It Is Finished - Three Words Catholics Do Not Understand
The perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ that satisfied divine justice for all believers was accomplished 2000 years ago. Jesus cried out in victory - "It is finished." The work of salvation is done. The eternal debt for sin has been paid in full. No more offerings, no more sacrifices, no more priests! The Lord Jesus willingly died for man’s sins to pay the debt that we could never pay. “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness: by His wounds you have been healed" (1 Peter 2:24). Yet Catholics instead choose to trust in the sacrifice of the Mass, a blasphemous representation of a eucharistic Christ on an altar. They would rather trust the Sacrifice of the Mass as a sin offering to God rather than trusting in the one-time, all-sufficient, sacrifice of Christ. 

Jesus appeared “to take away sins once for all" by His sacrifice" (Hebrews 9:26). “Through His blood God made Him the means of expiation (of sin) for all who believe" (Romans 3:25). Vatican II denies these sacred Scriptures by teaching: “Sins must be expiated...on this earth through the sorrows, miseries and trials of this life and, a above all, through death. Otherwise the expiation must be made in the next life through fire and torments or purifying punishments” (Vatican Council II). What a terrible deception to impose on faithful Roman Catholics who look to their church for the truth! The very reason and purpose Christ became man and suffered such an excruciating death was to expiate sin, once and for all, by His perfect sacrifice. How can any church, which claims to follow Christ, withhold this truth from its people and create in its place doctrines that nullify the Savior's finished work?

Roman Catholic teachings also nullify another accomplishment of Christ, the purification of sins. The writer of the book of Hebrews declared that "when He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high" (Heb. 1:3). The apostle John also proclaimed that those who trust Christ are purified from all sin, by His blood (1 John 1:7). Vatican Council II states that purgatory is where "those…who have not made satisfaction with adequate penance for their sins and omissions are cleansed after death with punishments designed to purge away their debt.” Jesus reconciled the world to God, changing its relationship with God from hostility to harmony. The sinner is reconciled to God when he trusts in Christ as his Savior. "It is in Christ and through His blood that we have been redeemed and our sins are forgiven" (Eph. 1:7). Being reconciled to God is difficult for Catholics to comprehend, for they have been taught the only way to made peace with God is through a life long journey of works--receiving the sacraments, going to Mass and doing penance. The only response to the accomplishments of Christ that will reconcile anyone to God is repentance and faith.