Posted on 07/23/2005 1:14:29 PM PDT by Mia T
I keep hoping Ron Brown will stick to the Clintons.
keep it up, MiaT
The thought of another Clinton presidency gets scarier and scarier. When are you going to write a book, Mia T? You have most of it done already! God bless you.
And these people still vote for them. Unfortunately I cannot be sympathetic. They follow their leaders like sheep going to slaughter and as we hold up signs saying "SLAUGHTERHOUSE, DO NOT ENTER", with blinders on they move forward into the blades of cold steel.
Like "Animal Farm", their leaders engage in the very same activities and behaviors that they tell their constituents are bad for them.
I'm hoping for book, movie, DVD, and video game.
'Mothers don't counsel their sons to be pickers. No adult aspires to be called a picker. In the South it is a pejorative term. He is thought to be a salvage man, lowly and ignorant, living hand to mouth, maybe a thief that doubles back at night and steals what couldn't be bought outright for pennies. I have tried hard to bring some dignity to the work, traveling countless roads in my home state, acquiring things that I thought were telling - handmade furniture and slave-made pots and pieced quilt tops and carved walking sticks. Many people who sell me things are burdened with their possessions, or ready for the old folks home or pining for the grave. Some are reluctant sellers, some eager. Some are as kind and gentle and welcoming as any notion of home, some are mean and bitter and half crazy from life and isolation. In America everything is for sale, even a national shame. Till I came upon a postcard of a lynching, postcards seemed trivial to me, the way second hand, misshapen Rubbermaid products might seem now. Ironically, the pursuit of these images has brought to me a great sense of purpose and personal satisfaction.
'Studying these photos has engendered in me a caution of whites, of the majority, of the young, of religion, of the accepted. Perhaps a certain circumspection concerning these things was already in me, but surely not as actively as after the first sight of a brittle postcard of Leo Frank dead in an oak tree. It wasn't the corpse that bewildered me as much as the canine-thin faces of the pack, lingering in the woods, circling after the kill. Hundreds of flea markets later a trader pulled me aside and in conspiratorial tones offered me a second card, this one of Laura Nelson, caught so pitiful and tattered and beyond retrieving - like a child's paper kite snagged on a utility wire. The sight of Laura layered a pall of grief over all my fears.
'I believe the photographer was more than a perceptive spectator at lynchings. The photographic art played as significant a role in the ritual as torture or souvenir grabbing - a sort of two-dimensional biblical swine, a receptacle for a collective sinful self. Lust propelled their commercial reproduction and distribution, facilitating the endless replay of anguish. Even dead, the victims were without sanctuary.'
<< hillary talks: ON GANDHI & GAS STATIONS
(Why it DOES matter...) >>
Thank you, Mia.
Pay attention, G-K.
Blessings -- Brian
WTF?? MiaT write it and they will buy it :)
Thanx, Faith. ;) Working to get the information out in multiple formats, a book with a dvd insert being one of them...
AZLiberty: Have had many requests for cds and dvds, (both to keep and to pass out to at colleges, FReeps, as gifts for the uninformed, misinformed and disinformed, etc.) Your idea of a video game has endless possibilities.... ;)
Now we're talking! I am delighted with this news! Just beware of the Clintons and their predictable efforts to silence and discredit. God bless you.
Ghandi(sic) runs a Gas Station in Central blah blah....
Har har har!!!
What an intelligent joke!!!
Well done Hillary!!
Har har har!!
Ghandi runs a Gas Station!
Har har har!!!
Ghandi runs a Gas Station!
Har har har!!!
Ghandi runs a Gas Station!
Har har har!!!
Ghandi runs a Gas Station!
Har har har!!!
And this is a quote from Hillary Clinton one of the most famous persons of the 21st century who runs a strip-tease bar somewhere in Central Mongolia:
"First they laff at ya!
Then they laff at ya!
And then they laff at ya!
And then they keep on laffing at ya!"
Thank you for your response, Dearest G-K.
Wanted to afford you the dignity of the Truth insofar as the black hole that doubles for the "character" of the much-loved-in-India, Mrs Cli'ton, is concerned.
The treasonous, recidivist, lying, looting, mass-murdering,co-serial-rapist, posed, smiling-like-a-serpent at the Taj Mahal, gangster bastard, Mrs Cli'ton, that is.
That Mrs Cli'ton.
Blessings -- Brian
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