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Where is
Your baby?

  Men - Where is Your baby?

Is your baby alive

and being nurtured?

Maybe your 'baby'

is all grown up.

Or, was it the other...

Was it recently,

or a while ago,

or a long time ago.

Maybe it is a distant memory,

or something that you care not to remember.

Or maybe it is something, (or someone),

that you will never forget.

Where 'it' began,

and how 'it' ended...

Was it True Love,

or pretend love,

or maybe it was just for fun,

or just to get some 'relief'?

It was a most beautiful time,

or maybe a real wild time.

And then the miracle of a new life,

your 'young one' in the womb.

Did you know?

Did you want to know?

Were you told?

Or did you even care?

Were you ready for Dadhood?

Was she ready to be a Mommy?

Or was it too early

or at at the wrong time.

Did you help make a right decision,

or a wrong decision?

Or was the decision made for you?

Or maybe you chose to just cut & run...

And now, today...

For men and women

and boys and girls

who need help with their young one,

help is readily available.

If you are troubled by a wrong decision

for your young one whose life was ended,

help is available and recovery begins

when you are ready.

For All -

Will you learn the facts of Life?

Will you begin to Speak For Life?

We need to help to encourage others to learn to wait

and to seek true love,

and a positive relationship and a solid marriage.

True Love Seeks Truth and Patience,

and "True Love Waits!"

And men and women, and boys and girls,

ready or not, like it or not,

when the young one is conceived

is when a new life begins.

Ready or not, you need to have faith

and rise to the occasion

and to make the right decision,

the decision for love,

which is the decision for Life!

{W. .....................,  }
{W. .....................? }

+ FR Life Center +
Pregnancy Help •   For You, or for a Friend

(800) 848 - LOVE  |  800-395-HELP (4357)  |  1-866-942-6466

Live Chat  Questions? For Info / Options - Free and confidential, 24/7/365

Abortion Recovery •   1.866.4My.Recovery   (1.866.469.7326)
  When abortion hurts; when you have regrets or bitterness about your abortion

What is Done is Done - / Guys-Corner
* Parents * and Family & Friends - Be Not Afraid!

If your baby has been given an adverse prenatal diagnosis, you are not alone. There is help for parents carrying to term. Sometimes the diagnosis is correct, but other times they are not. Before you despair, click the link, and please read the personal stories.

Before deciding, please read below...

Pregnancy - What to do?

 There are good reasons to choose life for your child.

 Love and faith saves, fear and panic kills. 

There is HELP available for you and your child,
  - Ask for it Now.

For women and girls, (and for men and boys) - 

The adivce to 'terminate' or 'abort' a pregnancy,
 is the advice to kill your child in the womb. 

Are you pregnant at the 'wrong time', or
  'before your time'? 

You are not the first girl or woman to be in this situation.

There have been many before you, and many who have made abortion decisions that they now regret.  Please take the time to read the personal testimonies of their experiences. And, What About Rape? and other questions

A common fear and question is: "How can I be a mother (a parent) at my young age? - Or, with no job?" Answer: There are numerous girls and women who have been through this situation themselves, and they will tell you, "Have Faith, You Can Do This! It is worth the effort." If you raise your child yourself, or if you choose Adoption, your child lives. 

Again, there is help and support available, so you don't have to be alone. 

  With pregnancy, your situation may not be idea,
but the life of the child inside the womb is very real.
There are realistic alternatives to abortion.

Of the women and girls who have decided to abort their pregnancy that killed their child, - 93% of these women now regret their decision to abort their child.

Up to 83% of abortions are unwanted, and 64% involve coercion (being forced by someone else).  One study showed that 90% of relationships end after an abortion.

It is now clear:  The so-called 'unwanted  child' that is aborted now, will be dearly missed in the future.   Let your child live.

Pregnancy Help - For You, (or for a Friend),
                  and for the Child living inside.

(800) 848 - LOVE   |   800-395-HELP (4357)  |  1-866-942-6466

For Women and Men -
Do You Regret Your Abortion
  or Your Lost Fatherhood?

  Recovery Begins
When You Are Ready

Short Safe Video - 02.45 - Must See Site!

1.866.4My.Recovery - Her Choice to Heal - Register your regret - A Place for Healing

What is Done is Done -

~ When you heal, then you can help others. ~

Think you're pregnant? | Considering an abortion?

Curious about emergency contraception?

There are realistic alternatives to abortion.

Option Line   American Pregnancy Helpline   Live Chat

1-800-395-HELP (4357)

(800) 848 - LOVE

Learn The Facts of Life, and Speak For Life, Even Today! - GAP HARD TRUTH & Loving Help!
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Where is
Your baby?

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