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Q Anon: 05/06/20 Trust Trump's Plan ~ Vol.244, Q Day 922 ^ | 05/06/20 | FReepers and FReeQs, vanity

Posted on 05/06/2020 9:14:04 AM PDT by ransomnote

Q is the result of the sacrifices and commitment of countless patriots to win back our captured country from the Deep State and achieve the transformation President Trump promised in this campaign video. President Trump has said the awakening of the public is key to this transformation.

Q describes this awakening as follows: 

"The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable. 

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. 

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. 

When you are awake, you are able to clearly see. 

The choice is yours, and yours alone. 

Trust and put faith in yourself. 

You are not alone and you are not in the minority. 

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day. 

WWG1WGA!!!" ~ Q (#3038)

We discuss Q drop content on our threads to learn the truth about the capture of our country, after a lifetime of reading, watching and listening to lies and distortions used to control us and tame the American spirit. The truth shall set us free. 

For summaries of Q drops (i.e., posts) discussed on our threads, I invite you to read the latest editions of The Oracle, which include helpful links and quotes to explain Q drop content. 

Q drops can be found here in their original format. 

Links to our Q threads, and Q drops posted on our threads, are listed in this table

The video, Qanon is 100% coming from the Trump Administration, is just one of many excellent responses to the all-important question, "Whom does Q serve?" Another excellent source for identifying Q's involvement with President Trump is found at the website titled

Q Boot Camp is a quick, condensed way to learn the background and basics about the Q movement. 

Q has reminded us repeatedly that together, we are strong. As the false "narrative" is destroyed and the divisive machinery put in place by the Deep State fails, the fact that patriotism has no skin color or political party is exposed for all to see. 

In the battle between Good and Evil, we can't afford to let false divisions separate us any longer. The changes heading our way and the information revealed will, at times, be very difficult to face, but we will face it together. We, and our country, will be forever made stronger for having reclaimed the truth and freedom of thought.

Where We Go 1, We Go All

Note: Links in the post above are included in a resource table linked in Post #2 below, along with many additional excellent links to the best Q analysts and information sources we've identified.

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Miscellaneous; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: bagsterisagoldengod; codeblinkers; humbleoutofkeywords; itstwuitstwu; jfkjuniorlives; maga; masksewingcircle; molechildren; noinsideinfo; q; qanon; qisdrudgelite; qodemonkey; trump; trustbarr; wishfulthinking
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To: smileyface; Cletus.D.Yokel

Someone up thread said that in DC there are no buildings taller than 7 floors. So agencies etc generally have their higher echelon peeps on the 7th floor, whether State Dept or other.

1,581 posted on 05/08/2020 2:08:38 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: Steven W.

Is there a link for the Motion to dismiss?

I heard part of Hannity on the radio today. I thought they were saying the 302 has been found. It was very unclear.

1,582 posted on 05/08/2020 2:09:14 PM PDT by DrDude (Its on! The Plan has been fully implemented. God Bless us all!)
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To: AZLiberty

You truly made me LOL.

1,583 posted on 05/08/2020 2:11:26 PM PDT by Bigg Red (WWG1WGA)
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To: xone

Drive-in Trump rallies?
Team Trump Considers Drive-In Theater Campaign Rallies After Coronavirus Destroyed His Preferred Option

1,584 posted on 05/08/2020 2:13:18 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: ransomnote; bitt
New Q 4161 ?

1,585 posted on 05/08/2020 2:14:11 PM PDT by TruthWillWin
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To: TruthWillWin

Disregard what?
What insertion was removed?
Enquiring minds want to know.

1,586 posted on 05/08/2020 2:17:57 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: TruthWillWin

Unrolled thread from Mike @ Doranimated.
I don’t know who Herminator is.

New @Heminator piece on the framing of Mike Flynn puts the spotlight on Joe Pientka, the most important guy you’ve never heard of. Here are some highlights:

New Red Flags Emerging From FBI’s Handling of Michael Flynn’s Case | RealClearInvestigations

Above, Peter Strzok of the FBI, one of two agents who interviewed Flynn. By Mark Hemingway, RealClearInvestigationsMay 8, 2020 The Justice Department’s closing of its criminal case against...

1) The FBI took 3 weeks, not the required 5 days, to write Flynn’s 302, the form on which FBI agents record the responses of interviewees. This is crucial. Interviews are not taped. With Flynn accused of the crime of lying to the FBI, this form & its author must be reliable.

2) Peter Strzok, the top agent who interviewed Flynn, heavily edited the 302, which by procedure was supposed to be written by the second agent present, whose job was to concentrate on note taking while Strzok talked to Flynn.

3) In one text to his lover, Lisa Page, Strzok tells her he is heavily editing the 302 form to the point, he says, of “trying not to completely re-write” it. Page, who did not attend the interview & who is a lawyer, reviewed the 302 form and made editing suggestions.

4) FBI personnel not present at interviews aren’t supposed to edit 302s, whose legal value depends entirely on being an accurate verbatim account.

5) During the process, Page texted her lover Strzok and asked, “Is Andy good with the 302?” – presumably referring to FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. This text suggests that Strzok doctored the 302 under the direction of “Andy” in support of his, presumably political, goals.

6) Former FBI special agent Thomas Baker said it was “not normal and suspicious” that it took 3 weeks for the 302 form to be filed.

7) For people who know the system from the inside, this behaviour is unthinkable. Baker: ”We never changed an agent’s 302. ... So for us to read ... that Peter Strzok said he virtually rewrote the whole thing – it damned them with their own words.”

8) James Galiano, retired 25-year veteran of the FBI: “For [Strzok] to send that 302 to Lisa Page, a non-badge wearing, non-credential-having FBI agent is unconscionable.”

9) Hovering over all the questions about Flynn’s 302 is the silence of the second agent, the guy who according to normal FBI procedures was supposed to write the 302. His name is Joe Pientka. Pay attention. We will be hearing it more and more in the coming months.

1,587 posted on 05/08/2020 2:20:44 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: little jeremiah

Here’s Herminator - Mark Hemingway Senior Writer at RealClearInvestigations. “After all these years of professional experience, why can’t I write good?” Husband of @MZHemingway

1,588 posted on 05/08/2020 2:21:49 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: conservativesister

TY for that perspective.

1,589 posted on 05/08/2020 2:25:45 PM PDT by freepersup (Sock it to me! BQQM!)
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To: numberonepal

Disregard what?
What insertion was removed?
Enquiring minds want to know.

I wonder if the Atkinson deposition was accidentally posted...#18

1,590 posted on 05/08/2020 2:30:17 PM PDT by StormFlag (the harder the conflict, the greater the triumph. George Washington. WWG1WGA)
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To: little jeremiah

I worked for a federal LEA in the early 80s and my office was on the 8th floor. I worked two blocks from the WH. I’m

1,591 posted on 05/08/2020 2:35:19 PM PDT by Calm_Cool_and_Elected (" Undecided Voter: someone who parades their stupidity as proof of their morality." ~David Burge)
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To: Calm_Cool_and_Elected

My knowledge and experience are limited to off-conus projects involving Clowns (no black ops).
It would seem that the Clown lingo “run that by the suits on the 7th floor” is ubiquitous among the Washington DC bureaus and agencies.
Maybe everyone else picked it up to try to be like the cool kids?
Face it, Clowns have always been the cool kids.
Especially the rank and file.
*excuse me while I turn Hannity down...*

This may be more correct if the Clowns are actually in charge of the entire IC.

1,592 posted on 05/08/2020 2:42:48 PM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (When we look to government to solve our problems, our "rights" become reduced to "privileges".)
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To: bigbob

I’m thinking some church needs to hold services with more than 50...let the cops shut ‘em down, then kill ‘em on constitutional grounds.

1,593 posted on 05/08/2020 2:51:23 PM PDT by stylin19a ( 2016 - Best.Election.Of.All.Times.Ever.In.The.History.Of.Ever)
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To: stylin19a

I’ve tried.
My pastor and executive council [spit!] ar e to busy cowering behind the governors edict to consider the Constitutionality of it all.
They keep mumbling about Paul and “authorities placed over you”.
Eisegeses is a the last cover for the weak minded.

1,594 posted on 05/08/2020 2:54:19 PM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (When we look to government to solve our problems, our "rights" become reduced to "privileges".)
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To: bagster

Gandhi...triggered memory

took a ride thru a neighborhood I was raised in 50+ years ago.

changed from Jewish to Heinz-57. saw a Gandhi restaurant.
my first thought was: “go in there and get nothing to eat”.

1,595 posted on 05/08/2020 2:55:31 PM PDT by stylin19a ( 2016 - Best.Election.Of.All.Times.Ever.In.The.History.Of.Ever)
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To: Cletus.D.Yokel; Steven W.

“7th Floor is a euphemism for the Top People in the CIA, not the FBI.”


You caused me to do some searching.

The 7th Floor is the Director’s suite of offices at CIA.

Oddly, however, 7th Floor seems to apply to FBI as well as CIA.

Here’s an example.

Here’s another:

As usual, Q is ambiguous, forcing us to study.

(Forget the State Department “7th Floor Group”—a Hillary carbuncle which Trump fired early in 2017.)

1,596 posted on 05/08/2020 2:58:41 PM PDT by Disestablishmentarian ("the right of the people peaceably to assemble")
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To: mbrfl

If we count on mail in ballots in NC, it will be bad. At least in Garner we are fortunate if our bills arrive correctly or a neighbor brings those misdelivered. They would have plenty of room for fraud..

1,597 posted on 05/08/2020 2:58:56 PM PDT by nclaurel
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To: Calm_Cool_and_Elected

I worked at Harry S Truman beginning immediately after 9/11...eight floors with a basement and sub-basement. We referred to the SecState floor as 9th floor...not sure why, but everyone did, so, so did I.

1,598 posted on 05/08/2020 3:00:32 PM PDT by IrishPennant (Proud yet grieving father of my precious child Jon Jon...)
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To: Cletus.D.Yokel

Judge Hale allowed the ban in Kentucky because KY didn’t discriminate.

My first thought was “I didn’t know there was a non-discrimination exception for the 1st amendment”

Then the 6th circuit appeals upheld the judge...

just shoot me

1,599 posted on 05/08/2020 3:01:36 PM PDT by stylin19a ( 2016 - Best.Election.Of.All.Times.Ever.In.The.History.Of.Ever)
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To: ransomnote; 103198; 31R1O; Hemingway's Ghost; acrolect; Aevery_Freeman; Airforce Sister; ...

Q Ping - NEW Drops

Q4154, Q4155, Q4156, Q4157, Q4158, Q4159, Q4160, Q4161

1,600 posted on 05/08/2020 3:02:41 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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