Posted on 07/25/2009 5:12:31 PM PDT by Starman417
Time to consider retribution against this foul nest of democrat Nazis.
This is about future votes from illegals, who will get healthcare and keeping the votes in inner cities, as you said. It is about eliminating the opposition, as they did in Car industry. The republican dealerships were closed, who donated that party, so in 2010 they cannot donate to that party again to oppose our illustrious leader...puk
Now, that said this Healthcare Plan reduction he keeps talking about, is that eveyone on Gov’t plan will have healthcare but few will be able to use it. Those with serious needs will get written 4endoflife orders on p. 427 in HR 3200. Fleckman website has page and line breakdown at “Common Sense from Common Man”...just google it, if you haven’t seen one of the blog breakdowns.
I think a comedian did a skit on the blue pill, and red pill thing Obama said, and used MATRIX movie piece that showed they will be made comfortable and die.
Years ago, I joined that group , probably for 2 years...I can't remember the stand they took ....but whatever it was, it made me mad and I canceled my membership...and I've never regreted it.
Pro-Life PING
Please FreepMail me if you want on or off my Pro-Life Ping List.
Dem’s Depopulation Policy
Hitler wannabe, huh?
OK, now that we know their intentions, when can we start dragging them into the street and stringing them up from light poles?
No wonder the members of Congress don’t want it for THEMSELVES and THEIR families.
Why waste a good Oldsmobile?
Unfreakin’ believable !!!
I bet they want to use the bases closed in BRAC as “Re-Alignment Centers” for the elderly ... complete with gas chambers !!!
Let's hear the pro-choice mantra about "the right to control one's body"
and "the right to privacy" on medical choice again, shall we!!!
Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu
Tetanus Vaccines, Spontaneous Abortions, and Population Control
Is Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines linked to Autism:
"Today, more than 23 vaccines are contaminated by the use of aborted fetal cells. There is no law that requires that consumers be informed that some vaccines are made using aborted fetal cells and contain residual aborted fetal DNA. While newer vaccines produced using aborted fetal cells do inform consumers, in their package inserts, that the vaccines contain contaminating DNA from the cell used to produce the vaccine, they do not identify the cells as being derived from electively aborted human fetuses. In other words, they tell you what is in the vaccine, but they dont fully inform you where it came from. The earliest aborted fetal cell-produced vaccines such as Meruvax (rubella) and MMR II do not even inform consumers that the vaccines contain contaminating DNA from the cell used to produce them. Furthermore, it is unconscionable that the public-health risk of injecting our children with residual contaminating human aborted fetal DNA has been ignored.
How could the contaminating aborted fetal DNA create problems? It creates the potential for autoimmune responses and/or inappropriate insertion into our own genomes through a process called recombination. There are groups researching the potential link between this DNA and autoimmune diseases such as juvenile (type I) diabetes, multiple sclerosis and lupus. Our organization, [3] Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), is focused on studying the quantity, characteristics and genomic recombination of the aborted fetal DNA found in many of our vaccines.
Preliminary bioinformatics research conducted at SCPI indicates that hot spots for DNA recombination are found in nine autism-associated genes present on the X chromosome. These nine genes are involved in nerve-cell synapse formation, central nervous system development and mitochondrial function."
Has anyone noticed that the number of "uninsured" and the number of total USA abortions are the same?
Where is the 'caring'?
"Never again" means WHAT?
Have you seen Dr. John David Manning?
He is so good.
Obama is Hitler Jr.
Never again my ass!
Please tell me that is not a real, actual picture taken.
For a cheap trial, an experiment in cost reduction, a body of plaintiff’s lawyers all of whom have medical malpractice experience say 5 trials or settlements, will be exterminated.
The deaths of 20,000 lawyers should be studied to determine if the number of cable commercials and resulting malpractice decreases and if there is a reduction in redundant tests of elderly patients.
The deaths of parasitic lawyers should come first, before innocent old people.
We live under a tyranny of lawyers, men, not the law.
How can the American people be so stupid as to stand by why these Nazis destroy us all?
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