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To: null and void; aragorn; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

HEADS UP - Today’s and tomorrow’s posts will be the last regular ones for at least a week. I’ll be getting a new knee and hospital time/ initial recovery will inhibit my work. I’ll still be monitoring and hope to have a crystal ball view of 2022 sometime between Christmas and New Years. BTW - don’t bemoan by surgery during the holiday season, I’ve wanted to get it done while my deductables are met and I consider this kinda as a present as i”ve been waiting over 10 years for these operations.

Wuhan virus -

Australia reported record high new COVID-19 cases on Saturday for a third day, with outbreaks growing in the two most populous states, however Prime Minister Scott Morrison continued to downplay the risks as the country eases pandemic curbs.
OBSERVATION - Obviously, the institution of wuhan ‘quarantine ‘ camps haven’t worked, and other harsh crackdown measures either have they.

The Omicron variant is “spreading at lightning speed” in Europe and will likely become dominant in France by the start of next year, French Prime Minister Jean Castex has warned. Nearly all European countries are instituting more restrictive measures to counter it. However, the severity of the variant continues to be mild with only one death still officially attributed to it.

At the epicenter of the omicron discovery, South Africa reported a much lower rate of hospital admissions amid signs that the wave of infections may be peaking, according to Bloomberg. Only 1.7% of identified COVID cases were admitted to the hospital in the second week of infections in the fourth wave, according to local data.
That’s compared with 19% in the same week of the third delta-driven wave, South African Health Minister Joe Phaahla said at a press conference.
This is all evidence that the strain may be milder, and that infections may already be peaking in the country’s most populous province, Gauteng.

World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness. Perronne was the Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health.
RELATED - Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”
OBSERVATION - Vaccine provides no defense against wuhan?

SPORT VACCINE IMPACTS - Numerous professional sports have forced their players to be ‘fully vaccinated’ and as such have created a kind of control group open for citizens to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines. Soccer players in Europe have been suffering an abnormally number of heart issues following the jab. In the US, basketball teams ‘fully’ vaccinated are postponing games because of infections. Things are not much better in the NFL with postponements of Raiders-Browns, Washington-Eagles, Seahawks-Rams games due to COVID-19 infections. The Browns placed more than 20 players on the reserve/COVID-19 list throughout this week, including 11 starters.
OBSERVATION - Pro sports teams were one of the first to jump on the mandated jab bandwagon. This makes the ineffectiveness of these ‘vaccines’ very visual where other break through situations can get buried in other news (if reported at all).

Globalism / Great Reset -

Fauci on Friday said the ongoing national surge in COVID infections could result in “more restrictive” measures being implemented.
During an interview on CNBC, Fauci said numbers are showing surges of both the delta and omicron variants.
“If the counts keep going up and the test positivity keeps going up, we may need to be more restrictive,” Fauci, the White House’s top medical adviser, told “Squawk Box.” “But for right now, people who are vaccinated and boosted should feel reasonably comfortable. The risk was never zero.”
OBSERVATION - The documentation is out there - vaccines are ineffective. But the threat of more ‘restrictive’ measures is ominous considering this is an election year and these measures generated a lot of questionable election law ‘changes’. Omicron hasn’t been the killer they hoped for so the fear factor is cranked up, ignoring the actual impacts.

MANDATE WAR - The Boeing Co. has suspended its own mandate for all employees to receive COVID-19 vaccines, citing a federal court’s decision to stop enforcement of President Joe Biden’s mandate requiring federal contractors to have a fully vaccinated workforce.
The 6th U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinnati has reinstated the Biden administration’s vaccine and testing requirement for private businesses that covers about 80 million American workers. The ruling lifted a November injunction that had blocked the rule from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which applies to businesses with at least 100 workers.
OBSERVATION - There has been a surge in companies pulling out of the biden/OSHA mandates. Not sure if this ruling will reverse the
trend, but things may stay on hold until the USSC decides on it.

IEA’s Coal 2021 report says global power generation from coal soared 9% in 2021 to an all-time high of 10,350 terawatt-hours. The rebound comes amid a rash of green policies and stupid political choices, such as decommissioning oil and gas-fired power plants and fossil fuel exploitation projects, ironically resulting in an energy crisis worldwide.
OBSERVATION - this is a set back to globalists as the stark reality that ‘green’ power cannot replace conventional power from fossil fuels. IMHO we’d be better off investing in newer, safer nuclear rather than solar/wind.

Economy -

The DOW wasn’t too happy with the Fed outlook Friday, dropping over 500 points.

Food is still in danger for 2022. According to the USDA, 53% of the winter wheat crop is affected by drought conditions. Meanwhile, the cost of fertilizer is skyrocketing, with a 131% increase in the cost of anhydrous ammonia, 110% increase in the cost of urea, and 120% increase in the cost of potash. Some farmers report paying three times as much for nitrogen. Higher fertilizer costs are pushing some farmers away from fertilizer-intensive crops, such as wheat, and into crops like soybeans. Other farmers say they will simply cut back on fertilizer use for spring planting, which is likely to drive down yields. Lower wheat yields will also mean increased demand for cereal grains like corn, which will likely result in higher prices all around. Additionally, Chinese officials have not yet reversed an export ban on phosphate and other fertilizer components. Those restrictions aren’t expected to expire until June 2022. Increased farming costs, shifts in spring planting, and drought conditions for winter wheat will keep upward pressure on food prices next year.(FO).

Invasion of Illegals -

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott announced on Friday that the construction of the state’s border wall has begun. The first wall panels have gone up in Starr County in the RGV. State land, state money. This particular contractor was building Trump’s wall until Biden cancelled them. Texas is also having to procure its own fencing to same standards Trump’s wall were made because biden will not release/sell the stacks of it sitting getting rusty following his shutdown of the project.

Biden watch -

More false memories. Biden issued a series of false remarks when speaking on a college campus Friday; claiming he helped desegregate restaurants and movie theaters during the Civil Rights Era.

CW2/Domestic violence -

Official results certified by King County Elections on Friday show Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant defeated an effort to recall her from office by 310 votes.
OBSERVATION - Open communist BLM Antifa supporting councilwoman. You get what you vote for Seattle.

Wealth liberals in the Bay Area are continuing to panic because crime is still spreading into their little bubbles of existence.


Conservatives have been establishing alternatives in the cybersphere and other outlets to put their message out following censorship from the major social media sites. Rumble, Gab, Mewe, etc have grown now to start challenging the left. Latest shock has come when Rep Nunes announced that he would retire in January to serve as the new CEO of Trump’s Truth Social company. The left cannot conceive losing control of their narrative and the conservative move to bypass the left has started some heads to explode.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed Tuesday that he is working with the social media giants to combat “misinformation,” Brad Stone, senior executive editor for Bloomberg News, asked Mayorkas if he considered “misinformation” a “part of your mandate at DHS, and how much resources are you devoting to fighting misinformation such as election falsehoods or Covid disinformation?”
Mayorkas responded: “I think that’s very much within, uh, our domain, uh, misinformation, uh, pointedly, disinformation have very serious and significant ramifications for homeland security. The integrity of our election system, the security of our election system is a prime example of that. And so, um, our office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans under Rob Silver’s leadership, CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency] under Jen Easterly’s leadership, uh, John Cohen leading, uh, the office of intelligence and analysis, uh, in an acting capacity, Samantha Winograd, a senior counselor to the Secretary and our Acting Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism, these are individuals very much involved in their respective workforces, very much involved in addressing misinformation, disinformation, and the threats that they pose to the homeland.”

Domestic Terror -

No school shootings following the Tic tok ‘challenge’ yesterday. Here in the Redoubt some schools had threats but nothing significant.

Strategic Activity / Deployments -

U.S. F-15s deployed in Campia Turzii, Romania to operate side by side with their hosts and the Italian Eurofighter detachment at Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base from December 18-22.
OBSERVATION - This places them capable to fly northward to support any NATO operation in Ukraine if necessary.

The Department of Defense is slowly releasing numbers on troop separations for vaccine refusal. Across all branches, around 8,000 service members are facing separation with the majority coming from the Navy and Army. No service is reporting a successful religious exemption filing to date.
OBSERVATION - Denial of religious exemptions is a continuation of the military’s purge of conservative / red state members of the armed forces.

China -

See SWIFT under Russia below

This week China carried out joint military exercises in the contested South China Sea in waters to the east and south of Hainan Island and in the Gulf of Tonkin. Simultaneously with the naval exercises, the PLA conducted airborne assault operations with paratroopers and drones on an island off the coast of China near the Taiwan Straits.
OBSERVATION - An indicator of progress towards an anticipated invasion are exercises. Scale and complexity of these exercises normally increase as they put the pieces together. An invasion operation of the scale necessary to capture Taiwan is intensely complex and China has very little experience coordinating all the pieces (navy, air, army) necessary to pull it off. Any screw up in that coordination can cause things to collapse. This is why many are thinking China is trying to gain surrender without having to do the military option.

India/China -

The U.S. Defense Department is newly concerned about China’s further military buildup near the demarcation line across its Himalayan border with India, a senior defense official told Foreign Policy, after Beijing deployed long-range strategic bombers to the area last month in another apparent warning to New Delhi. Current tensions find their root when armed Indian troops with bulldozers successfully forced a halt in the construction of a road near the Chinese-Indian-Bhutanese border at Doklam in 2017, a situation that embarrassed Chinese officials.
OBSERVATION - China has increased buildup in the region to include many military bases, civilian ‘villages’ and other infrastructure.

Russia -

INCREASED WARNING - OSINT and other analysts are noting the continued build up of military assets that go far beyond those necessary for a military ‘exercise’. Putin has seriously deployed for combat.
I’ve scrapped up some of the Russian order of battle being deployed.

Elements of the 8th, 20th, 41ST, and 22d Combined Arms Armies are deployed opposite of Ukraine. (NOTE - 41st added to the front line from reserve status) I suspect the 58th CAA(42d MRD) is in reserve in the Georgia region, with the 106th Airborne division in the Moscow region. Other potential reserve units consist of a mechanized infantry unit in Moldova (breakaway region of Transnistria - See Europe General below).

North to south - NOTE ; Tweaked the association and units with more recent information.
20th CAA (Northern Ukraine border)
- 144th Motorize Rifle Division (MRR)
- 3d MRR
- 106th Airborne division
41st CAA - Located on the eastern border of Belarus
- 1st Guard Tank Army are massing at Pogonovo, near Voronezh adjacent northeastern Ukraine; (SUSPECTED)
8th CAA (Opposite current Dombass conflict zone)
- Dombass ‘separatists’ An approximately division sized element that the 8th CAA provides command and control for the separatists/Russian forces in the disputed area.
- 150th MRD (consisting of two rifle regiments and two tanks regiments)
22d CAA (Crimea)
- 7th Airborne Division
- 810th Marine Infantry Brigade (Crimea)
- 3rd Air Assault Regiment (Crimea, airborne)

Russia proposes NATO not to deploy additional military and weapons outside the countries in which they were in May 1997. This Russian draft would mean leaving Baltics, Poland and the rest of the Eastern members to defend themselves alone from further Russian aggression.
OBSERVATION - This component of the Russian “proposal” will not go far. These countries clamored (as their right as independent countries) to join NATO and did. Absent NATO presence, Russia would be free to subvert these govts and if they want, military threaten them as they currently are with Ukraine.

RUMINT - More Russian military units have been sent to the border area in recent days, sources tell CNN. US and Ukrainian officials have also seen evidence that Russia has begun diverting commercial air and rail systems to support the military effort.
OBSERVATION - Trying to track these new units. Conversion of air/rail systems for military use is more concerning in the long run. This initially consists of setting up vehicles/equipment unloading facilities in forward areas to sustain combat.

Russia and China have agreed to create an alternative to the U.S.-backed Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system. SWIFT is the global messaging system that financial institutions use to clear payments. Proposed U.S. and European Union sanctions against Russia and Belarus would remove their access to the SWIFT system, and China remains vulnerable to removal from SWIFT, as well. Both Russia and China have been developing their own alternatives to the SWIFT system, in order to undermine U.S. financial dominance.

Iraq -

With the cessation of US military operations in Iraq, Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq have increased their attacks against US forces. The nature of these attacks are not specific but appear to be against logistical convoys and drone/rocket attacks outside Baghdad.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan -

Afghanistan continues to be a sore point for biden and more damage has come out. The Wall Street Journal reported last night that State now estimates that number of Afghan allies abandoned to be 62,000 . This figure does not include family members of those interpreters and other workers who supported US efforts in Afghanistan. The true number of people at risk of reprisals from the now-ruling Taliban (or others) may well go into six figures. And that also doesn’t include the 13,000 Americans — citizens and legal permanent residents — that remain stuck behind Taliban lines months after Biden’s bug-out.


Turkey -

Yesterday, the Turkish Lyra crashed - big time. The Central Bank of Turkey intervened in the foreign exchange market. Turkey’s BIST100 index fell 5%. The Turkish stock market hit a circuit breaker. YTD the currency has lost more than half of its value. The fall of the Lyra raises concerns of the collapse of Turkey’s economy and hyperinflation.
OBSERVATION - I”ve noted in the past Turkish economic woes that have increasingly put brakes on Turkish goal to become the next caliphate. This will increase internal unrest and likely result in initial new crackdowns on political opponents in the short term and growing anti govt protests in the longer term.

770 posted on 12/18/2021 6:59:11 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla

Thank you....and, prayers up for a successful knee surgery and recovery!

Take it easy, and, we’ll look forward to your 2022 views.

771 posted on 12/18/2021 7:56:52 AM PST by Jane Long (What we were told was a “conspiracy theory” in 2020 is now fact. 🙏🏻 Ps 33:12 )
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To: Godzilla

Best wishes for a smooth and successful surgery, an uneventful and swift recovery, and a new full range of motion, strength, and youthful comfort!

772 posted on 12/18/2021 8:02:19 AM PST by null and void (Newspapers, The Prints of Lies)
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To: null and void; aragorn; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; BusterDog; bgill; bitt; ...

HEADS UP - Today’s post will be the last regular ones for at least a week. I’ll be getting a new knee and hospital time/ initial recovery will inhibit my work. I’ll still be monitoring and hope to have a crystal ball view of 2022 sometime between Christmas and New Years. BTW - don’t bemoan by surgery during the holiday season, I’ve wanted to get it done while my deductables are met and I consider this kinda as a present as i”ve been waiting over 10 years for these operations.

Wuhan virus -

A study by scientists at the University of Hong Kong found that the Omicron variant of COVID infects and multiples 70 times faster than the Delta variant. But it replicated more than 10 times less efficiently in human lung tissue than the original COVID, which suggests lower severity of disease.
WORTH NOTING STILL - Since it was detected, there has been no increase in severe cases or deaths (only one identified dear associated with it so far), and most people who’ve caught it had mild or no symptoms.

Following the 6th Circuit court reinstating OSHA wuhan requirements, it announced that it could start issuing citations to companies as soon as Jan. 10 for failure to comply with a nationwide mandate that they either vaccinate or test regularly for COVID-19. The 6th’s decision is being appealed to the USSC.

Bloomberg report shows how the Center for Disease Control and Prevention massively overcounted the number of single-dose Covid jab recipients, causing both the unvaccinated and fully-vaccinated to be undercounted. CDC data show 240 million people with at least one shot, or about 72.5% of the population. But the agency says only 203 million are fully vaccinated, or 61.3%, an 11-percentage-point difference that is far larger than in other developed countries. State and local officials say it’s improbable that 37 million Americans got one shot without completing their inoculations. Instead, they say, the government has regularly and incorrectly counted booster shots and second doses as first doses.
OBSERVATION - An observation is that these fudged numbers were used to mislead Americans into thinking there are fewer unvaccinated than there really are, driving efforts to increase pressure for people to get jabbed.

President Joe Biden reportedly plans to make a major speech on Tuesday, which will include an announcement of new COVID-19 measures to address the “new phase of the pandemic” but also “a stark warning” to unvaccinated Americans.
The president’s speech is slated to be “on the status of the country’s fight against COVID-19, as the country sees rising cases amid the growing Omicron variant.”
OBSERVATION - Not sure if there other shoe will drop with his “stark warning”. Fauci made a similar warning. But it would follow the current trend of increasing vilification and punishment of the unvaxxed.

Texas has joined Oklahoma in rejecting mandatory jabs for national guard members.

Globalism / Great Reset -

On January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly will vote on a bill that would, if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.
The bill gives the Governor of New York, his or her delegates – including but not limited to the commissioner and heads of local health departments – the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order. The orders only have to include the individual’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”
The department can decide to hold a person or group of people in a medical facility or any other they deem appropriate. The language is purposefully vague.
Though the bill attempts to state that no one shall be held for more than 60 days, the language allows for court orders to waive this maximum detention time. After 60 days, the court is allowed an additional 90 days to consider the detention of an individual, a cycle that can last indefinitely per the opinion of the department.
It goes on to state that the Bill will “require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination,” essentially giving the government the right to detain anyone they want and forcibly vaccinate them.

OBSERVATION - Essentially wuhan concentration camps going further than Australian camps. NOTE that wuhan is not specifically mentioned but just any ‘significant threat to public health” Since gun violence has been called such a threat, it is conceivable that this forcible detention could expand to gun rights individuals and groups.

Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister (Tánaiste) Leo Varadkar has warned of a “long war” with the coronavirus, during which the government may allow only “periods of freedom” for the people.
Thousands of people have demonstrated against coronavirus rules in several major German cities, including Hamburg and Düsseldorf. Citizens have become increasingly displeased with virus-related regulations. Those who are against vaccinations are also up in arms over the possible introduction of compulsory vaccinations in the upcoming year.
Protest also occurred recently outside of Trudeau’s residence over impending lockdowns and restrictions.
OBSERVATION - Europe is inclined to maintain strict measures and are migrating to ever increasing forcefulness of jab mandated actions.

Green energy is the mantra for the great resetters. Kalifornia a couple years ago mandated that all new homes constructed include solar panels. Now that it is mandated, the state is preparing tax the wazoo out of the sheeples. California Public Utilities Commission is looking to add a $8 per month for every kW of generating equipment you have installed on the roof. In addition, the new plan will reduce the amount the power company pays you for your excess energy from about 25 cents per kilowatt hour (still less than what the power company charges you for a kilowatt hour of power) down to about 6 cents per kWh.
PERSONAL INSIGHT - When I was in Kalifornia, I had a 5.25 KW Solar system on a leased basis. The goal was to stabilize my average electrical bill at $145/mo or less. In reality my average bill dropped to the $120 range and maintained at a stable rate. Now this ‘fee’ would add $50/mo to my electrical bill (if I were still trapped there). This is on top of reduced power buy back that helped to keep my purchased power rates low. Now one can see this as an extension of the Global Reset to force people into their plans by increasing costs beyond what people can afford. BTW, there appears to be a ‘grandfather clause’ that would protect me but as Darth Vader said, ‘pray I don’t change the conditions further”.

Economy -

Dark clouds on the horizon as many economists look at the potential for three Fed rate increases in 2022 and the chance that it will cause the economy to crash.

CW2/Domestic violence -

The U.S. military must start making preparations for another “insurrection” after the 2024 election, according to a trio of retired military generals. Not limited to active duty, these generals also cast a warning towards former military saying “1 in 10 of those charged in January 6 attacks had a service record”
An op-ed published by the Washington Post on Friday called for action amid growing concern among former senior officials about the “potential for lethal chaos inside our military” in a flash of violence that could eclipse the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.
OBSERVATION - This is essentially a call for continued and even more drastic ideological purge of the military that was started shortly after Jan 6. There is little doubt that those targeted are essentially red state service men/women that form the backbone of the military. This op-ed further points out to the contamination of the general staff of the military with leftist/communist aligned ‘leaders’
Their purge includes former military as well - not a good tactic.

Strategic Activity / Deployments -

USS Truman CSG is operating in the eastern Atlantic Ocean just west of the Straits of Gibraltar.
OBSERVATION - Stated deployment to exercise in the Atlantic with NATO allies. This does place it only several days from a potential Ukraine response as well.

RUMINT of US M1 tanks being transported north out of Greece and into Bulgaria. Consider this info questionable as there is no verification of the observations this is based on .

China -

China’s Evergrande meltdown is spilling into other sectors of the economy. Now the steel sector is feeling the pinch due to the sudden cessation of the construction. Cement production, another construction material, was down around 16% for September-November year-on-year, and was lower versus the same period between 2017 and 2019. “Property construction has been the engine of China’s economy for over two decades now,” said Frederic Neumann, Co-Head of Asian Economics Research at HSBC.
“With building activity likely to remain depressed for quite some time, growth will inevitably shift down a gear or two.”
OBSERVATION - A few years back the first of the Chinese empty cities stories hit, now many of these cites are being torn down due to poor quality of construction. Property speculators like Everganade are into this projects big time. Now no new construction - no economic growth in related sectors.

Russia -

INCREASED WARNING - OSINT and other analysts are noting the continued build up of military assets that go far beyond those necessary for a military ‘exercise’. Putin has seriously deployed for combat.
I’ve scrapped up some of the Russian order of battle being deployed.

Elements of the 8th, 20th, 41ST, and 22d Combined Arms Armies are deployed opposite of Ukraine. (NOTE - 41st added to the front line from reserve status) I suspect the 58th CAA(42d MRD) is in reserve in the Georgia region, with the 106th Airborne division in the Moscow region. Other potential reserve units consist of a mechanized infantry unit in Moldova (breakaway region of Transnistria - See Europe General below).

North to south - NOTE ; Tweaked the association and units with more recent information.
20th CAA (Northern Ukraine border)
- 144th Motorize Rifle Division (MRR)
- 3d MRR
- 106th Airborne division
41st CAA - Located on the eastern border of Belarus
- 1st Guard Tank Army are massing at Pogonovo, near Voronezh adjacent northeastern Ukraine; (SUSPECTED)
8th CAA (Opposite current Dombass conflict zone)
- Dombass ‘separatists’ An approximately division sized element that the 8th CAA provides command and control for the separatists/Russian forces in the disputed area.
- 150th MRD (consisting of two rifle regiments and two tanks regiments)
22d CAA (Crimea)
- 7th Airborne Division
- 810th Marine Infantry Brigade (Crimea)
- 3rd Air Assault Regiment (Crimea, airborne)

Russian Tu-22M3 bombers patrolled border of Belarus with Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. This is a force projection not only against Ukraine, but NATO members Moscow wants to become essentially removed from NATO. The restrictions on former soviet states demanded by Russia essentially want to remove them from any meaningful NATO participation and essentially default any action to Putin. This further indicates that Russia will use Belarus as another front in any conflict with Ukraine.

RUMINT - Russian forces have been fitting separatist fighters with GPS trackers and sending them to probe Ukrainian positions bore starting shelling when they are killed, it has been claimed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet ‘’made a decision’’ on whether he will invade Ukraine, but is giving ‘’serious consideration’’ to doing so, according to the latest U.S. intelligence assessment, national security adviser Jake Sullivan told an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations, The Hill reports.
‘’I have high confidence in our capacity to see what has been a significant Russian military buildup in the vicinity of Ukraine and in Ukraine itself, in Crimea and other places,’’ Sullivan said.
OBSERVATION - I have serious concerns about the ability of US intelligence to ‘see’ what Russia is up to. Having been a cog in that process in the beforetimes , I think politics and globalist goals are driving the ‘interpretation’ of intel. After all , intel did so well predicting actions in regards to Afghanistan withdrawal.

Iran -

Iranian economic woes continues, with 50 Iranian deputies signing a petition calling for the dismissal of the Minister of Economy due to the deterioration of the currency.

Iraq -

Two rockets were reportedly fired at the Green Zone in Bagdad and intercepted by ada assets.

773 posted on 12/19/2021 6:36:36 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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