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DUmmie FUnnies 05-15-06 (Pied Piper PItt Bets The Farm On Fitzmas)
DUmmie FUnnies ^
| May 15, 2006
| William Rivers Pitt, Skinner, DUmmies, and PJ-Comix
Posted on 05/15/2006 8:01:52 AM PDT by PJ-Comix
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To: Choose Ye This Day
Well, this is my fourth identity. My first, "chesley" got up to 300 before they busted me for vigourously defending the invasion of Iraq. My second, "forgethell" got 4500 posts before being banned.
It was amazing, too. At Christmas, 2004, with about 2000 posts, I decided to go all out on a conservative crusade. I made the DUmmie FUnnies three times as a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL. See my profile.
Then just last week ole "Burning Water" got burned. He had over 1200 posts, but I don't know exactly how many. Could have been 1300 or more.
Here are some of my posts. I was still trying to disguise myself as a liberal. Do my comments seem conservative to you? I think they are what any progressive with at least two sparking neurons would think. But obviously they were too much for DU.
My fourth, and current, identity is working towards his first 100 +/- 100. Don't want to be too specific.
posted on
05/15/2006 11:49:07 AM PDT
(Republicans don't deserve to win, but America does not deserve the Dhimmicrats.)
To: bcsco
From now on, when discussing Schadenfreude among the DUmmies, it needs to be called freudenschade.
posted on
05/15/2006 11:50:42 AM PDT
(Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
To: PJ-Comix
It's hard to see how it can be topped. Or is that "bottomed"? Hmm, maybe we better not go there. But you know what I mean. How can they get any worse? We don't know; we just know that they will.
posted on
05/15/2006 11:52:03 AM PDT
(Republicans don't deserve to win, but America does not deserve the Dhimmicrats.)
To: bcsco
Yeah. In the really high class society (snicker) that I inhabit, it's called "slumming".
posted on
05/15/2006 11:54:23 AM PDT
(Republicans don't deserve to win, but America does not deserve the Dhimmicrats.)
To: Chickenhawk Warmonger
Welcome aboard, PINGEE #845.
posted on
05/15/2006 11:55:28 AM PDT
(Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
To: Congressman Billybob
"because of certain legal and ethical problems, the incumbent, Charles Taylor may withdraw/be forced out" Too bad. I'm a long time fan of his high-top basketball shoes...Will Converse still be sending him residuals?
To: steve-b
"24 business hours" is Jason Leopold trying to erase the target on his ass. LOL!!!
posted on
05/15/2006 12:00:38 PM PDT
(Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
To: chesley
Well, your spelling and grammar out you as a conservative--since you spell correctly and form complete sentences without LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS and profanity.
And posting something from World Net Daily probably didn't help you much.
Try to be even more moonbat-hysterical-barking-at-the-moon this time. :o)
posted on
05/15/2006 12:03:45 PM PDT
Choose Ye This Day
(Mmm! The tears of unfathomable sadness! Yummy!)
To: bcsco
Haha. I caught that one also. Freudenschade, indeed. We may have a new DUFU insider word!
To: PJ-Comix
To: PJ-Comix; franksolich; KJC1; commonguymd; feefee; Repub4bush
My, my, my, my, my, my, my! It looks like our good friend Anonymous Army (Pitt's arch-nemisis and all round good guy) managed to save Pitt's raving, drunken rant to Skinner. Timing is everything!
posted on
05/15/2006 12:04:57 PM PDT
( At least I don't have to worry about being one of their 72 virgins.)
To: gardencatz
I saw that. What a great catch. Wonder if Skinster saw it, or if not; I wonder if anyone forwarded it to him. Pitt is a pathetic drunkard.
To: Congressman Billybob
My primary is over, but because of certain legal and ethical problems, the incumbent, Charles Taylor may withdraw/be forced out, and I am in the running to be chosen as the replacement nominee for Congress in the 11th District of NC. WOW! That is INCREDIBLE news!!! Is there anything in the newspapers about Taylor possibly being forced out?
posted on
05/15/2006 12:07:59 PM PDT
(Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
To: PJ-Comix
"From now on, when discussing Schadenfreude among the DUmmies, it needs to be called freudenschade."I agree. But there'll have to be a lot of graphics changed because of it.
posted on
05/15/2006 12:07:59 PM PDT
("He who is wedded to the spirit of the age is soon a widower" - Anonymous)
To: chesley
"Yeah. In the really high class society (snicker) that I inhabit, it's called "slumming"."It would also seem you're doing a little 'chumming' of the waters there.
posted on
05/15/2006 12:09:19 PM PDT
("He who is wedded to the spirit of the age is soon a widower" - Anonymous)
To: The Right Stuff
"Freudenschade, indeed. We may have a new DUFU insider word!"See post #42, above. PJ and I agree on that. Only, a bunch of graphics will have to be redone.
posted on
05/15/2006 12:11:36 PM PDT
("He who is wedded to the spirit of the age is soon a widower" - Anonymous)
To: bcsco
posted on
05/15/2006 12:12:38 PM PDT
(Republicans don't deserve to win, but America does not deserve the Dhimmicrats.)
To: gardencatz
That's gonna come back to haunt him. When Truth Out the Window is shown to be full of b.s., I think we can fully expect to see Pitt's tombstoning ceremony.
posted on
05/15/2006 12:20:07 PM PDT
Choose Ye This Day
(Mmm! The tears of unfathomable sadness! Yummy!)
To: PJ-Comix
I can't sit still. and I can't pull my ass away from the computer! This feels like election night 2004.
LOL! Couldn't have said it better myself, DUmmie!
freudenschade baby!
As per usual, the DUmmies have it bass-ackwards.
posted on
05/15/2006 12:20:43 PM PDT
(America... not just a job site.)
To: The Right Stuff
Someone needs to Photoshop the U2 album cover and change "Achtung Baby" to "Freudenschade, Baby!"
posted on
05/15/2006 12:21:14 PM PDT
Choose Ye This Day
(Mmm! The tears of unfathomable sadness! Yummy!)
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