2009 12:12:31 PM PST by writer33
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To: writer33

Copy of letter:

Dear Senator Nelson,

We come to you with a matter of unequivocal importance, as it relates to the current health care reform bill currently under deliberation in the United States Senate. It is our understanding that you support the public option for health care reform, or as it states on your website, “Reform must result in every American having access to affordable health coverage and reasonable prescription drug costs.”

As a constituent of the United States of America, we urge you with a sincere and fervent passion to oppose this bill. The matter at hand is of very great importance to the preservation of the precious liberties we have come to accept as synonymous with Americanism. The legislation at hand would devastate not only our way of life, but that of generations yet to be born, who may never know the taste of the liberty we once had and lost forever in the name of political expediency.

Having suffered under the inability of the federal government to properly fund Social Security and Medicare, simple logic tells me that this entitlement program will surely meet an identical fate. Not only is it unconstitutional, but it adds undue weight to already overburdened taxpayers, health care rationing, and the theft of the liberty of every man, woman, and child of this generation and generations to come.

Is it not your duty as an elected representative to ensure blessings of liberty for every American and their posterity? Was this country founded so that government could grow so large as to be yanked from the hands of the people? We hereby humbly submit for your consideration, kind sir, that such was not envisioned by our founders nor that for which many of these honorable men shed their blood in battle or died in poverty.

The crisis that looms before us with this bill is so dire that it would sentence to death elderly loved ones as sure as it would if they were placed in front of a firing squad for immediate execution. Surely, sir, you would not consider that a promotion of the general welfare?

Senator, we do not recall Patrick Henry uttering the words, “Give me national health care or give me death.” Rather, he concerned himself with the weighty matter of his very liberty, and that of millions of Americans in generations hence. This bill will destroy those ideals so faithfully conferred through the ages, from generation to generation.
We find the notion of health commissions, national ID health cards and access to bank accounts a grave threat to my very livelihood! As a well-traveled citizen through the Veterans Administration, I can assure you that you do not want to unleash this beast unto the American people.

As Thomas Jefferson said, “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propogation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Ergo, supporting this bill is pure tyranny—the very thing against which our Founding Fathers thought it not unwise to oppose even at the terrific expense of their own blood, their very lives.
Are you so willing to shackle the American people in chains of government bondage? Surely you are unaware of the bill in its entirety. Therefore, we suggest you acquaint yourself, sir, with sections 22, 29, 30, 42, 50 and 58. Better yet, it would be all the more wise to read the bill in its entirety before casting a vote to strangle a free nation.

For a party that considers itself a party of deliberation, many seem unduly given to haste in this matter. Why? Please sir: Read the aforementioned sections. Take a moment to pause, to ruminate upon the matter, before casting a ballot that will diminish the quality of healthcare to more Americans than you can possibly imagine.

Prudence is paramount. The consequences of rash action sans prudence could lead to an undesirable outcome. In 1776, John Adams best summed it up, saying, “Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.”

We are confident, sir, that after reading the bill in its entirety that you will come to your senses and cast a “nay” vote against this monstrosity. If, however, the motives behind your present support are of a dark and malevolent nature, then please rest assured we will do everything within our power to remove you from office.

We will gladly spend countless hours campaigning against you in the coming elections in 2010. We will write piece after piece, and go on radio program after radio program to remind people of how you were responsible for taking their liberty from them. We will put signs in the windows of businesses sympathetic to the cause of liberty, pointing out how you could’ve chose to vote against national healthcare, but instead chose to ration their elderly loved one’s health care.

It is important for you to also know that we live a life of utter boredom, constantly needing to fill the endless days with a mission. If you choose to continue in your furthered support, my mission will be to retire you to private life for the safety, prosperity and happiness of this great Nation.

For we are Americans, fighting in the forces which guard our country and protect our way of life. We our prepared to give all that we have, and do everything in our power in defense of liberty.

Give Americans liberty, not government run healthcare, or witness the end of your political career.

2 posted on 12/20/2009 12:15:55 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: Allegra; AZamericonnie; b4its2late; Babu; backhoe; Bahbah; bannie; BellStar; Big Horn; ...

Spread to any ping lists you may have, which would be much appreciated!

3 posted on 12/20/2009 12:16:57 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: harpo11; HeadOn; hellinahandcart; Herford Turley; hershey; HighlyOpinionated; Hildy; ...

A ping to any of your lists would be much appreciated!

4 posted on 12/20/2009 12:18:11 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: writer33

Too long, my FRiend. Good for an Op Ed, but not as a letter.

Also, I am Citizen of the USA not a Constituent...

5 posted on 12/20/2009 12:19:04 PM PST by freedumb2003 (Communism comes to America: 1/20/2009. Keep your powder dry, folks. Sic semper tyrannis)
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To: OldFriend; onyx eyes; onyx; PAR35; Patriotic Bostonian; Paulus Invictus; pax_et_bonum; ...

A ping to any of your lists would be much appreciated.

6 posted on 12/20/2009 12:19:37 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: OldFriend; onyx eyes; onyx; PAR35; Patriotic Bostonian; Paulus Invictus; pax_et_bonum; ...

A ping to any of your lists would be much appreciated.

7 posted on 12/20/2009 12:19:44 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: freedumb2003

You are a constituent of the U.S.A.

8 posted on 12/20/2009 12:20:59 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: freedumb2003

I know its long, but he’s going to likely ignore it anyway. But at least I can say I’m not sitting on the sidelines.

9 posted on 12/20/2009 12:21:57 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: writer33

Main Entry: 1con·stit·u·ent
Function: noun
Etymology: French constituant, from Middle French, from present participle of constituer to constitute, from Latin constituere
Date: 1622

1 : one who authorizes another to act as agent : principal
2 : a member of a constituency
3 : an essential part : component, element
4 : a structural unit of a definable syntactic, semantic, or phonological category that consists of one or more linguistic elements (as words, morphemes, or features) and that can occur as a component of a larger construction

Main Entry: con·stit·u·en·cy
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural con·stit·u·en·cies
Date: 1831

1 a : a body of citizens entitled to elect a representative (as to a legislative or executive position) b : the residents in an electoral district c : an electoral district
2 a : a group or body that patronizes, supports, or offers representation (creating…a grass-roots constituency for continuing the project — Fred Reed) b : the people involved in or served by an organization (as a business or institution) (regards its corporate customers as its prime constituency — Andrew Hacker)

Bit of a forced use. One is usually a constituent of a given legislator — I may be a constituent of the TOTUS-reader, but not of the USA, per se.

Just food for thought should you publish in a newspaper (which you should). Make it an open letter...

10 posted on 12/20/2009 12:29:33 PM PST by freedumb2003 (Communism comes to America: 1/20/2009. Keep your powder dry, folks. Sic semper tyrannis)
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To: freedumb2003
Just food for thought should you publish in a newspaper (which you should). Make it an open letter...

I did make the applicable change, but I've tried several newspapers already with no results. It's always too long.

11 posted on 12/20/2009 12:31:19 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: writer33

>>I did make the applicable change, but I’ve tried several newspapers already with no results. It’s always too long.<<

I’ll pass it around and cross post as much as I can.

12 posted on 12/20/2009 12:37:10 PM PST by freedumb2003 (Communism comes to America: 1/20/2009. Keep your powder dry, folks. Sic semper tyrannis)
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To: writer33; franksolich


13 posted on 12/20/2009 12:38:11 PM PST by GeronL
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To: freedumb2003

It’s getting read at the blog in the singularized version I sent to my worthless Colorado senator. Journalists typically don’t like it when you write better than them.


14 posted on 12/20/2009 12:38:19 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: GeronL

Thans for the bump, GeronL. After this, I’m done with the letters. I’m just getting started with Senator Nelson, but done with the letters.

15 posted on 12/20/2009 12:39:20 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: writer33


16 posted on 12/20/2009 12:43:45 PM PST by E.G.C.
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To: E.G.C.

Thanks for the bump, E.G.C.

17 posted on 12/20/2009 12:44:58 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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To: writer33

Wake Up America!

18 posted on 12/20/2009 12:53:57 PM PST by blackie (Be Well~Be Armed~Be Safe~Molon Labe!)
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To: writer33

Wake Up America!

19 posted on 12/20/2009 12:54:13 PM PST by blackie (Be Well~Be Armed~Be Safe~Molon Labe!)
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To: blackie

Believe me when I say they are awakened. But the Democrat Party doesn’t give a rat’s rear end. They’re going to stick it to the people of America, and then pay a price they can’t even imagine.

20 posted on 12/20/2009 12:55:25 PM PST by writer33 (Rush Limbaugh Is "The Passion" of Conservatism And Pretty Good At That Radio Thingy)
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