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Will Romney, Huntsman help or hurt Mormons?
Religion News Service ^ | Feb. 11, 2011 | Peggy Fletcher Stack

Posted on 02/15/2011 12:07:41 PM PST by Colofornian

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To: Paragon Defender
The MSM may go on the attack like many obsessed anti-Mormons already do but people eventually see the truth.
I just HATE it when OBSESSED people do those kinds of things!!

  17 It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!
  18 My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.
  19 I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”
  20 He again forbade me to join with any of them; and many other things did he say unto me, which I cannot write at this time. When I came to myself again, I found myself lying on my back, looking up into heaven. When the light had departed, I had no strength; but soon recovering in some degree, I went home. And as I leaned up to the fireplace, mother inquired what the matter was. I replied, “Never mind, all is well—I am well enough off.” I then said to my mother,
“I have learned for myself that Presbyterianism is not true.”
And, continuing thru the years, the high ranking leaders of that Organization have done the same!
Joseph Smith continues: "for the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by an appeal to the Bible" (from Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith-History 1:12). "What is it that inspires professors of Christianity generally with a hope of salvation? It is that smooth, sophisticated influence of the devil, by which he deceives the whole world" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p.270).
Questions put to Joseph Smith: "'Do you believe the Bible?' [Smith:]'If we do, we are the only people under heaven that does, for there are none of the religious sects of the day that do'. When asked 'Will everybody be damned, but Mormons'? [Smith replied] 'Yes, and a great portion of them, unless they repent, and work righteousness." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 119).
Brigham Young stated this repeatedly: "When the light came to me I saw that all the so-called Christian world was grovelling in darkness" (Journal of Discourses 5:73); "The Christian world, so-called, are heathens as to the knowledge of the salvation of God" (Journal of Discourses 8:171); "With a regard to true theology, a more ignorant people never lived than the present so-called Christian world" (Journal of Discourses 8:199); "And who is there that acknowledges [God's] hand? ...You may wander east, west, north, and south, and you cannot find it in any church or government on the earth, except the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p.24); "Should you ask why we differ from other Christians, as they are called, it is simply because they are not Christians as the New Testament defines Christianity" (Journal of Discourses 10:230).
Orson Pratt proclaimed: "Both Catholics and Protestants are nothing less than the 'whore of Babylon' whom the Lord denounces by the mouth of John the Revelator as having corrupted all the earth by their fornications and wickedness. Any person who shall be so corrupt as to receive a holy ordinance of the Gospel from the ministers of any of these apostate churches will be sent down to hell with them, unless they repent" (The Seer, p. 255).
Pratt also said: "This great apostasy commenced about the close of the first century of the Christian era, and it has been waxing worse and worse from then until now" (Journal of Discourses, vol.18, p.44) and: "But as there has been no Christian Church on the earth for a great many centuries past, until the present century, the people have lost sight of the pattern that God has given according to which the Christian Church should be established, and they have denominated a great variety of people Christian Churches, because they profess to be ...But there has been a long apostasy, during which the nations have been cursed with apostate churches in great abundance" (Journal of Discourses, 18:172).
President John Taylor stated: " a perfect pack of nonsense...the devil could not invent a better engine to spread his work than the Christianity of the nineteenth century." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p.167); "Where shall we look for the true order or authority of God? It cannot be found in any nation of Christendom." (Journal of Discourses, 10:127).
James Talmage said: "A self-suggesting interpretation of history indicates that there has been a great departure from the way of salvation as laid down by the Savior, a universal apostasy from the Church of Christ". (A Study of the Articles of Faith, p.182).
President Joseph Fielding Smith said: "Doctrines were corrupted, authority lost, and a false order of religion took the place of the gospel of Jesus Christ, just as it had been the case in former dispensations, and the people were left in spiritual darkness." (Doctrines of Salvation, p.266). "For hundreds of years the world was wrapped in a veil of spiritual darkness, until there was not one fundamental truth belonging to the place of salvation ...Joseph Smith declared that in the year 1820 the Lord revealed to him that all the 'Christian' churches were in error, teaching for commandments the doctrines of men" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, p.282).
More recent statements by apostle Bruce McConkie are also very clear: "Apostasy was universal...And this darkness still prevails except among those who have come to a knowledge of the restored gospel" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol 3, p.265); "Thus the signs of the times include the prevailing apostate darkness in the sects of Christendom and in the religious world in general" (The Millennial Messiah, p.403); "a perverted Christianity holds sway among the so-called Christians of apostate Christendom" (Mormon Doctrine, p.132); "virtually all the millions of apostate Christendom have abased themselves before the mythical throne of a mythical Christ whom they vainly suppose to be a spirit essence who is incorporeal uncreated, immaterial and three-in-one with the Father and Holy Spirit" (Mormon Doctrine, p.269); "Gnosticism is one of the great pagan philosophies which antedated Christ and the Christian Era and which was later commingled with pure Christianity to form the apostate religion that has prevailed in the world since the early days of that era." (Mormon Doctrine, p.316).
President George Q. Cannon said: "After the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized, there were only two churches upon the earth. They were known respectively as the Church of the Lamb of God and Babylon. The various organizations which are called churches throughout Christendom, though differing in their creeds and organizations, have one common origin. They all belong to Babylon" (Gospel Truth, p.324).
President Wilford Woodruff stated: "the Gospel of modern Christendom shuts up the Lord, and stops all communication with Him. I want nothing to do with such a Gospel, I would rather prefer the Gospel of the dark ages, so called" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p.196).

41 posted on 02/15/2011 2:34:53 PM PST by Elsie
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To: Paragon Defender
The MSM may go on the attack like many obsessed anti-Mormons already do but people eventually see the truth.


An angel tells Nephi of the blessings and cursings to fall upon the Gentiles—There are only two churches: the Church of the Lamb of God and the church of the devil—The saints of God in all nations are persecuted by the great and abominable church—The apostle John shall write concerning the end of the world. Between 600 and 592 B.C.
  1 And it shall come to pass, that if the aGentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in word, and also in bpower, in very deed, unto the ctaking away of their dstumbling blocks—
  2 And harden not their hearts against the Lamb of God, they shall be numbered among the seed of thy father; yea, they shall be anumbered among the house of Israel; and they shall be a bblessed people upon the cpromised land forever; they shall be no more brought down into captivity; and the house of Israel shall no more be confounded.
  3 And that great apit, which hath been digged for them by that great and abominable church, which was founded by the devil and his children, that he might lead away the souls of men down to hell—yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that bhell which hath no end.
  4 For behold, this is according to the acaptivity of the devil, and also according to the justice of God, upon all those who will work wickedness and abomination before him.
  5 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, Nephi, saying: Thou hast beheld that if the Gentiles repent it shall be awell with them; and thou also knowest concerning the covenants of the Lord unto the house of Israel; and thou also hast heard that whoso brepenteth not must perish.
  6 Therefore, awo be unto the Gentiles if it so be that they harden their hearts against the Lamb of God.
  7 For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a amarvelous work among the children of men; a bwork which shall be everlasting, either on the one hand or on the other—either to the convincing of them unto cpeace and dlife eternal, or unto the deliverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually, according to the ecaptivity of the devil, of which I have spoken.
  8 And it came to pass that when the angel had spoken these words, he said unto me: Rememberest thou the acovenants of the Father unto the house of Israel? I said unto him, Yea.
  9 And it came to pass that he said unto me: Look, and behold that great and abominable church, which is the mother of abominations, whose founder is the adevil.
  10 And he said unto me: Behold there are save atwo churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the bother is the church of the cdevil; wherefore, dwhoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the ewhore of all the earth.
  11 And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the whore of all the earth, and she sat upon many awaters; and she had dominion over ball the earth, among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.
  12 And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were afew, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon ball the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small, because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.
  13 And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the Gentiles, to afight against the Lamb of God.
  14 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were aarmed with brighteousness and with the cpower of God in great glory.
  15 And it came to pass that I beheld that the wrath of God was apoured out upon that great and abominable church, insomuch that there were wars and rumors of wars among all the bnations and kindreds of the earth.
  16 And as there began to be awars and rumors of wars among all the nations which belonged to the mother of abominations, the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold, the wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots; and behold, thou seest all these things—
  17 And when the aday cometh that the bwrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church  of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the cwork of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his dcovenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.
  18 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, saying: Look!
  19 And I looked and beheld a man, and he was dressed in a white robe.
  20 And the angel said unto me: Behold aone of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
  21 Behold, he shall asee and bwrite the cremainder of these things; yea, and also many things which have been.
  22 And he shall also write concerning the end of the world.
  23 Wherefore, the things which he shall write are just and true; and behold they are written in the abook which thou beheld proceeding out of the mouth of the Jew; and at the time they proceeded out of the mouth of the Jew, or, at the time the book proceeded out of the mouth of the Jew, the things which were written were plain and pure, and most bprecious and easy to the understanding of all men.
  24 And behold, the things which this aapostle of the Lamb shall write are many things which thou hast seen; and behold, the remainder shalt thou see.
  25 But the things which thou shalt see hereafter thou shalt not write; for the Lord God hath ordained the apostle of the Lamb of God that he should awrite them.
  26 And also others who have been, to them hath he shown all things, and they have awritten them; and they are bsealed up to come forth in their purity, according to the truth which is in the Lamb, in the own due time of the Lord, unto the house of Israel.
  27 And I, Nephi, heard and bear record, that the name of the apostle of the Lamb was aJohn, according to the word of the angel.
  28 And behold, I, Nephi, am forbidden that I should write the remainder of the things which I saw and heard; wherefore the things which I have written sufficeth me; and I have written but a small part of the things which I saw.
  29 And I bear record that I saw the things which my afather saw, and the angel of the Lord did make them known unto me.
  30 And now I make an end of speaking concerning the things which I saw while I was acarried away in the spirit; and if all the things which I saw are not written, the things which I have written are btrue. And thus it is. Amen.

42 posted on 02/15/2011 2:36:59 PM PST by Elsie
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To: Colofornian

If these Political “scientists”...don’t realize the Left will crush the mormonism of each of these guys...they aren’t thinking..or they are leftists themselves.

43 posted on 02/15/2011 2:37:28 PM PST by Osage Orange (MOLON LABE)
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To: Paragon Defender
P.S. Most of the Mormons I know aren’t too thrilled with Reid either.

And I will bet that MOST of them still VOTED for him!

44 posted on 02/15/2011 2:38:15 PM PST by Elsie
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To: blasater1960
Mormonism is Christianity what Christianity is to Judaism.

And what is Jesus of Nazareth (known popularly as the Christ) to Judism?

45 posted on 02/15/2011 2:39:43 PM PST by Elsie
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To: ejonesie22
(Oh, & it should also help some non-temple Mormons, who may say, "There's a good reason why I never pursued or re-pursued a temple recommendation. After hearing about all that occultic stuff that goes on in there. I'm glad I stayed out all these years!")
46 posted on 02/15/2011 2:40:23 PM PST by Colofornian
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To: Tennessee Nana
Its that Margaret Sanger/racism/black babies thing...

Did SOMEone say BLACK???


"You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, uncomely, disagreeable and low in their habits, wild, and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind.

The first man that committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren will be cursed the longest of any one of the children of Adam. Cain slew his brother. Cain might have been killed, and that would have put a termination to that line of human beings.

This was not to be, and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin. Trace mankind down to after the flood, and then another curse is pronounced upon the same race--that they should be the 'servant of servants', and they will be, until that curse is removed."

Brigham Young - President and second 'Prophet' of the Mormon Church, 1844-1877- Extract from Journal of Discourses.

Here are two examples from their 'other testament', the Book of Mormon.

  2 Nephi 5: 21    'And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people, the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.'

  Alma 3: 6    'And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob and Joseph, and Sam, who were just and holy men.'


August 27, 1954 in an address at Brigham Young University (BYU), Mormon Elder, Mark E Peterson, in speaking to a convention of teachers of religion at the college level, said:

"The discussion on civil rights, especially over the last 20 years, has drawn some very sharp lines. It has blinded the thinking of some of our own people, I believe. They have allowed their political affiliations to color their thinking to some extent.I think I have read enough to give you an idea of what the Negro is after."

"He is not just seeking the opportunity of sitting down in a cafe where white people eat. He isn't just trying to ride on the same streetcar or the same Pullman car with white people. It isn't that he just desires to go to the same theater as the white people. From this, and other interviews I have read, it appears that the Negro seeks absorption with the white race. He will not be satisfied until he achieves it by intermarriage."

"That is his objective and we must face it. We must not allow our feelings to carry us away, nor must we feel so sorry for Negroes that we will open our arms and embrace them with everything we have. Remember the little statement that we used to say about sin, 'First we pity, then endure, then embrace'...."

(Rosa Parks would have probably told Petersen under which wheel of the bus he should go sit.)

 1967, (then) Mormon President Ezra Taft Benson said,

"The Communist program for revolution in America has been in progress for many years and is far advanced. First of all, we must not place the blame upon Negroes. They are merely the unfortunate group that has been selected by professional Communist agitators to be used as the primary source of cannon fodder."

We are told that on June 8, 1978, it was 'revealed' to the then president, Spencer Kimball, that people of color could now gain entry into the priesthood.

According to the church, Kimball spent many long hours petitioning God, begging him to give worthy black people the priesthood. God finally relented.

Sometime before the 'revelation' came to chief 'Prophet' Spencer Kimball in June 1978, General Authority, Bruce R McConkie had said:

"The Blacks are denied the Priesthood; under no circumstances can they hold this delegation of authority from the Almighty.

The Negroes are not equal with other races where the receipt of certain blessings are concerned, particularly the priesthood and the temple blessings that flow there from, but this inequality is not of man's origin, it is the Lord's doings."

(Mormon Doctrine, pp. 526-527).

When Mormon 'Apostle' Mark E Petersen spoke on 'Race Problems- As they affect the Church' at the BYU campus in 1954, the following was also said:

"...if the negro accepts the gospel with real, sincere faith, and is really converted, to give him the blessings of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost, he can and will enter the celestial kingdom. He will go there as a servant, but he will get celestial glory."

When Mormon 'Prophet' and second President of the Church, Brigham Young, spoke in 1863 the following was also said:

"Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God is death on the spot. This will always be so."

(Journal of Discourses, Vo. 10, p. 110)

47 posted on 02/15/2011 2:41:14 PM PST by Elsie
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To: Elsie; blasater1960
And what is Jesus of Nazareth (known popularly as the Christ) to Judism?


And here Blasater's used the line how many times now?

All it took was one little Elsie pin to pop Blasater's over-inflated non-sequitor analogy.

48 posted on 02/15/2011 2:43:19 PM PST by Colofornian
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To: Osage Orange

I will mock the magic underwear. Hopefully they don’t get the nomination, so the media won’t be mocking our candidate in the fall of 2012 for that.

49 posted on 02/15/2011 2:46:44 PM PST by truthfreedom
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To: Paragon Defender
They will wonder why, if all that what the anti’s and MSM say is so obviously true, would anyone be a Mormon?

Why would anyone be a follower of Islam?

50 posted on 02/15/2011 2:48:50 PM PST by Osage Orange (MOLON LABE)
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To: blasater1960
I guess that Jesus fellow is a damned liar!
...or a CRAZY man!
I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger. John 6:35

I am the light of the world; he who fallows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12

I am the gate; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. John 10:9

I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for His sheep. John 10:11

I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies. John 11:25

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me. John 14:6

I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. John 15:1

Truly, Truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am. John 8:58.

51 posted on 02/15/2011 2:48:52 PM PST by Elsie
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To: Servant of the Cross


52 posted on 02/15/2011 2:50:26 PM PST by Osage Orange (MOLON LABE)
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To: Colofornian

  Aw, shucks...

53 posted on 02/15/2011 2:52:09 PM PST by Elsie
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To: F15Eagle

here’s a link to the south park mormon episode.

54 posted on 02/15/2011 2:53:01 PM PST by truthfreedom
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To: truthfreedom
I really don’t like using religious argument to justify my points.

OK just for you...

I cant imagine anything more evil than polygamy...Willard Mitt Romney

55 posted on 02/15/2011 3:03:41 PM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: Elsie
And what is Jesus of Nazareth (known popularly as the Christ) to Judaism?

To keep it simple, not a messiah.

56 posted on 02/15/2011 3:05:10 PM PST by blasater1960 (Deut 30, Psalm 111...the Torah and the Law, is attainable past, present and forever.)
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To: Elsie
I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger. John 6:35

You quoting the Greek Testament to me is like Mormons quoting the Book of Mormon to you.

You are both in error.

57 posted on 02/15/2011 3:09:35 PM PST by blasater1960 (Deut 30, Psalm 111...the Torah and the Law, is attainable past, present and forever.)
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To: truthfreedom
Where is the bible quote that says polygamy and gay marriage are just as bad?

In the Bible where God said polygamy is wickedness.. and put both evil sins on the same line... Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10

and in the Bible where God condemned polygamy and never mentioned homosexuality...

The Ten Commandments...

Thou shalt not commit adultery Exodus 20:14

PS I love the Christian Bible

I prefer to use the Word of God and what He has to say about any subject...

58 posted on 02/15/2011 3:14:54 PM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: truthfreedom; Graybeard58
I really don’t have the problems with Polygamy that I have with Gay Marriage. Polygamy means more babies, and a few years after than, more workers paying into Social Security.

Wow! Truthfreedom your math is distorted. Polygamy = FEWER husbands. Have you ever pondered China's "sociology" -- where they abort females & commit female infanticide [happens in India, too]...resulting in millions of men who have no hope of getting married? What about India, where it compounds of the problem of child prostitution? Girls who are kept in cages like animals?

Also, your base division is wrong. You are dividing the # of children by the # of fathers. While Brigham Young wasn't your "average" polygamist, the fact was he had 55 wives and 57 children. You need to divide the # of children by the # of moms -- in this case it barely came out to over 1 child per wife. (Even subtracting those wives he married who weren't of childbearing age didn't make it up to even 2 children per mom).

So here you think with a 57-baby family, you are adding to rampant pop growth -- when it fact Brigham Young lowered the child-bearing rate of his wives compared to other women of that era!

Policy-wise, you also apparently haven't investigated the socio-legality & its cultural consequences. Go check out Hildale, UT, & Colorado City, AZ, where most of these extra wives are on welfare as "single" women.

Gay Marriage is extinctionary. If everyone did that, there would be no humans in 120 years.

Well, if China goes on long enough killing off their next generation of female babies, guess what? They'll start raiding other countries for females, perhaps even declaring war for that very purpose.

A good public policy argument can be made in favor of Polygamy. Can’t be done for gay marriage.

Polygamy leading to marriageless men is a good thing? Are you kidding? George Gilder called single men "barbarians." Look @ all or almost all of the worst social pathologies & who are behind them? (Single men)

59 posted on 02/15/2011 3:17:47 PM PST by Colofornian
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To: Colofornian
And here Blasater's used the line how many times now?

Hey it is good to remind you guys now and then as well as new thread people. non-sequitur pftftft. It is an exact analogy. You make a man into god. Mormons make man into a god. The result is the same. Both are heretical.

60 posted on 02/15/2011 3:21:27 PM PST by blasater1960 (Deut 30, Psalm 111...the Torah and the Law, is attainable past, present and forever.)
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