If he is anything like his father, then yeah, his foreign policy is atrocious.
However, if he is anything like his father, then his domestic policy is excellent.
I don’t think 0bama has any plans to defend America anytime soon, so Randall Paul’s views on foreign entanglements will be moot.
0bama’s exponential expansion of all powerful government will need to be fought, and I do think Randall Paul will be the furthest thing from a Democrat. The Republicans we have in the Senate now are the ones who have been tripping over each other in their rush to embrace 0bama’s domestic agenda and snap a photo with Dear Leader.
With the type of enemy we are facing, both Middle East, South America, and inbetween, unless they make pockets in shrouds, the economy is moot.
Around 20 miles south from where I am sitting, several hundred people have been killed just last year, many dozens beheaded, Army troops patroling the streets.
Sometimes street battleson the streets of the city like
is was Bagdad 2004 on this place is Tijuana, Mexico.