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To: Erik Latranyi

Headline News this morning had a very indignant FBI official declaiming how the nation won’t tolerate hatred and hate-fueled murders by white supremacist groups or individuals. He essentially said “we’ll hunt you down.”

Did I miss the same statement from the FBI regarding the murder of Pvt. Long in Little Rock by a black hate-fueled muslim bigot? Where is the righteous indignation about black muslim hatred of the U.S. and white people? The silence is deafening.

5 posted on 06/12/2009 7:38:45 AM PDT by ProtectOurFreedom
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To: ProtectOurFreedom
Headline News this morning had a very indignant FBI official declaiming how the nation won’t tolerate hatred and hate-fueled murders by white supremacist groups or individuals. He essentially said “we’ll hunt you down.”

Did I miss the same statement from the FBI regarding the murder of Pvt. Long in Little Rock by a black hate-fueled muslim bigot? Where is the righteous indignation about black muslim hatred of the U.S. and white people? The silence is deafening.

Yesterday evening while I was at work, I allowed a young black woman from the business establishment next door use my jumper cables. She looked at me like she thought I didn't trust her to take them over there and use them and bring them back. I reminded her of the passage in the Bible about treating others as you would have them treat you. She brought them back with a big smile on her face which communicated "Thanks for trusting me." The government can NOT force people to change the way they think about others.

Only God's Word can do that. I am tired of the pithy statements by the FBI, etc. ad nauseum trying to tell everyone how they're going to think. All that does is engender hatred. You have to teach people about Jesus and His love for everyone to show them a reason to decide (on their own) to change their thinking.

I have no dislike for Jews, Blacks, Arabs, Muslims, North Koreans, etc. unless their behaviors violate moral values demonstrated in the Bible. Even then, I don't hate them. I do, however, have an intense dislike for authoritarian rule backed up by men who think highly of themselves because they think they are in control. Such statements as "we'll hunt you down" only fosters more popularity for such radical groups and helps them recruit. That was not a wise comment. God is in control of the events in the course of human history. Those who forget that soon learn better. Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin.

7 posted on 06/12/2009 8:35:36 AM PDT by MeneMeneTekelUpharsin (Freedom is the freedom to discipline yourself so others don't have to do it for you.)
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