Posted on 11/07/2018 10:22:54 AM PST by Olog-hai
Normally, I’d agree with scientists....however, there is one odd part to this story...the object left going away, at a higher rate of speed, than when it approached. There hasn’t been a decent explanation laid out on why.
In france they associate ufos with a cigar shape.
I wonder if one of the scientists is french
I’d say slingshot effect.
There is more proof that this is ET than there is proof of global warming.
Mus not be any grant money on the table...
Im sorry, miss, but the solar sail rock is settled science.
Did they think it was coming to check on the humpback whales
“the object left going away, at a higher rate of speed, than when it approached. There hasnt been a decent explanation laid out on why.”
If Harvard wants to pursue studying aliens they should start with Obama and work their way up from there.
At least one of the Harvard scientists read ‘Rendezvous with Rama’.
If you notice in the above picture, the 'object' made a pass by the Sun.
This is the same MANEUVER that has been used for years by NASA. The spacecraft flies a circular path near a planet which CATAPULTS it to a higher speed. VOYAGER for example used several of these GRAVITY ASSIST MANEUVERS.
Say that reminds me. Lifeforce is free on Amazon Prime now.
It proved the theory that you CAN get tired of watching a gorgeous broad walk around buck naked.
I’m quite sure this will mean almost nothing to my FRiends,
but I work with “scientists” every day.
One thing I have noticed is that they are almost,
to a one, hard leftists
with CORE BASIC BELIEFS, including for instance anthropogenic global warming.
1. And they will never be wrong, no matter the evidence,
2. And they will never even THINK to admit to being wrong,
3. And they will never be EXPECTED to admit being wrong.
They are “scientists,” so THEY ARE RIGHT.
Squirrels are purple and eat filet mignon? Yes.
Yes, yes, yes. Because the “scientists” say so.
And if you know anything about that movie, you know why I brought it up. :)
Didn’t someone already ID the object?
According to sources it’s the Mother wheel.
More like pagan priests. Particularly when they eschew the scientific method all the time.
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