I heard a doctor (Dr. Elaina George) on the Bill Cunningham show last night. She said this Ebola isn’t acting like Ebola has in the past. She also commented that she’s not sure it isn’t spread via air (i.e. without direct contact), especially with the way it seems to be spreading and ‘acting’ with the current outbreak. She mentioned the pigs-to-macaque monkey study which did seem to show ZEBOV (Ebola Zaire - the deadliest strain of Ebola and the strain currently on the loose in this outbreak) infecting the monkeys without direct contact.
The two patients who will be at Emory (Writebol is on the way or soon to be, I think) are not the first Ebola cases in the US - they are the first human cases, but it’s been here in primates (Reston & there is an Ebola-Reston strain named after that incident).
Dr. George is EXTREMELY concerned about what is coming across the southern border. Potentially it isnt diseases that we have been vaccinated against that are the most concerning, but ones like TB which have developed multiple drug resistance, or tropical diseases such as Dengue fever that doctors may have difficulty diagnosing and there is no treatment for them.
Here is an article about possible air-born Ebola.
My friend got a reply from one of his buddies,,,, he aligns with ‘airborne’ and gives Good facts about why !
Lee.....you got my curiosity up on this one. I sent the message to one of my very close friends who is at least as conservative as you and I are. He is damn knowledgeable in this area.
He has about 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry at a HIGHLY technical level.........
Biology degree talking here. I sell drugs for a living. Here we go-
First off if you are a terrorist, BW (biological weapons) are the answers to all of your prayers. Cheap, easy to make, cause an exponential amount of damage, scare the crap out of people, difficult to defend against unless you are the Military, and most importantly you do NOT have to worry about killing your own people, societal decay after use, denial of use of area, cleanup, and so fourth. What you DO have to worry about is THAT SHIT WILL KILL YOU, you can NOT SEE IT, you can NOT TEST FOR IT EASILY, there may NOT be an ANTIDOTE for it, & if there is you better have some on you at ALL TIMES, and this is the key.... Listen up people, you better pray to God that you do NOT get the one BW strain that MUTATED so that YOUR antidote is ineffective! Remember you are making trillions to the trillions power copies, and when you do that you get mutations, and mutations have the effect of making your biological untouchable. So now, where is that book on chemical/nuclear weapons?????
BTW, there are 4 strains of Ebola (not 2), also called hemorrhagic fever (actually 5 strains, but 1 doesn’t affect humans.... Yet). Lethality is TRICKY to discuss, but ranges from 14% - >90%. Lethality is LOWER if you are from one of the areas where it is common, and much higher if you are from an area where it is not (like the US). It is a bio safety level 4 BSL-4 (highest level- only 15 complexes in America, 9 are Federal), and the highest Biological Weapons Potential.
Ebola was named from the 1st recorded outbreak in 1976 on the Ebola River. The Ebola strains that come from the Congo & the Sudan are considered unstoppable with a 90% lethality rating. Ebola is a “FILO” virus that uses a host and different vectors of transmission. Current thinking is the Fruit Bat is the main reservoir of virus, fruit bat eats fruit (partially), and drops it on ground where monkeys/apes eat it. From there tribesmen eat the “bush meat” and become infected & feed it to their “out of town guests” there on a Mission trip. Or a Mission worker contracts it while touching an infected person. Takes 5-21 days to incubate. The less lethal strain is shorter, the more lethal is longer. Interesting fact, the live virus WILL SURVIVE in the seamen for 7 weeks after you “survive”... Thus leading to another “last chance” vector of transmission that intercourse spreads the virus further. BTW, this virus use VIRONS to replicate & spread-—
Oh, one more thing, Ebola is “transmission-able through breath”. That means if someone breaths on you and you breath it in you are infected AND, if they breath on you and their breath touches your EYE you will get infected....as a matter of fact conjunctiva infection is considered a main vector. Get the point here, bad to the muther f***in bone!!! Oh, and there is no cure, but you knew that.
If you were gonna design something better than this, you would be hard pressed to do so IMHO.
BTW, I studied “Hemorrhagic Fever” in Parisitology class at KSU.