Posted on 12/03/2004 5:56:17 PM PST by Starhubbler
The article assumes that blacks are subserviant now. My question pointed out the flaw in the statement. You need to get the chip off your shoulder.
I've been interested in and looking for something about the Fomorians. Can you point me to something. I believe the Fomorians were black too.
I don't think they built Stonehenge though.
I don't think so. Below is a picture of a relative of a 9,000 year old Brit.
Who cares what the Irish myths say?
The last time I visited Stonehenge, it sat there on the Salisbury plain, plain as day. And the Salisbury plain is near Winchester, site of the Winchester Cathedral.
And the whole shebang is in England, west of London.
The Tuatha de Danaan did not originate from Spain but Africa. They came to Ireland via Spain. Spain was just one of their transit points. They are the same as the Firbolgs, that is, they were Twa or Pygmies. They were defeated in their wars with the Formorians (I think) left for other parts of Europe and later came back under different names.
The term "Black" apart from denoting race, was also used as a derogatory term. It is not surprising therefore, to find wicked or undesirable individuals referred to as being Black.
Words like "Black heart, Black day, etc. proves the point.
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