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There is power behind Barack Obama's campaign
Self ^
| 10/03/08
Posted on 10/03/2008 8:33:32 AM PDT by MHGinTN
Edited on 10/03/2008 8:48:06 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
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It has to be said, it has to be acknowledged, Barack'ACORN'Obama has power behind his run for the White House. So what do ya think, folks, is it sourced in the demonic? ... As you can tell by this essay, I'm convinced that it is.
posted on
10/03/2008 8:33:32 AM PDT
Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical ...known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer. - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, p. ix, Random House, New York, 1971
I'm reminded of the opening of the film "Gettysburg", as Union general Buford observes a rather small Confederate detachment moving in Pennsylvannia:
"Infantry. Moving alone in enemy territory. Very strange. There's a power behind it. You can feel it. Lee has turned his army. He's moving this way."
And, yeah, if I had to lay odds, I would seriously say that Satan is moving through Obama.
posted on
10/03/2008 8:39:47 AM PDT
(I ain't gonna quit until I'm laid in my tomb and even then they better shut it tight.)
posted on
10/03/2008 8:41:14 AM PDT
To: gracesdad
posted on
10/03/2008 8:44:54 AM PDT
(Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
Well, he does go to church...
posted on
10/03/2008 8:46:06 AM PDT
Given his history and what is taking place I would say yes.
posted on
10/03/2008 8:47:30 AM PDT
Anyone here remember the 70’s show Good Times? They run it on TVLand. Well, there was this episode where JJ painted a picture of “Black Jesus” For a while there every one was experiencing good luck when they encountered the painting. In the end they all realized it wasn't nothing but a painting of the ghetto low life local drunk Ned the Wino.
So every time I see this odd ball gush over Obama I just snicker and say.. Yep, he's Black Jesus alright. A painted facade but nothing more. We see you Ned!!!!
posted on
10/03/2008 8:47:52 AM PDT
(Stop picking your nose. People are watching.)
I found your post to be very intriguing. A few years ago I read a great set of books called “The Christ Clone Trilogy”. The storyline is similar to the Left Behind series, only this time it’s done in three books. The premise has blood being found on The Shroud of Turin and then cloned. As the “cloned character” reaches adulthood he does many of the same things that the current “Messiah” is doing, i.e. speaking empty rhetoric before adoring, swooning throngs.
Every time is see Obama speak I can’t help but think of those books.
posted on
10/03/2008 8:48:31 AM PDT
“Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” 2 Thess. 2:3.
I believe the Holy Spirit gave me this thought the other day.
Why, I have been wondering, is this man so adulated, why are his obvious past mistakes, lies, scandals and sins so ignored, why is he held up as such a shining example of a man?
He is clearly a puppet candidate.
I don’t know what he thinks he is going to accomplish if elected. He regularly contradicts himself so it is impossible to know what he truly believes. As much as Bill Clinton triangulated, Obama is orders of magnatude beyond that.
But with an extremely flawed candidate in office, the powers that brought him there have perfect leverage in forcing him to do exactly what they want. With all the scandals, lies and mistakes he has made, with his overwhelming naivete, and with his tremendous ego, he can be manipulated into doing or saying anything his puppetmasters tell him to do.
He can be threatened with being brought down at any time with scandals as mundane as the complete mess he made at the Annenberg Challenge and his association with Bill Ayers, to the explosive charge that he’s not a citizen of the US or the Larry Sinclair charges. None of these past events has been brought up by the media. To the average person, they are new issues, and enough to damage his popularity or bring on charges of impeachment.
He is an empty vessel to be used by the worst forces of evil. There is nothing more evil than killing a baby and using its tissues for experimentation. I have no doubt that Obama would not object to it. Jill Stanek said he was completely cold to her testimony about cradling the dying child she found in the trash bin.
That’s why I believe he’s the Son of Perdition.
posted on
10/03/2008 8:49:28 AM PDT
(Lord please bless our nation with John McCain as president and Sarah Palin as Vice President! Amen.)
To: gracesdad
"Barack Obama's training in Chicago by the great community organizers is showing its effectiveness. It is an amazingly powerful format, and the method of my late father always works to get the message out and get the supporters on board. When executed meticulously and thoughtfully, it is a powerful strategy for initiating change and making it really happen. Obama learned his lesson well." - L. David Alinsky, 2008
The communist (RAT party) have been working on the takeover for year. Looks like they finally got the power to crust American and burn the Constitution. If they win it won't be long before the civil war starts. Both East and West coast will be pushed out to sea.
posted on
10/03/2008 8:52:14 AM PDT
Logical me
(Oh, well!!!)
To: Kharis13
Here's another story that has many parallels with today:
They Live
posted on
10/03/2008 8:52:32 AM PDT
(Lord please bless our nation with John McCain as president and Sarah Palin as Vice President! Amen.)
To: Quix
posted on
10/03/2008 8:53:01 AM PDT
(Lord please bless our nation with John McCain as president and Sarah Palin as Vice President! Amen.)
You forgot to take your medication.
This is exactly what I have been thinking. I have scoured the internet trying to make the connection between Obama and the sale of baby parts.
I know there has to be a connection. I have found one doctor who has is under investigation that have given 10,000’s of dollars to the democrats.
I believe there is a huge story here, but just can’t find the answers because of my limited knowledge on the industry. But I do know they make $1,000’s off of one good fetus.
I also think that pre-natal testing also plays a part in this. False positives lead women to believe they are aborting an unhealthy baby. Which is exactly what these people want. They want mature healthy fetus’ to sell. This connects someway.
This genocide is horrific. There are very evil reasons for it and it needs to be exposed.
The greatest danger of demonic power is that it appears not as a glowering threat (if that were so, all could avoid it) but as a smiling face promising great benefits. There are many occasions in history of this sad occurrence, but two come to mind: Mohammed and Hitler. Mohammed promised defeat to enemies, salvation, and booty; Hitler promised to end the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty, national regeneration, and booty. Now, Barack comes promising “fairness” (ie, redistribution of the wealth of others) in the tax code, health care, and an end to world poverty. The seductive nature of these promises appeals to the puerile, the well-meaning, and the feeble minded. To recognize the demonic in such proposed benefits requires discernment, which comes from maturity, study, and faith, three qualities I fear are lacking in far too many Americans.
posted on
10/03/2008 8:56:58 AM PDT
Many, many of his followers are already calling him The One. Some are even saying that Obama is their Jesus. They write hymns to him and have groups of children sing his praises. They faint at his presence. Most of Europe positively love Obama and I believe would readily accept Obama as a world leader.
The bible says that the Antichrist will not claim to be the Christ but many will call him that.
Read my tag line.
posted on
10/03/2008 8:57:09 AM PDT
Blood of Tyrants
(G-d is not a Republican. But Satan is definitely a Democrat. And so is Obama.)
To: cosmic_me
So, you're saying Obama is
Ned da' wino?
Whew... that's a relief. : )
posted on
10/03/2008 9:00:57 AM PDT
To: cosmic_me
Well, there was this episode where JJ painted a picture of Black JesusI SAW that episode!
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