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Mary's Virginity
In Plain Site ^ | Dan Corner

Posted on 04/07/2015 11:37:31 AM PDT by RnMomof7

The Bible gives us many ways whereby we can clearly identify the Messiah. One of these ways is called a "sign" and is specifically linked to his miraculous birth. In the Book of Isaiah we read:

Along with many other Scriptures, that passage clearly points us to the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, who was born of a "virgin". But even among those who agree that Mary was a virgin, at that point in time, there arises a controversy, that being: Did she stay a virgin after Jesus was born? Let's go to the Scriptures to find the answer:

The Greek word translated "know" in that verse is ginosko. It is also used at Luke 1:34, where it carries the same meaning:

Mary couldn't understand how she could possibly give birth without first coming to "know" her husband, that is, having sexual union. This is the meaning here and in Matt. 1:25 of ginosko. Such did not happen between Joseph and Mary "till" Jesus was born (Matt. 1:25).

Please note: Had the Holy Spirit wanted to convey the thought that Mary was a perpetual virgin her whole life through, He could have stopped Matt. 1:25 before the words: "TILL she brought forth her son." Then the sentence would have taught Mary was a perpetual virgin by reading: "Joseph ... did not know her" or as the NIV would have read: "But he had no union with her." This, however, is NOT how the Biblical record reads! That verse states, by implication, that there was a point in time that Joseph and Mary had sexual union, that is, after Jesus was born. This is in perfect agreement with Isa. 7:14, and the other passages on this topic, yet to be cited in this article.

Let's move on to a clear supportive text from Luke's Gospel:

The word "firstborn" is used elsewhere for the oldest of the children. Many examples in Scripture could be cited to prove this. The following are but two:

Jesus was not called Mary's "only-born" but instead Mary's "firstborn," thereby suggesting Mary had other children, which is indeed the case. A more clear indication of this occurred when Jesus, as a full grown man, came to his hometown (Nazareth) and began to teach. People from there, who apparently knew his family, stated the following in disbelief:

According to that text, Mary had at least four other sons, besides Jesus, and at least two daughters. Some argue that the word "brothers," found in this passage, merely means relatives such as cousins. If that is the true intended meaning, then one must wonder why the Greek word meaning "cousin" (anepsios) was not used there as it was in Colossians 4:10:

Again, in contrast to Col. 4:10, a different Greek word is used in Matthew 13:55 -- adelphos. This Greek word translated "brothers" comes from the word, delphus, which means womb.

Furthermore, we should also focus our attention in upon the word "sisters" in Matthew. 13:56. The Greek word for "sisters" is adelphe. It is also found in the following:

As in Matthew 13:56, the usage of adelphe in 1 Tim. 5:2 means natural sister born as to the same mother. The context from verse 1 shows the meaning to be the natural family. This is how the same Greek word must be understood in Matthew 13:56, since spiritual sister can't fit the context.

Mary had 7 or more children: Jesus the firstborn (or oldest) and at least 6 others, with at least 2 or more being daughters. But there is even more truth on this subject found in the Old Testament book of Psalms, where it is stated in the first person singular, as being spoken of by Jesus:

"My Own Mother's Sons"
I am a stranger to my brothers, an alien to my own mother's sons; for zeal for your house consumes me, and the insults of those who insult you fall on me (Psa. 69:8,9).

That is a Messianic Psalm, that is, it has application to Messiah Jesus. This is clear since this Psalm is quoted in the New Testament (Jn. 2:17) and shown there to apply to the Lord. The point is: Jesus became "an alien to MY OWN MOTHER'S SONS." This alienation is clearly evident at John 7:3-5. Before we look at that passage, please note that Scripture explicitly declares that Jesus' mother (Mary) had other "sons" (Psalm 69:8)! This verse alone is an irrefutable and devastating blow to the idea that the blessed Mary remained a virgin throughout her lifetime. Remember, Joseph had no sexual union with Mary "till" Jesus, Mary's "firstborn," came into this world.

In Jn. 7:3-5, we read:

This passage clearly shows the context cannot allow for an interpretation of spiritual "brother," since the same "did not believe in him"! This disbelief in Jesus from his own "brothers," at that point in time, is shown elsewhere:

Yes, you read Scripture right. Even Mary, and her other sons, at one point during Jesus' ministry, thought Jesus was "out of his mind"! This, however, doesn't mean that they didn't afterwards come to believe on Jesus and get filled with the Holy Spirit, for they were in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost with the other 120:

There is additional proof that Jesus' half-brothers came to faith in him. This is shown in 1 Cor. 9:5:

There we learn that the Lord's half-brothers were married, as was Cephas (another name for Peter, Jn. 1:42). These husband-wife couples traveled together, as they served God.

Furthermore, regarding Jude and James, who were named in Matthew 13:55 as Jesus' "brothers," we read the following:

Notice: The writer of the epistle of Jude was also "a brother (adelphos) to James," but most importantly he was a servant of Jesus Christ. So he clearly came to his spiritual senses.

Furthermore, James, the Lord's brother, is mentioned by Paul in Gal. 1:19:

This is an important verse for two reasons: (1) It shows that James not only came to faith in Jesus, but became an apostle. (2) Besides becoming an apostle, he was also "the Lord's brother." The phrase "the Lord's brother," used here, can't possibly be limited to mean his spiritual brother, since it is already understood that Jesus' apostles are members of his spiritual family. James was both an apostle and half-brother of Jesus.

So according to Scripture, Mary did not remain a virgin after she gave birth to Jesus. This basic Biblical truth is in direct conflict with what millions of people have been taught, but nonetheless, it is God's word on this subject not any man's. The following is but one quote about Mary's perpetual virginity from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Dear reader, that quote was from the Catholic theologian, Augustine (who also was the original source of modern-day Calvinism). The following is another important quote which shows how Roman Catholicism counters Matthew 13:55:

Friend, examine Matthew 13:54-56 for yourself, which shows the subjects as being from Jesus' hometown, thereby enabling them to identify His own mother Mary and His natural brothers and sisters. That passage is clear about this:

That passage can't possibly be referring to "the other Mary," as some want us to believe, but Jesus' own mother!

Moreover, trying to sweep all of the New Testament passages away by stating that the phrase "brothers of Jesus" is merely an "Old Testament expression" is to ignore all the other verses which show Joseph and Mary had sexual union, but not until, Jesus was born. Matthew 1:25 couldn't be more clear, especially when considered with Psa. 69:8, which explicitly shows Mary had other children.

Friend, what you will continue to believe about Mary's perpetual virginity is left entirely up to you. You have read what Scripture declares and what the present-day position from Roman Catholicism declares. But know this, you can't believe both declarations, since they are antithetical to each other. One must be in error.

Why Mention Mary's Virginity?
The truth about Mary's virginity is important to know for several reasons:

(1) According to Catholic tradition from Augustine of Hippo, "heretics" deny Mary's perpetual virginity. Consider what he wrote:

Should we conclude that a Christian, who goes by the Scriptural evidence as commanded by 2 Tim. 3:15-17, is a "heretic," because he rejects Mary's perpetual virginity? God forbid!

(2) Another reason why it is important to know the truth about Mary's virginity is because the Mary of Catholicism is not the Mary of the Bible. In other words, the image of Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been changed by Catholicism into something different than the real. She is presented by such as the sinless virgin, Mother of the Church, Mother of Mercies, Door of Paradise, Our Lady of Fatima, The Virgin of the Poor, Lady of the Roses, Co-redemptrix, Queen of Peace, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mediatrix of all Graces, Mother of God, Refuge of Sinners, Gate of Heaven, Queen of Heaven and more. Consider the following:

"Through Mary to Jesus"
Two other common descriptions regarding her are: "Through Mary to Jesus" and Mary is "Our life, Sweetness and Hope." These pronouncements are more serious than Mary's perpetual virginity, for they are directly related to salvation and can, therefore, affect our eternal destiny.

Let's consider the former, "Through Mary to Jesus." In other words, must we go through Mary to get to the Savior? To find out for sure what the truth is, we must search the Scriptures. If anyone would know, it certainly would be the Lord Jesus. The following is what the Lord Himself taught about us coming to Him:

NOTE: To refuse to "come" [go] to Jesus, as He Himself taught in these verses means we cannot have spiritual life! On the other hand, to go directly to Him is to find salvation for our souls. This vital truth is beautifully exemplified when the dying thief, being crucified next to Jesus, went DIRECTLY TO JESUS, WITHOUT FIRST GOING THROUGH MARY OR ANYONE ELSE, and he found forgiveness and salvation. The exact word for word exchange is as follows:

According to John's Gospel account, Mary was at the foot of the cross at this time, yet the thief didn't go first to her to get to Jesus; neither did Jesus make the repentant thief go through Mary to come to Him! Remember that basic truth about salvation. If we are going to get to Jesus to find salvation it will have to be as the dying thief did, that is, DIRECTLY without first going to anyone else! Also, remember that Jesus doesn't change (Heb. 13:8). So, if it worked for that dying thief, it will also work for us, which is also the exact way Jesus taught us to "come" to Him (Matthew 11:28-30; Jn. 5:40; 6:35; 7:37). Finally, remember it wasn't until after the repentant thief came directly to Jesus that the Lord promised him "paradise." Just knowing this vital truth, about getting to Jesus, won't do anyone any good unless they act upon it.

"Our Life, Sweetness and Hope"
Another very common, but very grave misconception about salvation is that Mary is our "Life, Sweetness and Hope." This is a common phrase heard when the Rosary prayer (Hail Holy Queen) is recited. What is God's eternal truth on this subject? Let's go to the Bible for the answer. Remember, it is the Bible that is FINAL SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY: [See Sola Scriptura]

And how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:15-17).

The Bible contains all we need to know to make us "wise for salvation" through faith in Christ Jesus. Furthermore, it is FINAL AUTHORITY and it ALONE is needed to equip the man of God for every good work, as the aforementioned declares.

So, bearing all this in mind let's go to that same source, which is to be the basis for all Christian teaching and which can make us "wise for salvation" through our faith in Christ Jesus:

According to Scripture, it is JESUS who is our "Life" and our "Hope." Furthermore, since "Sweetness" carries the meaning of "gentleness" as found in a thesaurus, then the same can be said about the Lord Jesus:

Dear friend, the Holy Bible declares Jesus, and HE ALONE, is our Life, Sweetness and Hope. Will you go directly to the Biblical Jesus, to find forgiveness of sins and salvation? How different this is from the picture painted in Catholicism! Consider also what has been written and endorsed about Mary:

"Death Through Eve, Life Through Mary"?
"As St. Irenaeus says, ‘Being obedient she became the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race.' Hence not a few of the early Fathers gladly assert ...: ‘The knot of Eve's disobedience was untied by Mary's obedience: what the virgin Eve bound through her disbelief, Mary loosened by her faith.' Comparing her with Eve, they call Mary ‘Mother of the living' and frequently claim: ‘Death through Eve, life through Mary' (Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 125, bold emphasis mine).

Once when Jesus was teaching, the following occurred:

Jesus declared to become part of His spiritual family we must do the will of the Father. This is further explained in a parallel passage:

So to do "the will" of the Father is the same as putting God's word into "practice"!

The True Plan Of Salvation
Furthermore, the true plan of salvation is concisely stated in the Bible as repentance towards God and faith in Christ Jesus (Acts 20:21). We are to produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Matthew 3:8) and prove our repentance by our deeds (Acts 26:20). To "repent" means to turn from your evil ways (Matthew 12:41 cf. Jonah 3:10). Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire (Matthew 3:10; 7:19). The Lord Jesus also taught the road to life is "hard" and only a "few" will find it (Matthew 7:13,14, NKJV). The Lord declared there that there are ONLY 2 gates, 2 roads, 2 groups of people and 2 eternal destinies. So don't follow the crowd, since they are on their way to eternal fire, even though they might not know it. [See More On Repentance]

Moreover, many get saved, but afterwards fall away (Luke 8:13; Jn. 6:66; 1 Tim. 1:19; etc.). In other words, after initial salvation we must endure to the "end" to enter the kingdom of God and escape the lake of fire (Matthew 10:22; Heb. 3:14; Rev. 2:10,11). Eternal life comes to the repentant the moment such believe on Jesus for salvation (Jn. 3:16; 6:47; 1 Jn. 5:12,13), but there is another important aspect of eternal life that many are totally unaware of in our day because of a different false teaching which is commonly called "once saved, always saved." According to true, Biblical, grace teaching, eternal life is also a HOPE (Titus 3:7), yet to be REAPED (Gal. 6:8,9) in the AGE TO COME (Mk. 10:30) for only the ones who PERSIST IN DOING GOOD (Rom. 2:7) and DO NOT GROW WEARY AND GIVE UP (Gal. 6:9).

See Section on Eternal Security on THIS Page

Also, remember this: If a saved person sows to please his sinful nature he'll die spiritually (Rom. 8:13; Gal. 6:8,9). The prodigal is a clear example of this (Luke 15:24,32). The end result of sin is spiritual death. DO NOT BE DECEIVED by the "once saved, always saved" teachers (James 1:14-16). We must continue to believe (TRUST) on Jesus for our soul's salvation to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus described his "sheep" as his "followers" (John 10:27). James stated that faith without works is "dead" (James 2:17). [See Myth of Faith Alone]

In conclusion, the Jesus of our present hour is not a baby that is laying in a manger or an infant that needs to be held in his mother's arms. He is an adult who successfully destroyed the devil's work (1 John 3:8). He is the resurrected "Lord of glory" (1 Cor. 2:8), before whom every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord (Phil. 2:9-11). Jesus has the ONLY name in which salvation is found (Acts 4:12), is the ONLY mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5) and is the judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42; 2 Tim. 4:1; 1 Pet. 4:5). We are advised in Scripture to go directly to Him for forgiveness and to TRUST in Him alone for our soul's salvation.

Blessed Mary
Finally, as stated earlier in this article, Mary is certainly "blessed" because she gave birth to the Messiah (Luke 1:42), but this should not be over-emphasized as a woman once tried to do in Jesus' presence:

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you." He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it" (Luke 11:27,28).

Those were not the words of some Protestant, but the Lord Jesus Himself! What a shock they are to multitudes, not because they are inconsistent with the rest of Scripture, but because of all the faulty teachings that center around a Mary not taught in the Bible. Remember, Jesus was the real Mary's "firstborn" who taught all to "come" directly to Himself for their soul's salvation. Never throughout the Gospels did Jesus ever make any sinner go through Mary to come to Him. Never! Furthermore, none of the Lord's Apostles, including Peter, ever taught: "Through Mary to Jesus." Why then should we believe it? Moreover, it is JESUS who is "Our Life, Sweetness and Hope." Dear reader, what you do with this information about Jesus will affect you throughout all of eternity! VERIFY ALL SCRIPTURAL QUOTATIONS FOR YOURSELF WITH YOUR OWN BIBLE. God bless you.

TOPICS: Apologetics; Evangelical Christian; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: doctrine; mary; perpetualvirginity
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There is a good chance of that.

101 posted on 04/07/2015 4:45:30 PM PDT by Mark17 (Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, when with our Savior, Heaven is begun. Earth's toiling ended)
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To: JesusIsLord
"It was given to her what belongs to no creature, that in the flesh she should bring forth the Son of God...I firmly believe that Mary, according to the words of the gospel as a pure Virgin brought forth for us the Son of God and in childbirth and after childbirth forever remained a pure, intact Virgin...I esteem immensely the Mother of God, the ever chaste, immaculate Virgin Mary...Christ ... was born of a most undefiled Virgin...The more the honor and love of Christ increases among men, so much the esteem and honor given to Mary should grow."

You're entitled to believe any man made fantasy you want but rejecting the simple, pure words of scripture will gain you no favors with God...

102 posted on 04/07/2015 4:46:25 PM PDT by Iscool
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To: terycarl
perhaps it is none of our business... I'll buy that one!!

You seem to be making it your business...

103 posted on 04/07/2015 4:59:48 PM PDT by Iscool
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To: terycarl
Her kid was much more fruitful would you like her to be???

Jesus was only one kid...And he didn't have any...That's hardly multiplying...

104 posted on 04/07/2015 5:03:36 PM PDT by Iscool
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To: SpirituTuo
So, Marian doctrines go way, way back.

It makes not a lick of difference who taught or thought what...We have the words of God which tell us and you that they ALL are wrong...

105 posted on 04/07/2015 5:11:13 PM PDT by Iscool
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To: JesusIsLord
Well, not sure what you mean by, "...see Jesus as God but marginalize His humanity?" I see Jesus as fully God and fully Man. He is the "hypostatic union of the The/anthropic person". He is now glorified in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father.

But, it seems that unless one is overly hooked on His mother...not Jesus Himself...that you seem concerned for them. But, Jesus saved His mother from her desperate sins, sins as dark as mine and yours. She is no more divine than any human and certainly felt at a point that her Son was not worth listening to (read the text). But, many Catholics hold her in way too much esteem. Examples:

Bernadine: …all gifts, all virtues, and all graces are dispensed by the hands of Mary to whomsoever, when, and as she pleases. O Lady, since thou art the dispenser of all graces, and since the grace of salvation can ONLY come through thy hands, OUR SALVATION DEPENDS ON THEE.

Bonaventure: …the gates of heaven will open to all who confide in the protection of Mary. Blessed are they who know thee, O Mother of God, for the knowledge of THEE is the high road to everlasting life, and the publication of thy virtues is the way of ETERNAL SALVATION. Give ear, O ye nations; and all you who desire heaven , serve, honor Mary, and certainly you will find ETERNAL LIFE.

Ephem: …devotion to the divine Mother…is the unlocking of the heavenly Jerusalem.

Blosius: To thee, O Lady, are committed the KEYS and the treasures of the kingdom of Heaven.

Ambrose: …constantly pray ‘Open to us, O Mary, the gates of paradise, since thou hast its KEYS.

Fulgetius: …by Mary God descended from Heaven into the world, that by HER man might ascend from earth to Heaven.

Athanasius: …And, thou, O Lady, wast filled with grace, that thou mightiest be the way of our SALVATION and the means of ascent to the heavenly Kingdom.

Richard of Laurence: Mary, in fine, is the mistress of heaven; for there she commands as she wills, and ADMITS whom she wills.

Guerric: …he who serves Mary and for whom she intercedes, is as CERTAIN of heaven as if he were already there…and those who DO NOT serve Mary will NOT BE SAVED.

Anselm: It suffices, O Lady, that thou willest it, and our SALVATION is certain.

Antoninus: …souls protected by Mary, and on which she casts her eyes, are NECESSARILY JUSTIFIED AND SAVED.

Do you subscribe to these same views of Mary?

106 posted on 04/07/2015 5:19:25 PM PDT by Dutchboy88
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To: terycarl

Abraham age 100 we don’t know if he was still able to work and provide for his family...

but he could sure still do what was necessary to make babies..

Look T no Viagra !!!

107 posted on 04/07/2015 5:22:29 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Iscool

And who compiled those words and when? The Bible, as we know it, was formed as volume around 400. Some of the Marian doctrines pre-date the canon, so ...?

The disciples who learned at the feet of the Apostles were teaching the Gospel before it was even written. Those teachings were recorded in letters, such as those between St. Irenaeus and St. Polycarp, both 1st century bishops and martyrs.

So, which do you believe, or do you believe both, neither?

108 posted on 04/07/2015 5:29:36 PM PDT by SpirituTuo
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To: SpirituTuo
And who compiled those words and when? The Bible, as we know it, was formed as volume around 400. Some of the Marian doctrines pre-date the canon, so ...?

Who cares about the year 400??? Christians were preaching and teaching the scriptures back in the 1st century...Hundred of years before your religion made a Catholic bible...Thousands upon thousand and maybe millions of people were being saved before anyone ever heard the word Catholic...

The disciples who learned at the feet of the Apostles were teaching the Gospel before it was even written. Those teachings were recorded in letters, such as those between St. Irenaeus and St. Polycarp, both 1st century bishops and martyrs.

Not a chance...PolyCarp had the scriptures in his possession...Iranaeus was not a first century anything...Lets deal with facts, not suppositions...

109 posted on 04/07/2015 6:31:07 PM PDT by Iscool
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To: Iscool
Jesus was only one kid...And he didn't have any...That's hardly multiplying..

Can you imagine being one of His younger brothers or sisters......WHY CAN'T YOU BE MORE LIKE YOUR BROTHER, or YOUR BROTHER NEVER TALKED BACK LIKE THAT, or YOUR BROTHER STARTED HIS OWN CHURCH AND YOU WANT TO BE A _________? (fill in the blank.)

110 posted on 04/07/2015 7:50:50 PM PDT by terycarl (common sense prevails over all)
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To: Iscool
Jesus was only one kid...And he didn't have any...That's hardly multiplying

He created mankind...that's trillions.....that's MULTIPLYING!!!!!

111 posted on 04/07/2015 7:53:27 PM PDT by terycarl (common sense prevails over all)
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To: Tennessee Nana
but he could sure still do what was necessary to make babies.. Look T no Viagra !!!

Some have ED some don't...I merely pointed out the possibility...see

112 posted on 04/07/2015 7:55:32 PM PDT by terycarl (common sense prevails over all)
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To: terycarl
.Joseph was, as far as I know , MUCH older than Mary...perhaps he was beyond the age

There is absolutely nothing in Scripture to lead you to think that Joseph was in anyway significantly older than Mary, or a widower, or aged beyond the point of physical ability to procreate as God intended. Its religious speculation of the most egregious type.

Sometimes the most obvious answer IS the answer. They were both virgins, living under the Law and promised in marriage - hence the struggle inside Joseph over what to do with his pregnant promised spouse. According to the custom of the day, Joseph may have been slightly older, but nothing like what you are imagining.

You can assume lots of things about the Bible and create all sorts of myths and fables. That is why we have God's Word and the Holy Spirit, so we don't go down the rabbit hole.

God's Living Word demands a little more respect than the supermarket tabloids.

113 posted on 04/07/2015 8:21:33 PM PDT by Kandy Atz ("Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want for bread.")
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To: terycarl
Some have ED some don't...I merely pointed out the possibility...see

I don't think Joseph had ED, but let's keep it clean now, ya hear?


Just pulling your chain, TC, cuz I can.

114 posted on 04/07/2015 8:36:43 PM PDT by Mark17 (Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, when with our Savior, Heaven is begun. Earth's toiling ended)
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To: Tennessee Nana
Why would Mary not fulfill all righteousness and be an example to the believers ???

Even the LORD Jesus Christ said that marriage included having sex...He never said except for my Mom..





1 Corinthians 7:5     English Standard Version (ESV)

Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time,

that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again,

so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.




Joseph:  Mary; are you asleep?
Mary: You bozo; you KNOW I have to do my prayers.
Joseph:  I was just wondering if....
Mary: You hornytoad;  you KNOW I have had this HEADACHE for nigh unto these 12 years or so!
Joseph:  A fella can HOPE eternally; can't he?
Mary: Hope all you want; you ain't gettin' it:   I HAVE to remain a VIRGIN for my FOLLOWERS!!
Joseph:  What 'followers'?
Mary: The ones who will be bombarding me forEVER with their heartfelt requests!!!
Joseph:  I may as well be dead...
Mary: What did you just mumble?  I ain't DEAD; just FRIGID.  Now roll OVER and go to sleep. 
     ---     ---     ----
Mary: Son? are  You listening??   I've got a bunch more good, Catholic prayers for you to deal with.  Are you ready?

115 posted on 04/08/2015 4:05:37 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: JesusIsLord
Without Nancy Hanks Lincoln, there would be no Abraham Lincoln.

And that's why HER statue is next to her son's; right??

116 posted on 04/08/2015 4:08:35 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: terycarl
Why on Earth does Mary's sex life bother you so much???

Why on Earth does Mary's LACK OF A sex life OBSESS you so much???

117 posted on 04/08/2015 4:09:41 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: terycarl
are you sure that it was a Catholic who brought up this asinine subject......

Heh heh HEH!

Someone said...

118 posted on 04/08/2015 4:10:30 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: terycarl
Joseph was, as far as I know, MUCH older than Mary...

And just WHERE is the data that PROVES this?

119 posted on 04/08/2015 4:11:26 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: terycarl
it was a fallen away Catholic who made a bad decision who brought up the subject.

Now that it's up; you wanna just wave it away?

120 posted on 04/08/2015 4:12:21 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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