Since Apr 24, 2003

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Very Happily Married, 36+ years; 4 children; 2 biological, 2 adopted.

Totally, Uncompromisingly and Unapologetically Roman Catholic.
Totally, Uncompromisingly and Unapologetically Pro-Life.
Totally, Uncompromisingly and Unapologetically Conservative.

Eagle Scout.
Order of the Arrow - Brotherhood Honor.
Knights of Columbus - 4th Degree Current Faithful Navigator, State Webmaster, Past District Deputy, Past Grand Knight
Life Member Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity. (www.APO.org)
Life Member NRA
NRA Certified Rifle Instructor.
NRA Certified Shotgun Instructor.
NRA Certified Range Safety Officer.

One of my favorite quotes:
'Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart.
Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brain.'

- Sir Winston Churchill