Posted on 03/04/2010 3:32:32 AM PST by Scanian
The hardest thing in psychiatry is to keep an open mind while sitting with a patient, who might be trying to provoke and manipulate the doctor, day after day, month after month. We want to understand troubled people, but people are complex. Psychiatric diagnoses are just reasonable guesses. Most human beings are much too mixed, much too complicated, and much too interesting to reduce to just a checklist.
Obama is the exception. Lots of people talk like narcissists -- when teenagers get grandiose, or when they start to lie to and manipulate their parents, it might be just a phase they're going through. Lots of people preen and strut on life's stage without losing their sense of proportion. But I think Obama just turned all his grandiose talk into irrevocable action. I don't think we've had this extreme and radical a president ever before in American history. Lincoln, Wilson and FDR took radical actions, but only at a time of huge national crises. We don't have a national crisis today. Obama IS our national crisis.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Excellent analysis; thanks for posting.
Glad you liked the post.
I had a post several weeks ago about growing evidence of Pres. Obama’s mental health. Some Freepers poo-poo’d the idea then. But others, including Rush, are picking up on this. I pointed out before how bizarre it was for the Pres. to go 3 months last fall without speaking to his general in Afghanistan. More recently, just think of some of the things he said before the world in the State of the Union address. He said that 95% of American have gotten a tax break under his leadership. He said we have to get the budget under control, and then 3 days later offers a budget with the largest deficit ever. And think about his story at the health care summit about being in a car accident in which his insurance company wouldn’t pay. His statements don’t add up. He says them with such distinction, that people have so far overlooked them. But I don’t think this guy is cooking with all the ingredients. The first sign that I’m correct will be when you start seeing his cabinet disintegrate. Even the stalwart insiders will bail when they see what is going on.
“I had a post several weeks ago about growing evidence of Pres. Obamas mental health. Some Freepers poo-pood the idea then. But others, including Rush, are picking up on this....”
Rush and many others have been talking about his apparent mental illness since way before he was even elected. My archives are full of examples. Here are a few:
Charles Krauthammer, PhD (who is a trained psychiatrist) asks: Does the narcissism of this man know no bounds?
Short Youtube video:
Robert Godwin, PhD (Clinical psychologist) also weighs in on pathological and malignant narcissism:
Obama seems to suffer from malignant narcissism whereby he feels he is exceptional, acts like he is exceptional and his followers believe he is exceptional. On the basis of his followers opinion, Obama feels even more justified in his exceptionalism...
To nail that reality down further:
..The pathological narcissist imagines hes giving you milk when hes actually feeding you poop; in short, hes not a bountiful breast but a toxic a$$hole. Once you get a feel for this, you can really appreciate the ubiquity of the dynamic. Ever wonder how Noam Chomsky can be so prolific? Because the large intestine never sleeps. Likewise, mass culture is a sewer. Literally. ...
...Look at Obama. What is he? Thats part of the problem, because he clearly doesnt know. Hes certainly not priestly or spiritual, based upon his long-time membership in a racist cult. Hes not intellectual, based upon his skin-deep grasp of the issues, and a mind that seems to consist of little more than recycled leftist cliches with no discernible center. Hes not a warrior; quite the opposite, as he has no feel whatsoever for military culture. Hes not a leader, as his basic masculinity is too much in doubt. Hes pretending to be something, but even he doesnt seem to know what it is. Apparently, he wasnt even a good community agitator, like Al Sharpton. .. ~ Gagdad Bob (Robert Godwin, PhD)
Click show original post:
Beauty, Milk, Poop, Soul Jazz, and the Miscaste Obama
Narcissism, the Grandiose Left, and the Missing Strawberries
Were continuing from yesterday with our discussion on narcissism. ...
By the way, it seems to me that Both Dr. Sanity and ShrinkWrapped have written some excellent posts on this subject. Perhaps I can just direct you to their sites and take the morning off. Lets see.... This looks good. Heres one from Dr Sanity, entitled Narcissism and Society. And heres one from ShrinkWrapped, a little thing he calls Narcissism, Malignant Narcissism, and Paranoia: Part I.
[...] Continued:
We don’t even make a 1/4th of his $250G cap..and we’ve seen tax increases already, hubby’s retirement check has been $10.80 lighter since Jan. We are paying more for food (inflation) which raises our sales tax out lay.
Bambi doesn’t keep his buyer beware!
PLEASE ASK THEM TO REPEAL THE BIG NEW FEES in TRICARE for Life, the retired Military over 65 secondary health ins. which they passed in a DOD bill. They promised our Military these benefits, and our Military have earned them.
Sen Scott Brown’s number is 202-224-4543
Capitol Hill switchboard is 202-224-3121
Lots of local demwit phone numbers on this thread
Rename, repackage, rewrite it a tad smaller, and sell another pig in a poke. NO COLAs for granny, retired Military or retired fed employees. BIG NEW fees for Tricare for Life retired over 65 Military’s secondary health ins. (DOD bill already passed, delayed but goes into effect 2011 NEEDS TO BE REPEALED!
New Dem mantra: Woof, woof eat dog food granny....ala let them eat cake.
Obama says slight fix will extend Social Security,
Health Care Rationing for Seniors Another Problem in New Obama Plan
Medicare tax may apply to investment income (ObamaCare tax hike)
Obama: No reduced Medicare benefits in health care reform
Will healthcare reform mean cuts in Medicare for seniors?
Health Reforms Hidden Victims Young people and seniors would pay a high price for ObamaCare.
MILITARY & retired Military
TRI CARE FOR LIFE This from a google search:
This option would help reduce the costs of TFL, as well as costs for Medicare, by introducing minimum out-of pocket requirements for beneficiaries. Under this option, TFL would not cover any of the first $525 of an enrollees cost-sharing liabilities for calendar year 2011 and would limit coverage to 50 percent of the next $4,725 in Medicare cost sharing that the beneficiary incurred. (Because all further cost sharing would be covered by TFL, enrollees could not pay more than $2,888 in cost sharing in that year.)
Bill Would Restrict Veterans Health Care Options 11/06/09
Buyer and McKeon Offer Amendments to Protect Veterans and TRICARE Beneficiaries
Congress plans to block Tricare fee increases
By Rick Maze - Staff writer, Oct 7, 2009
Tricare fee increases imposed last week by the Defense Department will be repealed by a provision of the compromise 2010 defense authorization bill unveiled Wednesday by House and Senate negotiators.
The fee increases were announced on Sept. 30 and took effect on Oct. 1, but the defense bill, HR 2647, includes a provision barring any fee increases until the start of fiscal 2011.
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Bill Matz, president of the National Association for Uniformed Services, said the announcement of fee increases was shocking considering that the Obama administration promised earlier this year to hold off on any new fee Tricare fee increases until fiscal 2011.
President Obama and DoD assured NAUS and the entire military family earlier this year that there would rightly be no increases in any Tricare fees in fiscal 2010, Matz said. We took them at their word, and I cant believe that a co-pay increase like this was allowed to go forward, he added.
Excellent article. Imho, Obama’s paranoia is of most concern.
Check out yesterday’s Broder column in which he references a DC rumor that Rahm Emanuel is acting like he wants Obama to quit. Very strange.
I think one reason the Obama campaign tried to keep a lid on his personal history is that his childhood was so bizarre and unstable that it seems like a breeding ground for mental illness. Although we’ll never know for sure, I’d guess that Zer0 has mommy problems, daddy problems, and is sexually confused. He has admitted hard drug use and that probably figures into the equation as well.
I agree with you - “The Won” is “won” sick puppy.
Unlike Clinton, who fell on his leftist face and then successfully moderated his objectives, Obama's surrounded with sycophants who keep stroking his narcissism, telling him how brilliant and masterful his moves are, and urging him on to new heights of glory. He doesn't want to follow Clinton's example; it's beneath his exalted opinion of himself.
Emanuel's the one who'll bail, not Obama.
Nothing that Obama has done or is currently doing has surprised me the least. I’ve always suspected him of being one of those smug, leftist, profs I knew in college who would bloviate about how doing the Marxist thing would be great for the country. Now they have one of those types of people in the White House. And he’s finding out most Americans don’t like Marxism.
Great piece!
What do we do about it? Who and what Army is going to remove him from office, since it's a given he won't step down.
For three more years, we are so screwed.
The Democratic Party basically trumpeted their contempt of their fellow Americans with their nomination of this nincompoop.
Unfortunately, for Obama personally, it is going to work out very badly...he will eventually be taken out of the White House by the men in white coats.
I have to believe that the Soros crowd already see him as a loose cannon which is why he has been relegated largely to PR duty. Policy making seems to be done by others and Obama is expected to merely “sell” it even though he is a pretty awful salesman.
Now this is common sense. America has been suffering, miserable, and despondent since Obozo. Geesh, it has been a national nightmare that never goes away.
If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out. Impeach this nightmare.
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