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Our Glorious Gospel
Answers For Today ^ | Chuck Smith

Posted on 01/06/2004 6:08:05 PM PST by P-Marlowe



18. Our Glorious Gospel

When Jesus began His public ministry, He went into the synagogue in His hometown of Nazareth. He was handed the Scriptures. He turned to the Book of Isaiah and read this portion to them:

The spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (Isaiah 61:1-2a).

After reading it, Jesus closed the book and said, "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears" (Luke 4:16-21).

Jesus closed the book after the reading, but Isaiah's prophecy doesn't stop there. Let's read on.

And the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, that garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified (v. 2b-3).

The glorious "good tidings" that we proclaim to you today is God's glorious message to man. In a world filled with so much misery, strife, and trouble, it's good to hear some good news for a change.

Message for the Meek

Reading the newspapers or watching the news on TV gives a sad commentary upon man's existence. Oh, how ready we are for some good news! The Gospel is good news, but who is it for?

In reading from Isaiah, Jesus declared, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach good tidings," the Gospel "unto the meek." The Gospel is for the meek, those who are conscious of their inadequacies and needs and are reaching out for help. The best way to understand the word "meek" is to separate it: me...ek. When I realize how "eeky" I am, I know what meek is all about. The Gospel is for those who recognize their need for something more, who are dissatisfied with their current status, who desire a better life.

Many people today are very satisfied with their lives. They're satisfied with their possessions and situations. The Gospel isn't for them. Other people today are extremely proud of themselves. The Gospel isn't for them, either.

The Gospel Message

What does the Gospel do? First, it is meant "to bind up the brokenhearted." We've seen Valentine's Day cards that show broken hearts. Sometimes the heart is broken through the middle and sometimes it is totally fractured. Our hearts often break because of unreciprocated love. We have a deep love for another, but it's not received and accepted. This causes our hearts to break. I wonder how many times God's heart is broken over us.

Our hearts often break over our own failures and weaknesses. We promise ourselves that we'll do certain things, but we don't seem to be capable of achieving them. So, we experience heartbreak over our inadequacies. Our desire to be what we apparently can't be and to achieve what apparently is beyond our capacity causes personal heartbreak.

The Gospel has come to bind up the brokenhearted, to let us know that we can be what God would have us to be. The good news is that we can achieve, attain, and experience a love that flows and flows and doesn't quit. The second thing that the Gospel does is "to proclaim liberty to the captives." Paul spoke of those who had fallen in the snares of the devil and had been taken captive by the devil against their will (II Timothy 2:26). Many people today have fallen into the snare of the devil and have been taken captive by the devil against their own will. In another passage Paul referred to those "who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage" (Hebrews 2:15).

We often use the term "free moral agent," but it's almost a misnomer. To say that a man is a free moral agent when he cannot help but do the things he does is a contradiction. If some compelling force is driving you to do things even when you don't want to do them, you're not free. You're a captive.

Sin often comes to you with a sugar-coated covering. You taste it and "Wow!" you plunge right into it. After the sugar is gone, you taste the bitter portion and try to spit it out. But now it's lodged in your throat and you can't get rid of it. If you're controlled by a cigarette habit or if you've got to have a drink, don't tell me you're a free moral agent. You're a captive - and the bitterness is just pouring into your system.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ has come to set free those who are captive. He can break every snare and deliver men from all the bondage of corruption that has held them in its power.

The third thing the Gospel does is "the opening of the prison to them that are bound." Today the Gospel will open the prison that you find yourself in.

When we were in Ecuador, the missionaries told us that if we get involved in a car accident, even if it's not our fault, the best thing to do is to go immediately to the airport and catch the next plane out of the country. When you're involved in an accident down there, guilty or innocent, you'll land in jail. You have to stay in jail until you can prove you're innocent, but you may not get a court date for five years. And in Ecuador they don't feed the prisoners. Someone on the outside has to feed you or you'll starve to death. And that's one of the nicer things about the jails.

I've also heard about the Mexican jails. If you get thrown in, your influence in the United States doesn't mean anything to the judge. They say the best thing is to stay out, because once you're in, you're really in. I don't know how true that is, but I don't want to experiment to find out.

Let's say that you're in jail in Mexico. You've tried every way to get out. You've written to the Mexican government, the American consulate, the UN. You've done everything, and you've finally concluded that you're not going to get out. So now you want to escape. Someone comes along and says, "I have a friend who can get you out."

"How can your friend get me out? Man, I've tried everything."

"He can."

"What makes you so sure?"

"He's freed thousands of others." Really! What do I have to do?"

"Just trust him." "But how's he going to do it?"

"I don't know. He has his own ways. But I know he can."

"But if I don't know how he does it, I'm not sure I want to trust him."

"It's your choice, friend. Either rot in jail or take a chance."

We find ourselves in the prison of our own lust and sin. The good news comes that there's One who can deliver us, set us free, open the doors of the prison and liberate us. But we've got to put our trust in Him completely. We've got to commit ourselves totally into His hands, trusting that He can do what He has promised. We can be assured that He's already delivered thousands out of that same jail. He has set multitudes free from the bondage of sin. He can set you free today from your prison, if you'll give Him a chance.

There is an urgency in this Gospel of Jesus Christ. "...To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." Though the Lord is offering you this freedom today, His offer is subject to withdrawal at any time. You see, Jesus Christ is under no obligation to save you at all. He doesn't owe you anything. His offer comes to you strictly because He is so good and loving that He hates to see you in a mess. So He offers to set you free.

However, this offer will be withdrawn - just when, we don't know. God told Noah, "My spirit shall not always strive with man" (Genesis 6:3). If you reject His offer today, you can't be sure whether the offer will be good tomorrow. "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (II Corinthians 6:2). "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near" (Isaiah 55:6). "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them" (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

We proclaim to you "the acceptable year of the Lord." "Now is the accepted time." Now is the time for you to receive this glorious Gospel. Now is the time for you to be set free.

There is coming a "day of vengeance of our God" (Isaiah 61:2). His offer will then be withdrawn and men shall experience nothing but what they justly deserve for their sins: the "day of vengeance of our God."

The Gospel Power

What will the Gospel do for you? Verse 3 reads: "to give unto them beauty for ashes..." I love the power of the Gospel! I've seen the effects of the Gospel, and I've seen it bring beauty for ashes. Some people are burned out, wasted, and destroyed. I've seen the Spirit of God take those burned-out lives and remake, remold, and reshape them into new and beautiful men and women.

I think of Mike MacIntosh, the pastor of our church in San Diego. When Mike first came to church, he was totally burned-out. He had taken so much acid and speed that he thought a bag was over his head and a .45 pistol was going off inside his brain. He would hear the explosion over and over. As I watched this handsome but totally burned-out young man, I wondered if he would ever recover from the damage done to his brain cells. I saw God take these ashes and begin to work with them - mold, shape, and change. I saw God restore Mike's wife and children. I saw God restore all that he had lost through his own folly.

Today, I see that beautiful young man standing before a glorious congregation in San Diego, with the glow of Jesus on his face and the love of Christ radiating from his life. I realize the power of the Gospel gives "beauty for ashes."

"The oil of joy for mourning" (Isaiah 61:3). Many people today find themselves in deep depression and sorrow of heart, grieved not only over themselves and their inadequacies, failures, and inabilities to cope, but with all of society. Our glorious Gospel gives "the oil of joy for mourning." It will lift your life from depression, sorrow, despair, and despondency to joy and hope.

The Gospel will also give you "the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness" (Isaiah 61:3). Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy leaden..." (Matthew 11:28). If the burden you're carrying is heavier than you can bear, if you feel pressed down by life and by your circumstances, our glorious Gospel will fill your heart and life with praises unto God. How glorious to see people who once wallowed in the dejection and hopelessness of this world now walk with a spring in their steps, a smile on their faces, and the garment of praise covering their lives. That's the elect of this glorious Gospel.

The Gospel Glory

What is the purpose of the Gospel? That we "might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified" (Isaiah 61:3). God has done His work so that we might glorify Him. "To God be the glory, great things He hath done." As we see lives change - men and women set free and remade through the power of Jesus Christ, born again by the Spirit of God - we give glory to God for His work. These hopeless lives are now "trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord." The changes are God's work wrought in them, and there is no other explanation for it.

So often a man who has fought against alcoholism has been defeated by it. His life is burned out, and he's now an outcast. You see him in the street in his pitiful condition. He has cried out for help. His family has tried to help him. But finally everyone has given up, and we call him a bum. As the power of the Gospel touches the ashes of his life and begins to turn him around, it changes and sets him free. The Gospel liberates him from that prison and makes of him a glorious person, beautiful to behold, a tower of strength within the community.

Only the Gospel can do that, and only God can be glorified for it. That's the purpose of the Gospel.

The Gospel Truth

You ask, "Just what is the Gospel, the good news?" Just this: Though you have failed and sinned, God loves you. God loves you so much that He sent His Son to set you free from your prison. If you'll put your trust completely in Him, He'll free you today, change your life, and make you what God wants you to be.

We have a glorious Gospel, but there's only one difficulty. To be effective it has to be applied. A fellow once asked a minister, "If your Gospel is so great, why isn't everyone a Christian?" The pastor responded, "If soap is so good, why isn't everyone clean?" Does the fact of dirty people testify against the value of soap? No. It works, but you have to apply it.

Have you?



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To: Vernon
***Do you have even a clue who those people are?***

Yep! So far, you have demonstrated yourself to belong to Pelagius. If we discussed the Atonement, you would probably belong to Grotius. And, most of the rest of the non-Reformed Methodists to whom I've taked on this forum belong to Boyd. xzins even flirted with it himself for a while.

1,981 posted on 01/22/2004 11:51:40 AM PST by CCWoody (Recognize that all true Christians will be Calvinists in glory,...)
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To: Revelation 911
***So what if vern is in error - do we smack him - or do we treat him in a manner that will garner a positive response?***

I know the favorite method among the luv bunch is to simply luv 'em. Perhaps you should continue to wink at his errors. I'm sure that will bring him around.

1,982 posted on 01/22/2004 11:54:52 AM PST by CCWoody (Recognize that all true Christians will be Calvinists in glory,...)
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To: Revelation 911
LOL! The jars o' venom would get a bit scary paired with banjos. :-) What I found interesting was that the snake handlers simply went by the title Holiness. So they sort of picked up some of the Methodist (including all offshoots) teachings but liked the snakes too much to give them up.
1,983 posted on 01/22/2004 11:55:07 AM PST by CARepubGal
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To: Revelation 911
Besides - they freak when we yank out the rattlers and king snakes

Hey! That's my line!

1,984 posted on 01/22/2004 11:55:36 AM PST by Corin Stormhands (Virginia Senator John ChaChingChester is TAXING my nerves.)
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To: Revelation 911
Sounds like something out of Sci Fi.
1,985 posted on 01/22/2004 11:55:47 AM PST by CARepubGal
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To: Alex Murphy
You're arguing that a good smack never garners a positive response?

did your father start with kind words and gentle correction or did he break out the wooden spoon immediately?

Alex - It's generally not a good starting point though

I dont rule it out - shouldnt be a first course of action though

now a spanking is something else entirely ;-P- grrrr baby

1,986 posted on 01/22/2004 11:57:35 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: CCWoody
I know the favorite method among the luv bunch is to simply luv 'em. Perhaps you should continue to wink at his errors. I'm sure that will bring him around.

always the sassy one -

hey - If I whack him - would he be "method-dissed"?

1,987 posted on 01/22/2004 11:59:37 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Corin Stormhands
Hey! That's my line!

props to corin in the 'hood

1,988 posted on 01/22/2004 12:01:01 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: CCWoody
Well Woody, since you seem to know so much about us, I would refer you to the Book of Discipline, Part II. Our Doctrinal Standards and Theological Task Par. 14, Section 4, "Our Ecumenical Commitment," to wit:

Ecumenical Commitment

Christian unity is founded on the theological understanding that through faith in Jesus Christ we are made members-in-common of the one body of Christ. Christian unity is not an option; it is a gift to be received and expressed.

United Methodists respond to the theological, biblical, and practical mandates for Christian unity by firmly committing ourselves to the cause of Christian unity at local, national, and world levels. We invest ourselves in many ways by which mutual recognition of churches, of members, and of ministries may lead us to sharing in Holy Communion with all of God’s people.

Knowing that denominational loyalty is always subsumed in our life in the church of Jesus Christ, we welcome and celebrate the rich experience of United Methodist leadership in church councils and consultations, in multilateral and bilateral dialogues, as well as in other forms of ecumenical convergence that have led to the healing of churches and nations.

We see the Holy Spirit at work in making the unity among us more visible.

Concurrently, we have entered into serious interfaith encounters and explorations between Christians and adherents of other living faiths of the world. Scripture calls us to be both neighbors and witnesses to all peoples. Such encounters require us to reflect anew on our faith and to seek guidance for our witness among neighbors of other faiths. We then rediscover that the God who has acted in Jesus Christ for the salvation of the whole world is also the Creator of all humankind, the One who is "above all and through all and in all" (Ephesians 4:6).

As people bound together on one planet, we see the need for a self-critical view of our own tradition and accurate appreciation of other traditions. In these encounters, our aim is not to reduce doctrinal differences to some lowest common denominator of religious agreement, but to raise all such relationships to the highest possible level of human fellowship and understanding.

We labor together with the help of God toward the salvation, health, and peace of all people. In respectful conversations and in practical cooperation, we confess our Christian faith and strive to display the manner in which Jesus Christ is the life and hope of the world.


Doctrine arises out of the life of the Church—its faith, its worship, its discipline, its conflicts, its challenges from the world it would serve.

Evangelism, nurture, and mission require a constant effort to integrate authentic experience, rational thought, and purposeful action with theological integrity.

A convincing witness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can contribute to the renewal of our faith, bring persons to that faith, and strengthen the Church as an agent of healing and reconciliation.

This witness, however, cannot fully describe or encompass the mystery of God. Though we experience the wonder of God’s grace at work with us and among us, and though we know the joy of the present signs of God’s kingdom, each new step makes us more aware of the ultimate mystery of God, from which arises a heart of wonder and an attitude of humility. Yet we trust that we can know more fully what is essential for our participation in God’s saving work in the world, and we are confident in the ultimate unfolding of God’s justice and mercy.

In this spirit we take up our theological task. We endeavor through the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the love of God given in Jesus Christ. We seek to spread this love abroad. As we see more clearly who we have been, as we understand more fully the needs of the world, as we draw more effectively upon our theological heritage, we will become better equipped to fulfill our calling as the people of God.

Now to God who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, to God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever. Amen. —Ephesians 3:20-21 (based on RSV)

1,989 posted on 01/22/2004 12:06:04 PM PST by Vernon (Sir "Ol Vern" aka Brother Maynard)
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To: Alex Murphy
Go ahead, try it. What ever you think will make you "right."
1,990 posted on 01/22/2004 12:09:54 PM PST by Vernon (Sir "Ol Vern" aka Brother Maynard)
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To: Vernon
Would you let a Bhuddist or a mormon or a JW lead a public prayer in one of your ecumenical meetings?
1,991 posted on 01/22/2004 12:11:31 PM PST by Wrigley
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To: Vernon; Revelation 911; xzins
I see a bit of the Great Commission there but not a word about fellowshipping. On a more mundane level, If you do fellowship with Mormons (JW's won't get involved at all), then why not add Wiccan priestesses, Satanists, Vodoun practicioners and all manner of different beliefs in the name of diversity to the acceptable list? You could very easily twist the BoD's admonitions and make that work if you were so inclined. That is a bad road to go down and is what the Confessing Churches seem to be trying to stop. Xzins? Am I correct?
1,992 posted on 01/22/2004 12:16:06 PM PST by CARepubGal
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To: CARepubGal
if you were so inclined.

youre quibbling over degrees of separation

are they both lost....yes

Is the mormon roughly hardwired for the program.....yes

Is the

The big giggle in free methodism is that RC make fine converts, as they are already wired

all it takes is that epiphany / rebirth

I say that with no derision of course

1,993 posted on 01/22/2004 12:23:30 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: CARepubGal
On a more mundane level, If you do fellowship with Mormons (JW's won't get involved at all), then why not add Wiccan priestesses, Satanists, Vodoun practicioners and all manner of different beliefs in the name of diversity to the acceptable list? You could very easily twist the BoD's admonitions and make that work if you were so inclined. That is a bad road to go down and is what the Confessing Churches seem to be trying to stop.

Sorry, but that does not deserve an answer. This has long ago reached the point of pure absurdity in an effort to put somebody down, and I will not be part of it.

1,994 posted on 01/22/2004 12:25:13 PM PST by Vernon (Sir "Ol Vern" aka Brother Maynard)
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To: CARepubGal
that said - I wouldnt be comfortable in "fellowship" with either
1,995 posted on 01/22/2004 12:29:44 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Vernon
How is that an insult? I think you are personalizing a question and twisting it to become more than it is. Do you consider Wiccans appropriate candidates for fellowshipping? Mormon belief and Wiccan belief are really similar.
1,996 posted on 01/22/2004 12:31:30 PM PST by CARepubGal
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To: Vernon
Uhhh...What are you trying to say?

The UMC does not view Mormon belief as being Christian. Plain enough for ya?
1,997 posted on 01/22/2004 12:34:31 PM PST by snerkel (1 Peter 4:14 "...on their part He is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified.")
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To: Revelation 911
1,998 posted on 01/22/2004 12:35:55 PM PST by CARepubGal
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To: snerkel; Vernon
The UMC does not view Mormon belief as being Christian. Plain enough for ya?

Without my going all the way back thru the thread again, did Vern ever say they did? I saw him saying that he would not turn them away from a community worship service.

I didn't see him asking them to sing in the choir or serve as deacons. In fact I think he was pretty clear about that.

1,999 posted on 01/22/2004 12:37:57 PM PST by Corin Stormhands (Virginia Senator John ChaChingChester is TAXING my nerves.)
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To: snerkel; drstevej; Vernon
***The UMC does not view Mormon belief as being Christian. Plain enough for ya?***

You need to put it in a song and get it into his Sola Hymnala.

2,000 posted on 01/22/2004 12:38:17 PM PST by CCWoody (Recognize that all true Christians will be Calvinists in glory,...)
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