Oh yes - that’s another one. That radiation leak is continuing. They were tracking it for a while on the west coast, and then they quit-it was already near the top of what used to be considered acceptable.
You are right. We got notices radiation was coming - but then ..... nothing
Here are reports from 2013:
It was bad then I wonder what it is now? As you point out, the leak has not been stopped.
Here is a report from Science Alert Dec 2015. (I don’t know who they are - or how much integrity they have.) They are reporting that the radiation numbers are highest ever - nevertheless everything is hunky dory.
Here is CNBC lying to us in 2016:
...” Five years after an accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, some scientists continue to find found small amounts of radioactive material along the West Coast of North America. And some of them say we should expect to see this in the ocean for decades to come. Elevated levels found off the coast of Japan show that the situation is not yet under control, and that the facility is still leaking radiation.
But the levels observed near the United States are below very far below those set by health and safety standards, and are also far outstripped by naturally occurring radiation...”. Yeah. Sure.
I did another search and finally came up with some solid reporting from Adam Housley from Fox News Feb. a year ago:
Yeah. It’s bad.