Posted on 03/05/2018 12:05:20 AM PST by ransomnote
Another good point. Multiple meanings.
So we have N. Korea calm water.
Blue Wave for DEMS vote.
Potential Water poisoning.
Potential Tsunami from Nukes going off along the coast.
Potential Water shortages.
~ ~ ~ ~
GREAT Summary greeneyes!
I guess following is pretty much covered by the above, but I would like to add:
Water as commodity
Water as means of control
Water issues from some of the above perhaps being part of undoing of Hillary and the globalists?
Water problems/ issues associated with Steel problems/issues (destruction of Fukushima reactor and other sensitive infrastructure on or near water.)
Is that the authentic Q-Anon???
Thanks, baggie!
Not sure I understand, but I’ll struggle, OK? (Have not viewed it yet, but I look forward to it!)
Thank Q fatima!
ROFL!! Well, I’m doubly glad to have found you then! you must have the key to the cage of the Bluebird, right?
There there baggie.
Q is sending us his droppings in a regular flurry! It’ll all be ok.We all have work to do because of him!
Job security and all that!
Thanks for confirming that about the tariffs - I forgot the excise taxes.
Trade strategically critical goods and commodities where we lose production capability is in and of itself bad. As Ive discussed with many Freepers here over the years, its a strategic issue. We cant supervise and control quality production from other countries nor can we depend on a trade partner during times of war. Same thing with the oil pipline and centralizing all of our major refineries. Strategically foolish and intended to weaken us. For example, the chinese make many of our components for military equipment and we do not have the capability to produce those here. Do you suppose they will continue if we should go to war against their interests?
We didn’t feed them very much yesterday. We mostly stayed on target. I guess they starved!
But when we hit some more nerves, they’ll be back!
Or alternatively, maybe Soro’s check bounced!
(we can only hope! )
Soros replacing David Rockefeller IIRC.
OMG! What a waste! Those poor people never had a chance then. Gov’t sucks!
Are they sending it to the ocean, or bottling it for their own use when they trigger h3ll on earth?
Thanks for more clarification on the “who’s taking over the Rothschilds” question.
(No one.... soros taking over for another big guy. As I type this I seem to be recalling that Rockefeller died and Soros has his place now. Not positive, but I remember Rockefeller being bounced around in that discussion.)
There were lots of people and organizations who had motive to kill JFK, but not many who had the money to keep the witnesses silent for years afterwards. Perhaps the CIA could.
It was NOT Silver Certificates JFK had ordered to be printed, they were "United States Notes," no less Fiat Money than the Fed Fiat Money, but these were supposedly based on the Faith and Credit of the US Government and were issued by the Government. You could not exchange them for anything, but another US Note and a knowing smile they were really worthless. The real money Silver Certificates were going away no matter what. JFK was OK with that. He was just cutting out the Fed as a middle man who took a cut of the pie.
The last silver certificates were issued in 1964, shortly after Kennedy's assassination, but the legislation to end them and silver coins had already been passed and signed two years prior to that.
In 1965, the last 90% silver coins were minted.
By 1968, no more silver certificates could be redeemed for coin silver or bullion at all. They could only be exchanged for Federal Reserve Notes currency and the Federally licensed banks who got them were instructed to send them to the Treasury for destruction.
Kennedy DID order the printing of United States Notes which could be issued into circulation without being borrowed from the Federal Reserve Banks. . . which he apparently intended to substitute for Federal Reserve Notes which had to be borrowed into existence at a discount, creating a liability entry for the US Government. The US Notes Kennedy ordered were the largest printing of such notes (there had been more) ever ordered. It was an existential threat to the Fed. I think they took steps to end that threat.
Nixon finally took the US completely off the gold standard on August 15, 1971, IIRC, although some put that as late as 1973 when the Dollar became the oil standard... or even 1976 when the value of the dollar was decoupled completely from gold and allowed to float in relation to all other currencies in the world.
Jan 13 2018 22:09:38
I have had such a heavy heart for Californians who have had their water tampered with in that manner. I’m wondering if following would be appropriate for greeneyes’ list:
purposeful water removal/draught creation
One body was retrieved from the '47's wreckage by the SAR team. Later, a joint Lao-US team recovered the other seven bodies -- and all eight were positively ID as members of the A/C's aircrew by our ID unit in Hawaii.
Is it possible the four were a red herring?
Right after I posted that I thought of Trump’s recent action to restore the water rights/usage to farmers and land owners!
They’ll certainly be watching the water!
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