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First Complex Attack by ISIS in Baghdad
Sofrep ^ | 9/19/2014 | Peter Nealen

Posted on 09/20/2014 12:02:41 PM PDT by mojito

While there have been plenty of low-level terror bombings in Baghdad in recent months, until Sept 18, the more complex, infantry-based combat had been limited to the north....But in the evening of the 18th, utilizing a combination of VBIEDs, suicide bombers, mortars, and, according to Shafaaq, RPGs, ISIS fighters struck in the Khadhmiya Neighborhood in northern Baghdad.

Khadimiyah is a majority-Shi’a neighborhood, actually a Shi’a holy city subsumed by Baghdad. It is the site of a major Shi’a shrine, the Al Khadhimiya Mosque, which is was built over the tombs of two major Shi’a imams. It is also the site of Camp Justice, a US-run base during the occupation, and also where Iraqi authorities hanged Saddam Hussein.

Camp Justice is now under Iraqi control, and was one of the major targets on Thursday. Fourteen mortar rounds were fired from the vicinity of Taji, in the “Baghdad Belt” at Camp Justice, and at least one suicide VBIED rammed the checkpoint leading into the prison, reportedly killing three people and wounding ten. Al Sumaria also reported mortars landing on the Aaima floating bridge across the Tigris to the north of the prison, and more on the Sunni Endowment further north of that.

A VBIED detonated near a restaurant in Khadhmiya at about the same time, killing another four people. Iraqi Security Forces found and defused one more in the neighborhood. Two suicide bombers were arrested before they could attack the base at Camp Justice.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: baghdad; campjustice; isis
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A coordinated attack, but probably more a probe of the defenses at Camp Justice than an all out assault - and not well-executed.

h/t Ann Barnhardt

1 posted on 09/20/2014 12:02:41 PM PDT by mojito
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To: mojito

Baghdadi wanted to know how difficult it would be to bust open the prison. He now knows how much force will be required.

2 posted on 09/20/2014 12:07:26 PM PDT by Viennacon
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To: mojito
So are we siding with the Shiaa or Sunni?

We used to be Sunni. Now we are fighting Sunni, and Shiaa?

Kill em all, let G_d sort em out later!

3 posted on 09/20/2014 12:31:12 PM PDT by rawcatslyentist (Jeremiah 50:32 "The arrogant one will stumble and fall ; / ?)
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To: rawcatslyentist

Who are we siding-with/arming today??? Did Clown Prince nobama use his touted “strategy”: a coin flip?

4 posted on 09/20/2014 12:33:59 PM PDT by hal ogen (First Amendment or Reeducation Camp?)
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To: mojito
Wow! These people sound invincible. We should surrender now. /sarc
5 posted on 09/20/2014 12:40:48 PM PDT by Cowboy Bob (They are called "Liberals" because the word "parasite" was already taken.)
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; bigheadfred; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; ...

> utilizing a combination of VBIEDs, suicide bombers, mortars, and, according to Shafaaq, RPGs

And don’t forget, they also used hundreds of US-made Manpads smuggled from Libya into Syria, and delivered to ISIS in a semi driven by Senator John McCain, who then took the time for a photo op.

6 posted on 09/20/2014 1:19:51 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (/sarcasm)
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To: rawcatslyentist

Isis is Sunni. Iran is Shia (Shiite).

The thing most people don’t “get” is that we just jumped into the middle of a religious civil war. On the side of Iran.

That seems like a good idea when we put it that way, doesn’t it?


7 posted on 09/20/2014 1:21:15 PM PDT by Vermont Lt (Ebola: Death is a lagging indicator.)
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To: mojito

These savages have to be eliminated.

8 posted on 09/20/2014 1:21:47 PM PDT by I want the USA back (Media: completely irresponsible. Complicit in the destruction of this country.)
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To: Vermont Lt

So it starts—the seige of Baghdad. If Baghdad fall so will all of Iraq. Watch as they lob poison gas into the city. They hate the Shai and their tombs and mosques. Think of the radical protestants and how they felt about the statues in a Catholic Church—Lots of folks died in the reformation wars. This is much worse because they have better weapons.

9 posted on 09/20/2014 1:30:35 PM PDT by Forward the Light Brigade (Into the Jaws of H*ll Onward! Ride to the sound of the guns!)
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To: mojito
ISIS is King Obama’s army. He will not stop them but bomb useless junk on the ground to look good.
10 posted on 09/20/2014 1:51:50 PM PDT by Logical me
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To: Vermont Lt
On the side of Iran.

There are many more Sunnis than Shiites. The traditional balance of power was between the Sunni rulers of the oil states and the Shiite rabble in the slums in those states. Saudi, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE are all set up like that. Libya was, and Iraq was to some extent. The exception was Iran where the rabble took over and formed their own fundamentalist state although more modern in many ways. When you see a medieval Muslim beating his wife with a stick think Sunni. When you see a modern Muslim with a cell phone blowing himself up, think Shiite. Oddly the Shiites will beat themselves too.

Next the Sunnis invent ISIS which is essentially Taliban on steroids funded by the Sunnis in Qatar and elsewhere. ISIS is fundamentalists with knives slicing up the fundamentalists with cell phones. ISIS will use cars but only to get to new places faster to kill more people. The Muslim brotherhood is Sunni. Obama is Sunni like his masters in Saudi. Obama did not want to make a serious effort to degrade ISIS since he is on their side.

The problem for Obama is that ISIS is a bit like Nazi Germany taking over swaths of territory and making his religion look bad. He is being forced to ally with Iran to degrade them if there is political pressure to do that. If he does and Shiite Iran emerges victorious (along with their ally Russia), then we will have new cold war with a nuclear Shiite Iran. Iran will fund terrorist Shia rabble in places like Turkey and Pakistan against the Sunni majority and rulers there.

Obviously we don't want a strong nuclear Iran as an outcome. But we also don't want a nuclear ISIS centered in Syria and Iraq. There is no good solution but waging a large war on the side of Iran is one of the poorer choices.

11 posted on 09/20/2014 2:19:37 PM PDT by palmer (This comment is not approved or cleared by FDA)
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To: Logical me

You are correct.

12 posted on 09/20/2014 2:20:03 PM PDT by palmer (This comment is not approved or cleared by FDA)
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To: palmer

Personally, I think that this whole ISIL issue is a scam to get Iran to cross the border, facilitating a strike against the from the Sunnis across the gulf (and us.)

We will do very little until he absolutely have to.

13 posted on 09/20/2014 2:57:34 PM PDT by Vermont Lt (Ebola: Death is a lagging indicator.)
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To: mojito

It seems inherently wrong to arrest suicide bombers before they attack. How about detonating them instead.

14 posted on 09/20/2014 3:18:33 PM PDT by mcshot (Kenya now says 0 or Soebarkah born in U.S..)
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To: mojito

Luckily the Democrats running the Executive Office and Hillary’s State Department gave up all 12 bases in Iraq. No war mongering for America.

15 posted on 09/21/2014 5:25:02 AM PDT by 1010RD (First, Do No Harm)
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To: Vermont Lt
The thing most people don't "get" is the just jumped into the middle of a religious civil war

Most people get it. US policy of regime change and financing, arming, and training rebels to fight Assad created ISIS. The problem is that we're on the wrong side in Syria

. A fight against ISIS isn't because they're Sunni, they're out of control maniacs created by US foreign policy. The problem is that Obama still arms rebels who will turn against civilized people and he still wants Assad out of power.

16 posted on 09/21/2014 5:36:20 AM PDT by grania
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To: grania

“... they’re out of control maniacs created by US foreign policy.”

Yet they’re being destroyed by the US military. How can this be?

Something’s not right in your head.

You probably also believe the 9-11 attacks were due to “US foreign policy” of basing troops in Saudi Arabia. Perhaps you even believe all Islamic attacks against Westerners and innocents are justified due to presumed insults against Islam?

You’re a lousy Kaffir. That’s what you are.

Isn’t it time for you to ride your bike to the bistro for your shift?

17 posted on 09/21/2014 6:40:57 AM PDT by Justa
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To: hal ogen

>> Who are we siding-with/arming today?

Whatever side best suits the anti-war president for the given day.

18 posted on 09/21/2014 6:43:32 AM PDT by Gene Eric (Don't be a statist!)
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To: Justa

Are you denying that our support of “friendly rebels” and our creating a power vacuum in Syria is what allowed ISIS to become what it is?

19 posted on 09/21/2014 6:47:14 AM PDT by grania
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To: grania

“Most people get it.”

I understand most people here on FR “get it.” I do not think the average guy on the street does. They simply know there are some “terrorists” over there blowing up stuff and cutting off heads.

They do not realize that we are taking sides with Iran and Assad. They could not tell you who is Sunni and who is Shiite.

This concerns me. A lot.

20 posted on 09/21/2014 8:46:15 AM PDT by Vermont Lt (Ebola: Death is a lagging indicator.)
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