FOR OKLAHOMA AND TEXAS PARTICIPANTS - ALSO some contact info for speakers for folks in OTHER STATES who might want to organize a similar event:
There will be some noted speakers on the subject of Agenda21 at the meeting. “OCPAC” is an Oklahoman conservative organization. Names and some contact links are mentioned below:
sponsoring a one day seminar on the UNs Agenda 21. Speaking will be
Cathie Adams, President of the Texas Eagle Forum. She will talk about
the history and scope of Agenda 21 and discuss strategies to defeat
its agenda. Another speaker will be Donna Wilson, also from Texas. She
will discuss the Councils of Governments (COGS) and their role in
implementation of Agenda 21. Then Robert Semands, President of GEL
(Govern Edmond Locally), will talk about smart meters and the language
of Agenda 21. In addition, I just found out that nationally known
speaker and commentator Patrick Wood ( ) will
also do a presentation. It will be called: Encircling the Globe with
Agenda 21. About 2 and a half years ago we showed a DVD produced by
Mr. Wood at OCPAC which was just excellent.
For a long time now Agenda 21 has been operating under the radar and
therefore, it is high time we expose it for what it is and work to
defeat it. The cost to attend is $20 per person or $35 for a couple
(please make your checks payable to Denise Koch and send them to
Mallory Harvey, 321 84th Ave. NE, Norman, Ok 73026 or you can pay at
the door. Networking and small group work time will be provided, as
well as, Q&A opportunities. Seating is limited and lunch will be
served. For more information log on to Or call
(405) 360-1716. The location of the seminar is the First Assembly of
God Church, 2500 East Lindsey St. in Norman.
March 19, 2012
Irving, Texas, Becomes Latest City to Drop ICLEI & UN Agenda 21
Officials in Irving, Texas, recently decided not to renew the city governments membership in a highly controversial organization known as ICLEI, an international group linked to the United Nations Agenda 21working to quietly impose so-called sustainable development on local communities. Tea Party groups, conservative activists, and supporters of private property rights promptly celebrated the news as yet another victory in the battle against the UN plot.
After its membership expired in February, the city of more than 200,000 became the latest community to back out of the global scheme.
Read more at the link