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American Idol 2006--Live Thread (Part III)
Fox ^
| 5-8-06
Posted on 05/08/2006 4:22:13 AM PDT by silent_jonny
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Welcome! I'm telling you right now, it's the most fun you'll have at FR" ~ Conservativebabe
I think I get more excited about the thread than the actual show ~ Retrokitten
Wow, this place is smokin like a 2-for-1 happy hour comin up on 8pm :) ~ Twin2
To: All
This thread has truly been an oasis! Texasflower ~ May 19, 2005
All of the American Idol threads this season have been dedicated in memory of Tammy Gammon. She had such a good time here, laughing, surrounded by her friendsI dont know of any other place on FR where honoring her would have been more appropriate.
This is our third Idol thread and it will likely be the last for 2006, the last for Tammy. But all future Idol threads, if I have anything to say about it, will carry TEXASFLOWER in the keywords as a continuing tribute to our friend and a reminder to us all to be kind, considerate and compassionateand to always root for the underdog :)
Please remember Tammys family in your prayers on May 18, her birthday. She would have been 47.
God bless them. God bless you all.
Texasflower helped make the AI threads so much fun. She always made me smile. FR will not be the same without her. ~ Retrokitten
I simply adored her ability to butt heads and loved reading her posts. She was always there with the perfect hug or hatpin, whichever she felt was most deserved. ~ Doodlelady
The sweetest, funniest, kindest poster on the AI threads where I had the honor of meeting her. ~ Jrabbit
Texasflower was an integral part of our American Idol gang. She was always sweet and upbeat and kind to all. ~ Palladin
In the beginning of November I was thinking about her because the town I work in was having their elections and it reminded me about her Dad going to vote in the ambulance
I loved her and miss her. ~ No More Apples
She was unfailingly polite, and more than that. Kind, thoughtful, patriotic, encouraging. A blessing. She was one of my most favorite FReepers, and I do not say that very often. She was exceptional.
We never truly know how deeply our lives touch others. I certainly never communicated fully to Tammy how much her posts lifted me up, and I regret that. I assumed she would continue to be there and I would be able to keep responding to her appreciatively.
We will know in heaven the effect of our lives, when everyone gathers around the Lamb's throne and all our hearts are open and all our secrets known, and we have till forever to tell one another how God blessed us through each other
~ GretchenM
Prayers & Condolences
She'll be a light here forever ~ Doodlelady
posted on
05/08/2006 4:22:46 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: silent_jonny
The Final Four
(in alphabetical order)

Chris Daughtry
McLeansville, North Carolina

Taylor Hicks
Birmingham, Alabama

Katharine McPhee
Sherman Oaks, California

Elliot Yamin
Richmond, Virginia
You cant judge an apple by looking at the tree
You cant judge honey by looking at the bee
You cant judge one by looking at the other
You cant judge a book by looking at the cover
Oh cant you see
You misjudged me
-- Willie Dixon
posted on
05/08/2006 4:23:11 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: mystery-ak; twin2; EmilyGeiger; CAluvdubya; ConservativeMind; jocon307; kingu; TonyWpi; homemom; ...
posted on
05/08/2006 4:24:56 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: All
posted on
05/08/2006 4:25:46 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: silent_jonny
Okie Dokie.....thanks for the new thread~
posted on
05/08/2006 4:31:08 AM PDT
posted on
05/08/2006 4:31:58 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: silent_jonny
Folks, just a reminder that I'll be out of town next week (final 3), so tomorrow night's show will probably be my last real review of the season.
posted on
05/08/2006 4:33:00 AM PDT
(Posting snarky comments so you don't have to)
To: All
The Final Four arrive at Graceland (May 6, 2006) Photos from>

Fans display homemade signs

posted on
05/08/2006 4:33:02 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: Fawn
I am so late to joining this thread. Sure looks like I missed a bunch of wonderful posts by Tammy.
That makes me so sad.
posted on
05/08/2006 4:34:20 AM PDT
(I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.....and My Heart to the Soldier Who Protects It.)
To: All
Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley arrive to meet the Idols.

"Oh my gosh! I've been a fan of the show since ... its invention. It's fun for Lisa and I to watch it," Priscilla Presley told The Commercial Appeal Saturday afternoon. She and her daughter had lunch with the contestants earlier in the day.
"I think it's a great thing. I love the fact that these are people from all over the United States who probably would never have had the opportunity to be in this position," she said.
"They are very talented kids. And their attitudes are just great. Even though it's such a huge competition, the camaraderie between all of them is really inspiring. They root for each other."
Calling Elvis "the first Idol," she said the show's presence at rock legend's home was quite appropriate.
"But Elvis, too, had to audition," she said. "He was laughed at. He was basically booed off stage. He had to struggle with the fact that he came from very humble beginnings and didn't have opportunities to have others experience his talent."
posted on
05/08/2006 4:34:33 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: All
Up to the gates of Graceland

posted on
05/08/2006 4:35:05 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: All
Exterior shots of the mansion.

The rehearsal area.
posted on
05/08/2006 4:35:35 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: SirLinksalot; All
Thanks to Sirlinksalot for providing the links to the above news and photos.
posted on
05/08/2006 4:36:16 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: silent_jonny
I don't watch, except when Taylor and Chris are on and I told my wife Taylor let "them" change him too much. Taylor needs to get back to being Taylor Hicks and he'll definately be a contender.
Out of all of them, Taylor and Chris are real...I haven't seen enough of Katharine or Elliot to know.
What am I doing? I don't even watch reality shows and think they're stupid, and here I am commenting on one!! HELP!
posted on
05/08/2006 4:43:33 AM PDT
(Words Mean Things...)
To: silent_jonny
The new thread looks great jonny!
posted on
05/08/2006 4:46:57 AM PDT
(Once a Snowflake, always a Snowflake ! Good luck Tony!)
To: tiredoflaundry
Thank you, TOL!
And good morning :)
posted on
05/08/2006 4:48:05 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: silent_jonny
Wow jonny. Looks good. :)
To: sirchtruth
Out of all of them, Taylor and Chris are real...I haven't seen enough of Katharine or Elliot to know. IMO, they're all real. This is the most talented final four (and final five) that Idol has ever had. That doesn't mean they're always perfect--McPhee was terrible last week and Chris nearly screamed his voice away--but they all have genuinely good voices.
posted on
05/08/2006 4:52:42 AM PDT
("me lovey the jonny" -- conservativebabe)
To: silent_jonny
The only question left is who will be in the finale with Christ.
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