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To: Snowybear

Drop 4748

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/23/2020 14:10:36 ID: 2481e5
Archive Bread/Post Links: 10756737 / 10757382
Direct Link: 10757382
No media coverage?
The same people who control the media are the same people who are part of the evil and corrupt system?
Crimes against Humanity.
You are not meant to think for yourself.
You are not meant to challenge their power [control].
Obey and accept.
Illusion of Democracy.
Illusion of Freedom.
Why does the media push division?
Why does the media incite violence?
Why does the media pit race v race?
Why does the media pit religion v religion?
Why does the media pit sex v sex?
Why does the media pit class v class?
Divided you are weak.
Divided you fight each other.
Divided you pose no threat to their system of control.
Controlled media plays a major role in shaping the narrative(s) to keep you powerless [helpless] and asleep [unaware of truth].

The above drop is an example of what our fight is about. Your posts about Durham are great and I thank you for making them, but Durham doesn’t have much to say, so there isn’t much to discuss. They’re trying to kill, maim and control us with the vaccines (see above Q drop) and the media is hiding their agenda and methods (see above Q drop). If they succeed in executing their considerable crimes against humanity (see above Q drop), whatever Durham is doing, no matter how important or corrective it might be, won’t matter.

My personal opinion is that Q’s messages are not simply about politics and political justice. They’re about waking up to the whole fake narrative (see above Q drop) and tearing down all the illusions of freedom (see above Q drop) and replacing the illusions with real freedom - political freedom, educational freedom, medical freedom, all freedoms. To do that, we need to understand their overall plan, inform each other, and stay united and up-to-date on their methods of killing most of us and subjugating the rest (see above Q drop). We are WAAAAY past this being simply a political fight. If Durham could indict and summarily convict all the conspirators tomorrow, humanity would still be in the same dangerous place we’re in. Durham is a very small piece of the fight and addresses only a small portion of the political problems.

That’s my 40,000 foot view of things. YMMV

1,336 posted on 10/11/2021 6:34:47 AM PDT by LittleLinda
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To: LittleLinda

Great Post re: Drop 4748
Thank You!


2,038 posted on 10/13/2021 9:34:36 AM PDT by EasySt (Say not this is the truth, but so it seems to me to be, as I see this thing I think I see #KAG.)
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