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Pot smokers aren't terrorists
the orion ^
| may 5 2004
| Adrian Aguila
Posted on 05/06/2004 11:53:32 AM PDT by freepatriot32
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To: freepatriot32
"Cannabis allows me to forget about my neuroses and live a productive life as a student, volunteer, and activist"yes, but does he have a JOB or are we supporting him
posted on
05/06/2004 11:55:28 AM PDT
Mr. K
(ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,I stole this cuz its funny,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø))
To: freepatriot32
a productive life as a student, volunteer, and activist.I think this is an oxymoron...
To: freepatriot32
Popping popcorn for thread fireworks. . .
posted on
05/06/2004 11:56:06 AM PDT
(Ask me about my turn paper. It's about diaramas.)
To: freepatriot32
Yes, marijuana users are terrorists.
posted on
05/06/2004 11:58:20 AM PDT
To: freepatriot32
Cannabis allows me to forget about my neuroses and live a productive life as a student, volunteer, and activist. A student, volunteer, and activist? Sheesh, the second sentence and the author blows all credibility. With activists advocates like this -- who needs enemies?
posted on
05/06/2004 11:58:27 AM PDT
To: **California; *NOTEWORTHY; *libertarians; *gov_watch; *Constitution List; *ACLU_List; ...
posted on
05/06/2004 12:06:04 PM PDT
(today it was the victory act tomorrow its victory coffee, victory cigarettes...)
To: freepatriot32
Some of the gangs importing the pot from Mexico or Canada may have terrorist ties.
To: freepatriot32
Henry Ford even developed a car that had a cannabis-based body
He has been watching too many Cheech & Chong movies!
Anyone remember "Up in Smoke"?
To: GrandEagle
Hemp is still used today in car bodies.
posted on
05/06/2004 12:13:04 PM PDT
To: Wolfie
Hemp is still used today in car bodies.
Learn something new everyday. Thanks for the info.
To: GrandEagle
In Europe, Mercedes uses hemp for their dashboards. VW uses it for various body panels. By 2008, Mercedes plans an entire car body using the stuff. Great market for farmers. Not ours, of course, but at least we have ag subsidies to fall back on.
posted on
05/06/2004 12:19:31 PM PDT
To: Wolfie
SBRed - not Short Bussed...hmmm...
posted on
05/06/2004 12:48:52 PM PDT
(Spirit of '76 bttt!)
To: Wolfie
I'm curious as to how hemp always gets brought up in these arguements. If I'm not mistaken, this dude does not want to smoke the hemp grown for industrial use, and the specialized buds he wants to smoke aren't any good for use as hemp. So we are really talking about 2 different plants.
I think his point is that marijuana isn't some new foreign plant, and it certainly wasn't back in the 30's. If the dangers that composed the reasons for it being made illegal were true, the various acts of carnage that were attributed to mairijuana use should have been well documented by the news of the day. Only anectdotes were ever raised.
posted on
05/06/2004 6:09:51 PM PDT
To: freepatriot32
"With all its positive uses, it's a mystery why cannabis remains illegal."
Not really, when prohibition ended they had to do something to keep all of those federal workers employed so they just created a new demon. And then when they figured what a great tool it was to take away rights it was open season. All one needs to make it work is an ignorant public and hey that was already in place.
posted on
05/06/2004 6:27:32 PM PDT
(Groups are inherently more immoral than individuals.)
To: Libertarianize the GOP
Your handle is interesting in itself. Yes, some money spent on imported pot finds its way into terrorist hands, as did money for speakeasy drinks during prohibition.
A) as a legal product, the Columbian narco-terroristas would be as out of luck as a 30's bootlegger.
B) By the best estimates I read, about 50% of hooch consumed in the US is grown in back yards, basements, or spare bedrooms. It has been many years ago, but I speak from experience, the weed is incredibly easy to grow.
Sorry, but banning marijuana is on a par with repealing the law of gravity to aid fuel efficiency. It CAN'T BE DONE. The Columbians have made a good faith effort and it has cost them the lives of their best and brightest. Imagine if we had had any group for any reason come in and assasinate half of our Supreme Court Justices, not to mention the various and sundry mayors, prosecutors and family members of same. All this considered, I am astonished the Columbians bother to pretend to take us seriously anymore.
posted on
05/06/2004 6:49:23 PM PDT
To: barkeep
Banning marijuana does nothing but cost the government money (courts, prisons) and make bad guys RICH. If we reverse the situation, government could tax it, make a ton of money, and eliminate the deadly black market.
By the way, anyone who has done both knows that alcohol is FAR worse than pot, leading to much greater physical impairment. I say legalize weed, tax it, let people smoke it in their own homes, and raise the penalty for driving under the influence of any drug 1000%. Leave people free to get high/drunk on their own property, but the second they endanger anyone else, they must pay a hefty price.
posted on
05/06/2004 7:21:08 PM PDT
("Greedy capitalists get money by trade. Good liberals steal it." – David Friedman)
To: Capitalism2003
Amen, my friend! I know people who have more or less regularly smoked the demon weed for 30 some years and are otherwise responsible, tax-paying, child-raising, volunteering citizens of our community. In that they keep this habit to themselves, in their homes, they don't trouble the law and the law don't trouble them. Having had experience with both over my long and speckled carreer, I will tell you, flatfooted, standing before God incarnate, alcohol will get you in more grief than pot ever thought about
posted on
05/06/2004 8:17:45 PM PDT
To: freepatriot32
No pot smokers are not Terrorist. Anyone who smokes pot can not be smart enough to ever pull off a terrorist act. They are how ever loser and a drag on our culture.
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