Dimez Apart
Since May 6, 2004

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I’m an American, 1st of all. Born in 1982 at Ft. Lewis, WA, I grew up in Washington, Virginia, North Carolina, California, and the United Kingdom. Being an Air Force brat, I got to see and live around the Men and Women that protect our country and her friends in the world. But I didn’t want to be in the Air Force. The main job of the Air Force to support and protect the guys on the ground through air supriorty, close air support, and logistics. (AND DON’T YOU AF GUYS FORGET IT!) I didn’t want to protect the guys on the ground, I wanted to be the guy on the Ground. 11B, 11 Bang bang, or Infantryman. Just got back from Iraq, Baghdad and Baquba mainly. God Bless