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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...


Globalism / Great Reset -

Nearly 4 million fully vaccinated Australians are about to be declared unvaccinated as the government reduces the validity of the country’s green passports to just six months. Last week, the government, which is under the rule of unelected Chancellor Karl Nehammer, announced new plans that will force people into receiving additional vaccines in order to hold onto their green passes. This is despite the fact that the vaccines and boosters have not been protecting people from the virus.

Starting next month, Austria will become the first country in Europe to require all citizens to be fully vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated, including children as young as 14 years old, may be fined as much as 2,000 euros every time they are caught outside in public without proof of vaccination. Those who refuse to pay their fine will be placed in a special prison for people who are non-vaccinated for up to one year.
Austrian police are to considerably ramp up checks regarding COVID restrictions. The crackdown will even go as far as deploying plainclothes police to the streets to catch out those who might attempt to go about their daily business while avoiding officers, top Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung reports. Police have done 1.6 million checks since the start of the nation’s “Corona Apartheid‘ lockdown of unvaccinated individuals, Austria’s Interior Minister Gerhard Karner has said they will be ramped up even further. “It’s about taking action against those who do not adhere to the rules. And taking action with fairness towards those who support the measures,” Die Presse reports Karner as also saying.
OBSERVATION - Austria is one of many countries facing increased protests by vaxxed and unvaxxed alike over these mandates and the latest movement of the goal posts will only add fuel to that fire. It is also a test case of the GGR to force compliance on the population.

Harbinger to the US - Quebec’s premier announced that it would be the first in the nation to financially penalize the unvaccinated. According to federal data, just over 85% of Quebec residents had received at least one vaccine dose by 1 January.
Premier Francois Legault said during a news conference that people who have not received their first dose of vaccine will have to pay a “contribution”.
The fee has not yet been decided, but will be “significant”, he said.
“I think right now it’s a question of fairness for the 90% of the population who made some sacrifices,” Mr Legault said. “I think we owe them this kind of measure.” Last week, the province announced that it would require proof of vaccination to shop in government cannabis and liquor stores.
OBSERVATION - This is a loophole the covid cultist corner of the GGR will increasingly use against resisters.


Wuhan virus -

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reportedly considering altering it’s masking guidance to recommend individuals wear “highly protective N95 or KN95 masks,” the Washington Post reported on Monday.
Citing an official “close to the deliberations who was not authorized to speak publicly,” the Post reported that the federal health agency is considering the recommendation change in the wake of the highly contagious omicron variant, despite the fact that it appears to be a more mild form of the illness.

Omicron is continuing to vex the covid cult. Guidance form the CDC over this very mild variant has been very disjointed and democrats are fearing that it is causing the narrative to fall apart. In front of a congressional committee, the CDC chief waffled about new quarantine and other guidance. Democrats also fear this will further degrade public confidence in the agency and the administration’s handling of the disease.

Economy -

BREAKING - December inflation numbers are out and tell us what we know already. Inflation jumped in December at its fastest year-over-year pace in nearly four decades, surging 7% and raising costs for consumers, offsetting recent wage gains. Excluding food and energy, CPI rose by 5.5% YoY. A Fed response, with 7% inflation, gauged by economists using the Taylor Rule model suggests a Fed Funds Target rate of … 17.84%. Bear in mind that the current target rate is 0.25%.
OBSERVATION - Threat of a severe recession / depression has hit a new high note. The Fed cannot risk raising rates to 17% range, for if they do the economy will crash like the Hindenburg.

Worth a revisit since it was a major concern before it was over whelmed by other news and that was the concerns over mass evictions once the eviction moratoria was lifted. It is now about five months after the federal ban was lifted and nothing like what was warned about has occurred. Multiple reasons probably combined to limit this.
- One explanation, particularly in liberal circles, claims that the eviction tsunami never reached shore because the steps the government took to prevent it actually worked. The moratorium kept people in their homes while they worked on ways to avoid being removed. Federal payment programs provided through the relief bills helped people mostly keep up with their rent, including rental assistance, stimulus payments, and enhanced unemployment benefits that allowed people to stay in their apartments.
- Another is that state and local moratoriums stepped in and prohibited evictions. This delayed actions and permitted other relief measures to act.
- Another theory put forth suggests that the eviction tsunami actually did arrive and it’s been going on for a while now, except we can’t see it. They point to landlords who stopped performing maintenance for delinquent renters, rendering their homes unlivable. Others would change the locks on apartments without notice, forcing the tenants to go elsewhere. I’m sure some of that was indeed taking place, but if it was really happening in large numbers, wouldn’t we be seeing a sharp increase in homelessness by now? The available data doesn’t seem to support it.
- Still others think there are societal explanations. Perhaps the smaller, mom-and-pop landlords (who account for roughly half of all US rental units) were more understanding of people who fell behind and were more willing to give them time and work with them. Perhaps some of them genuinely liked their tenants and didn’t want to have to start a search for someone new who might not be as nice.
Most likely a combination of the above. However, hindsight suggests that the issue may have been over hyped by both sides.

Invasion of Illegals -

More than 800,000 noncitizens and “Dreamers” in New York City will have access to the ballot box — and could vote in municipal elections as early as next year — after Mayor Eric Adams allowed legislation to automatically become law Sunday. Unless a judge halts its implementation, New York City is the first major U.S. city to grant widespread municipal voting rights to noncitizens.
More than a dozen communities across the U.S. already allow noncitizens to cast ballots in local elections, including 11 towns in Maryland and two in Vermont.
OBSERVATION - Deliberate dilution of citizen votes by an easily guided noncitizen component is a work around by the left to current refusals to grant citizenship too illegals. The clear danger is that they will cross over to national elections.

DHS cannot account for 50K illegals released into the US last year.

Biden watch -

Pounding his fist for emphasis, President Joe Biden challenged senators on Tuesday to “stand against voter suppression,” urging them to change Senate rules in order to pass voting rights legislation that Republicans are blocking from debate and votes. “I’m tired of being quiet!” he shouted. “I will not yield. I will not flinch.”
OBSERVATION - The assault on the filibuster rules will only intensify as the midterms approach.

CW2/Domestic violence -

The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department’s top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an “elevated” threat from violent extremists in the United States.
Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen, testifying just days after the nation observed the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, said the number of FBI investigations into suspected domestic violent extremists has more than doubled since the spring of 2020.
“We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies,” Olsen said.
OBSERVATION - We all know that the ‘terrorists’ are red blooded Americans. Ever since 0bama, deep staters have been looking for ways to target us. One more step where the govt has made nearly half the country enemies of the state.

Sen Cruz asked if any FBI agents or confidential informants committed acts of violence on that day, or actively encouraged or incited crimes of violence, questions with ill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the National Security Branch of the FBI, declined to answer.
OBSERVATION - Silence is loud and FBI involvement in patriot related movements from Malhure to the more recent conspiracy to kidnap the Michigan Governor is becoming more apparent that the agency is becoming an entrapment organization and fielding agent provocateurs. See DOJ domestic terror above.

Domestic Terror -

See Afghanistan

Strategic Activity / Deployments -

Special Forces candidates will participate in the two-week Robin Sage training exercises in which they will practice overthrowing illegitimate governments. Robin Sage places soldiers in a ‘politically unstable’ fictional country and uses ‘unconventional guerrilla warfare’ to defeat a ‘numerically superior enemy’
OBSERVATION - many pundits are raising red flags over this exercise in light of current political climate in the US, that the exercise encourages soldiers to target civilians . This is a recurring exercise as noted for SF candidates.

North Korea -

Kim Jong Un attended Tuesday’s “hypersonic missile” launch, North Korean state media report. It is the first time Kim has been shown attending a missile launch in nearly two years. After watching the test, Kim urged military scientists to “further accelerate the efforts to steadily build up the country’s strategic military muscle both in quality and quantity and further modernize the army,” KCNA news agency reported.

Russia -

INCREASED WARNING ONGOING - OSINT and other analysts are noting the continued build up of military assets that go far beyond those necessary for a military ‘exercise’. Putin has seriously deployed for combat and can execute several options at any moment.

Observers are noting departures from the bases of all four armies of Russia’s Eastern Military District. Some trains are already seen further west than the EMD, suggesting unusual redeployment. Videos show elements of the 5th, 29th, 35th, and 36th Combined Arms Armies heading west on trains, but their ultimate destination is so far unknown. Forward staging of these units with no announced military exercises points to Russia’s quiet wartime preparations.

OBSERVATION - Initially some thought this was in response to the situation Kazakhstan. I’m thinking this may be a fill in for the units currently deployed to Ukraine border as a strategic reserve. If this is the case, this suggests that Russia may be leaning towards the whole Ukraine capture scenario and expecting significant NATO response.

The Kremlin said on Tuesday it saw no reason to be optimistic after Monday’s talks on Ukraine and wider European security with the United States in Geneva.
Speaking to reporters on a conference call, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said it was too early to draw conclusions from the talks, which he said had been substantive, direct and open.

Ukraine -

France is hosting a meeting between officials from Russia, Ukraine, and Germany to discuss the ongoing unrest and fighting in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced last night that his government was “ready to make decisions” aimed at “ending the war” in the eastern part of his country and potentially calming down Vladimir Putin to the point where he might start withdrawing some troops from the border. To be clear, this meeting is not focused on the Russian troop buildup on the Ukrainian border and a potential war that might ensue if Putin invades. They’re talking about the actual war that’s already taking place between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.
OBSERVATION - The Dombass fighting is definitely a lit match in the whole Russian / NATO standoff. Any ‘agreement’ to deescalate the combat there may provide a relief valve to the current Russian threats against NATO. Though is isn’t clear what the Ukraine is offering or may offer, if it cedes the Domabass region control to Russia, they may be satisfied that it provides enough ‘buffer’ against NATO.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan -

Taliban spokesmen are threatening to demand that they can essentially station suicide bombers to Washington, D.C if the US stations military forces at a re-opened embassy in Afghanistan. According to a December report, during ongoing talks in Doha, Qatar — where the Taliban government seeks international recognition — Maulvi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid, Afghanistan’s acting defense minister, said that if America wanted troops in Afghanistan to reopen its embassy there, the Taliban wanted an equivalent number of terrorists in our capital.
“If America wants 2,000 English [i.e., American] troops at its embassy in Afghanistan, we also want 2,000 Fidayeen Mujahideen [i.e., suicide bombers] from the Fateh Force at the embassy of Afghanistan in America,” a Dec. 11 tweet from Yaqoob read. MEMRI noted that “Fidayeen is another term used by jihadi groups for their suicide bombers.

28 posted on 01/12/2022 7:50:38 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla

N. Korea fires fresh missiles in response to US sanctions

5 hrs ago - By KIM TONG-HYUNG SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea on Friday fired what appeared to be two short-range ballistic missiles in its third weapons launch this month, officials in South Korea said, in an apparent reprisal for fresh sanctions imposed ... (AP)

29 posted on 01/14/2022 10:44:46 AM PST by LucyT
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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...

Friday update on Saturday. Life happened, trying to catch up.
Things are reaching a very crazy level all across the board.

Color Key
BLACK - An area worth noting, but not immediately impacting on US safety
BLUE - Incidents increasing and needing further monitoring, low threat to the US
YELLOW - This is the moderate concern level. Definitely becoming a threat but in the longer term.
ORANGE - A definite threat in both short term and long term. Some active events occurring
RED - Active and ongoing. Examples of this would be 2020 rioting, etc.


Globalism / Great Reset - YELLOW trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Global powers that be (GPTB) backing off from hyping Omicron given its underwhelming threat. Countries and the US are moving forward for harsher treatment of the Unvaxxed anyway.

Examples of this harsher treatment -
- The Make-A-Wish Foundation refused to grant 4-year-old cancer patient Rocco DiMaggio a wish to go to Disneyworld because he is not vaccinated.
- Ronald McDonald house kicks out a cancer victim and family due to not being jabbed.
- Organ transplant recipients being denied transplants until jabbed
- Others being denied treatment because unjabbed.
- Laws coming out to charge an insurance surcharge on those without the jab.
OBSERVATION - These are methods to subjugate the population and so far these elements are getting away with it. Expect the GGR powers that be to further persecution of the unjabbed as this year progresses.

Biden administration has tasked an obscure agency - Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia, an independent federal agency designed to aid Washington D.C. courts, to create the “Employee Religious Exception Request Information System” to track unvaccinated employees who ask for religious exemptions from President Joe Biden’s federal COVID-19 shot mandate. “The primary purpose of the secured electronic file repository is to collect, maintain, use, and—to the extent appropriate and necessary—disseminate employee religious exception request information collected by the Agency in the context of the federally mandated COVID-19 vaccination requirement,” according to the Federal Register.
OBSERVATION - I was initially skeptical about this until I drilled down deeper. This agency is legit and they are a catch-all for all kinds of miscellaneous stuff. Of course, there is no real reason for a database of this kind - except for later retribution purposes. Some consider it as a test bed for deploying the database across the entire US government - noting that the announcement was relegated to an obscure group and given just 30 days for public comment.

US Marines have granted the first two religious exemptions to wuhan out of the thousands of applications.

USSC overturns biden’s OSHA vaccine mandates (old news). Biden continues to demand private companies comply anyway - meeting mixed results.

Wuhan virus - YELLOW *last updated 12-10-21*
DISCUSSION - OMICRON is a big nothing burger. Globally there have been few fatalities attributed to it

OBSERVATIONS - The past couple days the news has been awash in amorphic wuhan news. Pushing high infections and hospitalization rates, down playing that there is a disjunction between CAUSED by wuhan and WITH wuhan (ie hospitalized for something else and diagnosed with wuhan as well.
OVERALL - Wuhan reporting has been a dumpster fire.

Biden administration continues to issue mixed messages and guidances. Most recent on changes by the CDC to quarenteen duration requirements.

CDC now recommends N95 masks to fight Omicron.

Some European medical groups are beginning to question the number of boosters being recommended. They are recognizing that the jabs are not working as promised and injections of more of the same are becoming harmful.

VAERS data base has over 1.2 million serious reactions listed to the jabs, including over 16K associated deaths.

CDC director, Rochelle Walensky, said that the “vaccines” “do not prevent transmission.” Revelation occurred on CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, where she said, “What [vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”
Walensky also said on Fox News Sunday. “In some hospitals that we’ve talked to, up to 40% of the patients who are coming in with COVID-19 are coming in not because they’re sick with COVID, but because they’re coming in with something else and have had to, COVID or the Omicron variant detected.”
OBSERVATION - The “narrative” is so contorted, they are losing the ability to keep their story straight .

Scottish Health data indicates that vaccinated population have accounted for 8 in every 10 cases, 7 in every 10 hospitalizations, and 8 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths since the 20th November 2021 despite the booster jab campaign.

Economy - ORANGE trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Maintaining color code pending first Fed rate increase. Increasing threat of deep recession / depression as the Fed tries to control inflation.

Prices at the wholesale level surged by a record 9.7% in December from a year earlier, with inflation evident at all levels of the U.S. economy.
OBSERVATION - These increases will show themselves in future months as increased product price inflation.

The number of actual Americans filing for jobless benefits for the first time spiked to 419k in the first week of 2022. That is the highest since May 2021.

Retail sales dropped 1.9% last month after rising 0.2% in November, the Commerce Department said on Friday. This covers the Christmas shopping season. Commerce Dept tried to blame it on supply chain shortages due to wuhan. Sales could weaken further in January 2022 due to continuing issues from wuhan.
Speaking of supply chain issues - China’s recent rounds of lockdowns have shut down shipping from key ports. So not only are material not going out timely, but Chinese imports are now diverting to Shanghai, causing the types of knock-on delays seen at US West Coast ports.

Invasion of Illegals - ORANGE trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Illegals continue to push across the border with record numbers of intercepts

Federal Judge ruled against Texan law arresting illegals for ‘trespass’ in an effort to stop their enforcement of laws and protection of its citizens.

Biden watch - ORANGE trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Mental facilities continue to degrade

The more biden is trotted out in front of cameras, the more his mental decline is reflected in his often confusing and contradictory comments become.

Approval polls show a continued nosedive in popularity. Thirty-three percent approve of Biden’s presidency, down 3 points from the last poll conducted in November, while 53% do not approve, a Quinnipiac University poll found. Another 13% did not say either way.

CW2/Domestic violence - YELLOW trending upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Jan 6 propaganda continues to come from the democrats. DOJ creates new domestic terror unit targeting Americans. BLM/Antifa quiet.

Seditious conspiracy charges have been leveled against a number of individuals associated with Oath Keepers, including the group’s leader for actions surrounding Jan 6 riot. Alledgedly FBI got their hands on an encrypted Signal chat between members.
Sedition charges are difficult to prove. The last seditious conspiracy case was filed in 2010 against members of a Michigan militia. But a judge ordered acquittals on the sedition conspiracy charges, saying prosecutors didn’t prove the Hutaree militia members ever had detailed plans for a rebellion.
OBSERVATION - I’ve not reported much on the Jan 6 motions other than they are a manifestation of the leftists in govt trying to take advantage of those events to make rightist groups illegal or illegitimate. My biggest concern is the access to Signal comms. IIRC a mole that was in the chat group was the source of the texts. If the feds were able to ‘crack’ the encryption then the most secure text system is compromised.

Poorly categorized here, a construction team appears to have begun building a wall on the White House’s north lawn between the structure and a pre-existing iron fence.
OBSERVATION - Very little has been released on the purpose of the fence but I suspect that its placement was due to riots that penetrated the fence and has the SS force Trump into the bunker.

POLITICAL FRONT - YELLOW *updated 12-10-21*
DISCUSSION - Democrat infighting increasing. Moderate democrats now appear to have torpedoed biden’s BBB and election “reform” HR1.

Schumer’s high pressure tactics to try to remove the filibuster is hitting the rocks.
OBSERVATION - Expect increasing pressure on Senators Sinema and Manchin. Also expect Schumer/Pelosi to try other means to weasel around the filibuster.

Strategic Activity / Deployments - YELLOW (UPDATED 01/14/2022)

USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) Wasp-class amphibious assault ship and USS Arlington (LPD 24) San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock were observed leaving Norfolk, Virginia - January 14
OBSERVATION - The Kearsarge Amphib Assault group are absent from the current Naval deployment update/status. Not listed in port or out to sea. USN hasn’t announced any deployments - yet. I suspect it is enroute to Europe, possibly to join the Truman CSG.

RUMORS - USS New Mexico, carrying Tomahawk cruise missiles that has been reported in the sea off northern Norway and is believed to be on its way to Russia’s territorial waters.

Cyber Warfare - YELLOW

Given the Ukraine cyber attack, a similar attack against the US by Russian agents as a precursor to any invasion would be expected.

China - ORANGE trending neutral to upward

Economic woes continue with lower than projected GDP reflecting self inflicted wuhan lockdowns and global supply/transportation issues.

North Korea - BLUE

North Korea fired about 5 missiles into the Sea of Japan over the past few days. This is an interesting departure from Kim’s earlier statement of focusing on internal economic and food issues. NKs Friday missile test was of its train-mounted ballistic missiles. It was conducted by the Railway-borne Missile Regiment of North Phyongan Province. NK warns of more if US continues to sanction the country.
US response to North Korea’s latest launch of ballistic missiles Friday called launches “destabilizing” although “this event does not pose an immediate threat to U.S. personnel or territory, or to our allies”

Russia - ORANGE and increasing *last updated 121021*
DISCUSSION - INCREASED WARNING ONGOING - OSINT and other analysts are noting the continued build up of military assets that go far beyond those necessary for a military ‘exercise’. Putin has seriously deployed for combat and can execute several options at any moment.

WEATHER - Next two weeks temperatures are with highs in the low 30’s and low in the 20’s, conditions that keep the ground frozen for armored vehicle movement. Snow is forecast over many days of the period and cloud cover approaching 100% on many days.

Current intelligence indicators of impending attack include:

- Increased reports of Russia trying to produce a narrative and even generated false flag events to justify invasion.
- Large cyber attack on Ukraine hit around 70 internet sites of government bodies including the foreign ministry, cabinet of ministers, and security and defense council.
- Military units I reported in my last assessment coming from the Eastern Military District have been noted by observers passing through the Western Military district along routes leading to the Ukraine border region. Three CAAs are currently staged and these reinforcements are coming from elements of four other CAAs (5th, 29th, 35th, and 36th ). Additionally, Pacific Fleet’s 155th Naval Infantry Brigade elements have been reported on trains heading west as well.
- Mysterious underwater cable severing to a key comms site.
- RUMINT from “Pravda” that a Russian boomer surfaced off the east coast of the US undetected.
- Separatist militaries in Luhansk and Donetsk are conducting their own corps-level military mobilization exercises and recalling reservists.
- Intelligence agencies monitoring Russian cyber operations against Ukraine believe Russia’s pattern of activity could signal a ground invasion of Ukraine within the next 30 days, the White House said Friday. “The Russian military plans to begin these activities several weeks before a military invasion, which could begin between mid-January and mid-February,”
- Movements of numerous helicopter and fixed wing assets closer to the border.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says Moscow has “run out of patience” with the West and expects a written response to its demands for security guarantees within a week after diplomatic talks with NATO and the United States failed to make headway on the issue amid a buildup of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine.

Further, Russia is threatening military deployment to Cuba and Venezuela. Other communist states like Nicaragua could be a target of other deployments.
OBSERVATION - Unless airlifted, any sea lift operations I’d expect would occur before Ukraine conflict, or at a later time to pressure the US from another direction.

Ukraine - ORANGE trending upward *updated 121021*
Increased potential of an attack by Russia.

Major cyber attack over the past few days. Large cyber attack on Ukraine hit around 70 internet sites of government bodies including the foreign ministry, cabinet of ministers, and security and defense council.

Biden has openly indicated material support for a Ukraine resistance force if Russia overruns the country.

Belarus - YELLOW *updated 121021*
DISCUSSION - Migrant ‘crisis’ has significantly decreased. Monitoring / evaluating if it will participate with Russia in an Ukraine invasion.

Poland - YELLOW trending upward *updated 121021*

Poland’s foreign minister said on Thursday that Europe was at risk of plunging into war as Russia said it was not yet giving up on diplomacy but that military experts were preparing options in case tensions over Ukraine could not be defused.

Europe General - YELLOW TRENDING UPWARD *updated 121021*
DISCUSSION - Increasing potential that NATO will become involved in an Ukraine invasion as Poland, Romania and the Baltic Nations respond.

Sweden (a non-NATO country) is reinforcing its position on Gotland Island with new troops ferried over tonight. C17 and US C5 MAC aircraft have also been observed landing at the island’s airfield. Gotland Island is a strategic location in the Baltic Sea that can control Russian naval movements thru the sea to the Atlantic. Official reasons are that Sweden has raised the readiness of military forces on Gotland due to rising tensions between Russia & NATO and the continued buildup of Russian forces on Ukraines border.
OBSERVATION - There is RUMINT out there that this is in response to three combat loaded Russian amphibious assault ships headed towards the island. There were also reports of Russian military vehicles moving about Kalingrade - possibly a contributing source of related concern. Gotland is usually not heavily defended - at least post cold war. Something triggered an alert and needs to be monitored.

Lithuania has increased their military readiness due to tensions with Russia according to officials

European gas storage has now dropped **below the 50% level**, the earliest the half-empty mark has ever been reached, beating the previous record by 7 days (and usually, it doesn’t happen until early-to-mid Feb)
The U.S. government held talks with several international energy companies on contingency plans for supplying natural gas to Europe if conflict between Russia and Ukraine disrupts Russian supplies

Israel - ORANGE trending neutral to upward *unchanged*
DISCUSSION - Ongoing threat from Hezbollah and Iran continues.


Iraq - YELLOW *updated 01/14/22*

Iranian backed militias have continued rocketing US bases and the Green Zone. At the same time, hit and run attacks have been made on opposing Iraqi militias. So far, no significant US military response.
OBSERVATION - Iran sees an opening as biden’s policies continue to crumble and displays military weaknesses. However, attacks against Iraqi elements increases the risk of civil conflict between the two factions.

Saudi Arabia - BLUE

Saudi’s reportedly developing long range ballistic missiles with China’s help to counter Iranian threats in the region.

30 posted on 01/15/2022 7:53:56 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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