Concurrent with that port of the basic languages and operating systems, I also wrangled the crew to build a web interface using GWT-Ext on the customer facing portion, Weblogic on the mid-tier and Java/C++ hybrid on the back end. The X11/Motif UI was ripped away and JMS messages were implemented to carry the data between the web UI and the old back X11/Motif data model/processing elements. The customer is happy. We're expanding the web functionality per their requests and funding initiatives. The only down side for me is having to spend 3 years living 900 miles away from my family with just 3 quick visit home each year. It keeps the bills paid and keeps my team employed. I want to resume doing embedded systems development back at the house when I can get the necessary business development efforts completed.
Mainly because I understood - maybe about 20 or so words out of that entire post.
Sounds like you’re having fun! :-)
That is all you do? Bird impressions? (/M*A*S*H)