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Turning the Tables!!! KKK Byrd KKK Truman/Clinton Used the N Word? His Brother Did

Posted on 12/09/2002 2:25:00 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March

This is just a quick post, a throw-together of earlier research into Rat racism and hypocracy. All Trent Lott said was that Thurmond would have been a good president back in '48. KKK Truman was president at the time. I see opportunity here. The Rats' hypocracy is so obvious this time. They made their own rat trap! Let's get 'em!

First off, Roger Clinton. He is caught on film openly using the n-word. This is frequently run by Sean Hannity. He will most likely run that tape again today. It also runs sometimes on Fox News.

Next, Bubba himself, along with his wife:

"Meanwhile, nary a national Republican said "boo" when Bill Clinton was accused of using the "N" word by two reputable witnesses on national TV. And when four witnesses charged that Mrs. Clinton had once called a campaign aide a "f---ing Jew bastard," her Senate opponent, Rick Lazio, refused to touch the issue."

[part of a Carl Limbacher article in posted further down here]

Ex-Klansman Robert Byrd, the senior senator from West Virginia, casually used the phrase "white nigger" twice on national TV this weekend. Enraged civil rights groups organized a protest campaign against Sen. Byrd and demanded that he undergo sensitivity training ... not. The ex-Klansman, you see, is a Democrat. Democrats can join hate groups and utter the ugliest racial slurs and get away with it because they are Democrats.

Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, Ex-Klansman By Michelle Malkin (March 8, 2001) [CAPITALISMMAGAZINE.COM] Ex-Klansman Robert Byrd, the senior senator from West Virginia, casually used the phrase "white nigger" twice on national TV this weekend. Enraged civil rights groups organized a protest campaign against Sen. Byrd and demanded that he undergo sensitivity training ... not.

The ex-Klansman, you see, is a Democrat. Democrats can join hate groups and utter the ugliest racial slurs and get away with it because they are Democrats. They belong to the party of racial tolerance and understanding. They're paragons of virtue, and the rest of us are bigoted rubes. The ex-Klansman showed his true colors when asked by Fox News Sunday morning talk show host Tony Snow about the state of race relations in America. Sen. Byrd warned: "There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

The ex-Klansman, famed for Beltway blowhardism, should have quit talking a lot sooner. Why any prominent politician in his right mind would publicly and deliberately use the poisonous epithet "nigger" -- which most daily newspapers refuse to spell out, no matter the context -- is beyond comprehension. It's an open question as to whether the rant-prone, 83-year-old Byrd is even in his right mind, but senility doesn't excuse bigotry.

The ex-Klansman's admirers praise his historical knowledge, mastery of procedural rules, and outspokenness. They refer to the Senate's senior Democrat as the "conscience of the Senate." They downplay his white-sheet-wearing days as a "brief mistake" -- as if joining the Klan were like knocking over a glass of water. Oopsy.

This ex-Klansman wasn't just a passive member of the nation's most notorious hate group. According to news accounts and biographical information, Sen. Byrd was a "Kleagle" -- an official recruiter who signed up members for $10 a head. He said he joined because it "offered excitement" and because the Klan was an "effective force" in "promoting traditional American values." Nothing like the thrill of gathering 'round a midnight bonfire, roasting s'mores, tying nooses, and promoting white supremacy with a bunch of your hooded friends.

The ex-Klansman allegedly ended his ties with the group in 1943. He may have stopped paying dues, but he continued to pay homage to the KKK. Republicans in West Virginia discovered a letter Sen. Byrd had written to the Imperial Wizard of the KKK three years after he says he abandoned the group. He wrote: "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."

The ex-Klansman later filibustered the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act -- supported by a majority of those "mean-spirited" Republicans -- for more than 14 hours. He also opposed the nominations of the Supreme Court's two black justices, liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas. In fact, the ex-Klansman had the gall to accuse Justice Thomas of "injecting racism" into the Senate hearings. Meanwhile, author Graham Smith recently discovered another letter Sen. Byrd wrote after he quit the KKK, this time attacking desegregation of the armed forces.

The ex-Klansman vowed never to fight "with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

If this ex-Klansman were a conservative Republican, he would never hear the end of his sordid past. "Ex-Klansman who opposed civil rights and black justices" would appear in every reference to Sen. Byrd. And even the "ex-" would be in doubt. Maxine Waters and Ralph Neas and Julianne Malveaux and Al Sharpton and all the other left-wing bloodhounds who sniff racism in every crevice of American life would be barking up a storm over Sen. Byrd's latest fulminations. Instead, the attack dogs are busy decrying latent racial bigotry where it doesn't exist, while the real thing roams wild and free in their own political backyard.



With Carl Limbacher and Staff

For the story behind the story... Friday, Aug. 31, 2001 9:31 a.m. EDT Media Libs, Oblivious to Rather and Byrd, Bash 'Racist' Jesse Helms

There they go again.

Six weeks after media liberals broke their necks looking the other way when CBS big Dan Rather uttered a racial epithet during a nationally broadcast radio interview, they've rediscovered their racial sensitivity.

No, they're still not upset with the "CBS Evening News" anchorman, who derided his bosses as "Buckwheats" for caving in to pressure to cover the Gary Condit story. Or Sen. Robert Byrd, who in March uttered the phrase "white n----rs" on national TV.

The target of their racial attacks is GOP conservative icon Sen. Jesse Helms, whose announcement that he's retiring drew this lovely parting shot from the so-called "dean" of the Washington press corps, David Broder:

"Jesse Helms, White Racist" was the headline atop Broder's Washington Post column Wednesday.

The "dean," upset that enough reporters hadn't used the opportunity of Helms' retirement to smear him as a racist, eagerly picked up the slack.

"What really sets Helms apart," Broder noted, "is that he is the last prominent unabashed white racist politician in this country - a title that one hopes will now be permanently retired."

Of course, Broder didn't have to do all the heavy lifting on the Helms smear himself. PBS's Mark Shields was actually first out of the box, bashing Helms as racist just days after his announcement.

"Jesse Helms was an unreconstructed segregationist and came from segregationist politics, and he never really changed," Shields told Jim Lehrer's "News Hour."

Needless to say, neither Broder nor Shields had a word to say about Rather's "Buckwheat" slur, which even most in the conservative media ignored. But what about Byrd's "white n----r" remark?

A Lexis-Nexis search turns up not a peep from either of the liberal commentators on the West Virginia Democrat's outrageous epithet.

Helms bashers stayed mum on Byrd despite the leading liberal's amply documented background in the Ku Klux Klan. And Byrd wasn't just a foot soldier - he was a Kleagle, an official KKK recruiter.

The prominent Democrat officially severed his ties to the Klan in 1943. But three years later he wrote a letter to the hate group's Imperial Wizard.

"The Klan is needed today as never before," explained Byrd. "I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the Union."

In another musing from Byrd's so-called post-Klan period, he complained about blacks in the military, vowing never to fight "with a Negro by my side."

"Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Surely that kind of over-the-top race baiting would have drawn the ire of racially sensitive liberals everywhere, right? Well, not exactly. Only columnist Michelle Malkin thought the Byrd quotes were worth recycling in the wake of his nationally televised racial slur. Broder, Shields and the rest of the media libs stayed dead silent.

Their excuse, of course, was that Byrd offered his slurs many, many years ago.

But that's the point. Byrd's "White n----r" remark, coming just five months ago, shows that the West Virginia Democrat remains the unreconstructed bigot he was in the 1940s - the same accusation Shields and Broder leveled against Helms without a single similar incident on his record.

There's a lesson here for Republicans, though they obstinately refuse to learn it: Liberals will bash Republicans as racists no matter what the evidence shows.

New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, for instance - by bringing the city's annual homicide rate down from 2,100 to 600 during his tenure - has arguably done more for minorities than any politician of his time.

The victims of New York's formerly staggering murder rate were largely black and brown, meaning that thousands of blacks and Hispanics are alive today because of his get-tough-on-crime policies.

But instead of being hailed as a hero, Giuliani is routinely trashed as a racist by libs like Hillary Clinton, who try to win black votes by ginning up issues like racial profiling and police brutality. Meanwhile, her husband makes up stories about whites burning down black churches in his native Arkansas. The GOP's docile acceptance of the liberal double standard on race has real political consequences.

George Bush won a record 27 percent of the black vote in the 1998 Texas governor's race. But after national Democrats smeared him as a racist during the presidential campaign, using surrogates like the NAACP to link him to the dragging death of James Byrd, he won just 5 percent of the black vote in his home state.

!!!!!!!! Heads up !!!!!!!

Meanwhile, nary a national Republican said "boo" when Bill Clinton was accused of using the "N" word by two reputable witnesses on national TV. And when four witnesses charged that Mrs. Clinton had once called a campaign aide a "f---ing Jew bastard," her Senate opponent, Rick Lazio, refused to touch the issue.


Imagine the media feeding frenzy if either of those allegations had been leveled against Jesse Helms - or George Bush, for that matter.

When the GOP fails to call libs like the Clintons on their race-baiting, when conservatives sit idly by as Byrd and Rather hurl racial epithets - and speak out only when Democrats attack one of their own - they send a message, loud and clear: Democrats are the party of racial sensitivity, Republicans could care less.

But when Republicans fight fire with fire, and libs come to understand that they won't get a free pass for their own transgressions, experience suggests the politics of race baiting quickly evaporates.

That's what happened in Missouri's U.S. Senate race last year. Before he died, Missouri Democratic Senate hopeful Gov. Mel Carnahan tried to paint then-Sen. John Aschroft as a racist. Ashcroft's aides responded by unearthing a 40-year-old photo of Carnahan performing in a blackface minstrel show.

It worked like a charm. The Carnahan campaign immediately stopped its race baiting against Ashcroft, and the rest of the campaign was fought on the issues.

The Republican Party and its few friends in the press need to wise up - and soon. As long as the politics of race is a one-way street, George Bush and the rest of his party will be lucky to break into double digits when it comes to black support - no matter what Bush's actual record on race turns out to be.


Bipartisan Bigotry by Robert W. Lee After former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke ran a close second as a Republican in Louisiana's October 19th gubernatorial primary, White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater quickly declared that Duke is "not a Republican, he never will be a Republican .... We don't like him!" Nevertheless, top Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (ME), moved quickly to attach the racist KKK label to the Republican standard by contending that the Duke phenomenon is a natural outgrowth of the GOP's Willie Horton, anti-quota mentality. Actually, however, this century's most prominent "former Klan" politicos have been Democrats.

High Court Klansmen Edward D. White served as a Democratic senator from Louisiana from 1891 to 1894, when he was nominated by President Grover Cleveland (and confirmed by the Senate) to the Supreme Court. He was Chief Justice from 1910 to 1921. In 1915, during a White House screening of the KKK-compatible film The Birth of a Nation he revealed: "I was a member of the Klan." Hugo L. Black was a Democratic senator from Alabama from 1927 until his nomination to the Supreme Court by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937. He had joined the KKK in 1923, when he was 37 years old, for, his apologists say, political reasons. He dropped out two years later and eventually became a leading Court liberal.

Presidential Racism Harry S Truman reportedly joined the Klan for a short time in 1922, also, his defenders contend, for political reasons. Truman reportedly sought Klan backing in his race for a judgeship in Jackson County, Missouri. In Hooded Americanism: The First Century of the Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1965, author David M. Chalmers writes: "Truman's own story was that when he was told to promise not to give any jobs to Catholics he angrily withdrew and got his money back." Another version cited by Chalmers "was that the future President did go through with his initiation although he was never an active member." Active Klansman or not, Harry Truman's nearly lifelong record of personal racism is documented by his own published and unpublished letters, oral histories, and other documents on file at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Dr. William Leuchtenburg, president of the American Historical Association and a professor at the University of North Carolina, is writing a book about our 33rd president. During his research, Leuchtenburg found that in 1911 Truman (who was 27) wrote to his future wife, Bess: "I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's honest and decent and not a nigger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will [probably Wfiliam Yount, the brother of Truman's mother] says that the Lord made a white man from dust, a nigger from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman." Truman continued: "[I] am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, yellow men in Asia and white men in Europe and America." According to Professor Leuchtenburg, Truman was the first president since Reconstruction to make civil rights a federal priority. Yet he continued to use racial slurs throughout most of his life.

The Senator Wore White And then there is Robert C. Byrd, Democratic senator from West Virginia (and George Mitchell's predecessor as Senate Majority Leader). He voted against the nomination of new Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas on October 15th on grounds (among others) that Thomas had "mounted his own defense" during his nomination hearings "by charging that the [Senate Judiciary] committee proceedings were a high-tech lynching of uppity blacks." Byrd branded it "an attempt to fire the prejudices of race hatred." Senator Byrd has first-hand knowledge of racism. When he was running for Congress in 1952, his campaign was nearly derailed when a tough primary opponent revealed that Byrd had once belonged to the Ku Klux Klan. During a subsequent radio broadcast, Byrd acknowledged that he had been a member of the Klan from "mid-1942 to early 1943" because he was young (24) and because it "offered excitement." But he claimed: "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." Byrd, who was praised for his "candor" and "forthrightness" regarding the issue, won the primary handily to secure the Democratic nomination. But just prior to the final election, a letter surfaced (in Byrd's own handwriting) which confirmed that his association with the Klan had been far more cordial, for a far longer time, than he had claimed. Dated April 8, 1946 (three years after his alleged break with the Klan), the letter was addressed to Klan Imperial Wizard Samuel Green of Atlanta. It stated in part: "I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state .... The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia .... It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va .... I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities." So the same Robert Byrd who railed against Clarence Thomas for raising the spectre of racism and lynching was actively promoting the Klan years after he told voters he had severed all ties with it. He was nevertheless elected, as he has been six times since. Clearly, when it comes to the Ku Klux Klan, the Democrats now pillorying Republicans about David Duke have a full hamper of their own dirty bedsheets. Admittedly, the former memberships of other public officials in the Klan should have absolutely no bearing on the significance of Duke's recent membership. But history shows that major media exposures of "racism" can be very selective. In the media's eyes, not every Klansman is the same.

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KEYWORDS: bill; billclinton; byrd; clinton; davidduke; doublestandarad; hillary; hillaryclinton; jackson; jesse; jessehelms; jessejackson; jew; kkk; lott; military; n; philgraham; racist; resign; robertbyrd; roger; rogerclinton; segregation; thurmond; trentlott; truman; white; word
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1 posted on 12/09/2002 2:25:00 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March
The prominent Democrat officially severed his ties to the Klan in 1943.
And people on FR get tired of the Algores talking about Bush stealing the election in 2000. Jimmie-Christmas, Byrd was involved in the KKK 60 years ago! Reading posts on here and listening to Sean Hannity mention it over and over again make conservatives look like fools or Johnny-One-Notes.
2 posted on 12/09/2002 2:34:31 AM PST by lelio
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To: lelio
Yeah well you need to read more and whine less. Byrd recently used the 'white ni##er' remark. Not to mention, he filibustered a key civil rights vote in the 60s. Does that sound like his heart really changed when he left the Klan?
3 posted on 12/09/2002 2:41:40 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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To: lelio
Reading posts on here and listening to Sean Hannity mention it over and over again make conservatives look like fools or Johnny-One-Notes.

It really irritates you, huh? I think Hannity should mention it more often. Every day until Byrd is kicked out of his party.

4 posted on 12/09/2002 2:43:24 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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To: lelio
BTW, a lot of people still don't know about Byrd's KKK ties. Not everyone listens to the radio, goes on the internet, or has cable. Most people I work with don't. But hey, a lot of freepers don't know about Truman's kkk ties. One freeper accused me of slander this morning. "Johny One Notes". The opposite is true. Conservatives need to repeat themselves more often.
5 posted on 12/09/2002 2:51:04 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March; lelio
I had just read your post, saw that comment, and wondered if this person had even read the post, or was just immediately reacting. Your response is the obvious answer. There was either a lack of reading, or a lack or reading comprehension, staring us in the face.

Regarding Hannity constantly hitting the same note - the Dems do this all the time, and do it on a coordinated basis with multiple people across the country. It's an effective way of getting the message out.
6 posted on 12/09/2002 3:00:57 AM PST by FreedomPoster
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March
Yes, the demokrats and the left are enormous hypocrites, but they use 'race', KKK, Confederate flag, slavery, etc. as tools to overthrow the Constitutional government of the USA. Once they have accomplished this, blacks, minorities, and those they have used, will be discarded like a fast food wrapper.

I don't doubt that klintoon and his socialist/communist cronies use the enwurd all the time. It is their character to demean.

7 posted on 12/09/2002 3:13:35 AM PST by CWRWinger
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To: lelio
"And people on FR get tired of the Algores talking about Bush stealing the election in 2000."

The fact the Bush didn't steal the election might have something to do with that.

8 posted on 12/09/2002 3:39:28 AM PST by Jaxter
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March
Don't go there. These kinds of threads make everybody look bad, and, besides, there are plenty of closets full of skeletons across the political spectrum. Give it up.
9 posted on 12/09/2002 4:01:21 AM PST by Consort
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Comment #10 Removed by Moderator

To: Arthur Wildfire! March
Good post. We need to be reminded of this stuff.
11 posted on 12/09/2002 8:00:00 AM PST by jjm2111
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To: Jimer
Hey, the KKK hated Catholics too. You're kind of guys eh?
12 posted on 12/09/2002 8:45:14 AM PST by Conservative til I die
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To: Conservative til I die
Hey, the KKK hated Catholics too. You're kind of guys eh?

What makes you think you're a better Catholic or a better Conservative than I am? Try heeding the advice I gave and you will be a better person for it. Don't give Catholics or Conservatives a bad name.

13 posted on 12/09/2002 9:09:33 AM PST by Consort
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March; lelio
Yeah well you need to read more and whine less. Byrd recently used the 'white ni##er' remark. Not to mention, he filibustered a key civil rights vote in the 60s. Does that sound like his heart really changed when he left the Klan?

Sorry, I agree with lelio. I come to freerepublic to get facts not propaganda. You need to read & listen more and whine less. I watched the complete interview on Foxnews where Byrd made the 'white ni##er' remark. The interview showed Byrd taking a stand against racism and politial correctness. Only after the political pundits and activists looking for politial gain reduced it to soundbites did it sound racist. When Byrd made those remarks, he explained them in very plain language, and also stated that the vote that he regretted the most in his considerable years of service was his vote against the civil rights act.

I contend that your problem with Byrd relates to his power in the senate, not his purported racist views. It just eats away at you that a man such as him is arguably the most powerful man in the senate.

I think that Byrd's main problem is that he has outlived his peers. He was born and raised in a segregated society. There is no denying it. It happened. In the 1930's "nobody" believed in equal rights. 60 odd years before, slavery still existed. Schools, buses, hospitals, bathrooms, restaurants, churches and the military were all segregated. Things that we take for granted now like an interracial couple would have been unspeakable to the vast majority of both the black and white populations. Had you been born then, you probably would have had similar thoughts.

I realize that Senator Byrd is a democrat and thus a sworn enemy of most FR members. I prefer to focus on stands that he took on constitutional issues. He is the only senator that I know of that carries a copy of the Constitution with him everywhere. Even though the Homeland Security Act is an abomination to our freedoms and could be horribly abused by some some future administration, Byrd was the only senator that seriously fought against it. Our administration fought for it! Likewise, he wrote and got a bill passed that forbade the most abusive passages in the Kyoto protocol. Name a democrat senator that so harshly criticized Bill Clinton. Name a Republican senator that so sternly lectured and ridiculed Lil' Tommy Daschle in front of the entire senate. He also helped write The Right to Keep and Bear Arms: Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary in 1982. Maybe you should read this one and see if his values coincide with yours. I think that you will find him far to the right of many prominent republican leaders such as John McCain and Liddy Dole.

Sorry, I'm unconvinced that he is a racist and sworn enemy of my conservative views. I would prefer that he be a Republican, but I will vote for him anyway.

14 posted on 12/09/2002 9:13:32 AM PST by FreeInWV
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To: FreedomPoster; Arthur Wildfire! March
Wow, see that I created a firestorm here. Let me restate my position:
Bringing up a 60 year old case against a 90 year old man about his beliefs at the time, which were in line with a lot of the population, is unfair and shows the curmegeoniness of some conservatives, which is then taken to apply to all. Forgive and (partially) forget is what makes America great and seperates us from Muslims that are still complaining about the Crusades.
As for the point that the Dems do this a lot and Hannity should keep on harping on it: aren't conservatives superior to their tactics? Granted they work some of the time, but it gets old. Who listens to Carville now without rolling their eyes? Note: this is different from staying with your themes (like lower taxes, less government, etc) versus just harping on one negative issue.
15 posted on 12/09/2002 11:55:59 AM PST by lelio
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To: Jimer
Don't go there. These kinds of threads make everybody look bad, and, besides, there are plenty of closets full of skeletons across the political spectrum. Give it up.

When someone smacks you once, turn the other cheek. When someone is truly violent and hitting you repeatedly, I see what you would do. My. What a funny sight it would be.

16 posted on 12/09/2002 1:13:41 PM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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To: lelio
Let me restate my position: Bringing up a 60 year old case against a 90 year old man about his beliefs at the time, which were in line with a lot of the population, is unfair and shows the curmegeoniness of some conservatives, which is then taken to apply to all.

Did you even read my response? Byrd hasn't changed. The n-word is so ingrained in his mind he used it on live TV, although it was preceded with 'white', granted. He did several racist things since leaving the KKK. Not only did you not read enough to make an informed opinion, you didn't even bother to read my response?

17 posted on 12/09/2002 1:16:19 PM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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To: FreeInWV
I contend that your problem with Byrd relates to his power in the senate, not his purported racist views. It just eats away at you that a man such as him is arguably the most powerful man in the senate.

No. You don't understand me at all. I don't suck up to those rats. I fight back. They take a swipe at someone, I DEMAND they hold themselves to the same infernal standard. If they don't I rub it in their nose and encourage others to do the same. BYRD IS A SYMBOL. These rats don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to racism, because they are flipping hypocrites. Sometimes, you don't have to bring up something new. Sometimes, you can actually use the same argument twice, especially with these attack rats.

Note the title, "turning the tables". I simply could not believe how many conservatives are willing to eat their own, holding Lott to such a lofty standard, and telling other people to shut up. You are essentially telling me to shut up. And I'm telling you this, I presented this information here to be handy and available to a current issue. If you didn't like the title, perhaps you could scroll on past. Instead, you waste energy trying to shut someone else up. It isn't going to work with me.

18 posted on 12/09/2002 1:23:55 PM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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To: lelio
You miss the point...the subject is not Bryd, but the hyprocracy of the left...Jesse Jackson ONLY cares about the Confederate flag if the GOP has just won a primary in the state...He HASN'T cared since the early sixties when Fritz Hollings ran the flag up the pole when he was governor, and you won't hear the LIBEAL media mention it....The racist brand only gets applied to republicans and yet there is NOT ONE republican who was governor when the confederate battle flag became a state flag, and there is not one republican who was once a member of the KKK...BUt if there was one, Jesse, Al, and the media would not let go of it.
19 posted on 12/09/2002 1:26:14 PM PST by Moby Grape
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To: zian
20 posted on 12/09/2002 1:27:04 PM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March
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