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Arne Duncan: White suburban moms’ upset that Common Core shows their kids aren’t ‘brilliant’
The Washington Post ^ | Saturday, November 16, 2013 | Valerie Strauss

Posted on 11/17/2013 5:50:33 AM PST by kristinn

(Update: Adding more on opposition to Core, where Duncan spoke)

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan told a group of state schools superintendents Friday that he found it “fascinating” that some of the opposition to the Common Core State Standards has come from “white suburban moms who — all of a sudden — their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were.”

Yes, he really said that. But he has said similar things before. What, exactly, is he talking about?

In his cheerleading for the controversial Common Core State Standards — which were approved by 45 states and the District of Columbia and are now being implemented across the country (though some states are reconsidering) — Duncan has repeatedly noted that the standards and the standardized testing that goes along with them are more difficult than students in most states have confronted.

The Core was designed to elevate teaching and learning. Supporters say it does that; critics say it doesn’t and that some of the standards, especially for young children, are not developmentally appropriate. Whichever side you fall on regarding the Core’s academic value, there is no question that their implementation in many areas has been miserable — so miserable that American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, a Core supporter, recently compared it to another particularly troubled rollout:

You think the Obamacare implementation is bad? The implementation of the Common Core is far worse.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2014election; 2016election; academicbias; arneduncan; commiecore; commoncore; communism; communismkills; cultureofcorruption; curriculum; datacollection; dissentispatriotic; dncscandals; education; election2014; election2016; federalcontrol; homoappointus; indoctrination; learning; liberalbigot; littleredschoolhouse; lyingliar; noclass; obama; obamascandals; obamayouth; obamunism; parentalrights; playtheracecard; reeducationcenters; teachcollective; teaching; thoughtcontrol
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To: usconservative

Let’s give credit where it’s due even as we despise it.

The early 20th century progressives understood that control of the education system was key to controlling the direction of our nation. They implemented their plan through the Department of Education and a wholesale takeover of higher education, aided by their union/political allies, to perfection. They cemented it by taking over the entertainment/news industry.

The results speak for themselves and the power they enjoy today is a direct result of their successful efforts.

41 posted on 11/17/2013 7:32:34 AM PST by volunbeer (We must embrace austerity or austerity will embrace us)
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To: kristinn

Ya right

42 posted on 11/17/2013 7:44:54 AM PST by CPT Clay (Follow me on Twitter @Clay N TX)
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To: kristinn

Arne Duncan just another Chicago leadership disaster in DC. Chicago and Obama the epitome of FAIL.

43 posted on 11/17/2013 7:48:24 AM PST by hondact200 (Candor dat viribos alas (sincerity gives wings to strength) and Nil desperandum (never despair))
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To: butterdezillion
>>>>The problem in our schools is the apathy of the parents and the society that has created that apathy, and no matter how the schools try to become mommy and daddy for these kids they can’t do it.<<<

Horse crap. My son was falling behind in reading because of poor curriculum. We spent 4-5 hours a day at home after school working with him. We were in daily contact with the teacher to ensure we were teaching the correct things.

The school was using sight words to teach him. We pulled him out and used phonics and within a year he was reading way ahead of his grade level. That was a nearly 3 year advancement from where he was. It was the school not us the parents.

I agree that there are many parents that do ignore their kids as you suggest but to say it is all the parent lack of participation is false.

44 posted on 11/17/2013 7:48:48 AM PST by jimpick
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To: marygam

He has a wife and kids.

45 posted on 11/17/2013 7:49:43 AM PST by PghBaldy (12/14 - 930am -rampage begins... 12/15 - 1030am - Obama's advance team scouts photo-op locations.)
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To: jimpick

” It was the school not us the parents.”

And the problem is not the child either. That has been my suspicion. If you don’t have “standardized”, efficient teaching — how can you have standardized tests?

46 posted on 11/17/2013 7:58:29 AM PST by Innovative ("Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing." -- Vince Lombardi)
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To: ilovesarah2012

What a disgusting hypocrite this commie is.

47 posted on 11/17/2013 8:10:13 AM PST by Jane Long (While Marxists continue the fundamental transformation of the USA, progressive RINOs assist!)
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To: jimpick
They were in public school but I got tired of spending 4-5 hours every night teaching them. I would not have had to do that if you did your job that we pay you for in the first place.

I had the same problem with private schools. When I pulled my kids we got more done in far less time.

48 posted on 11/17/2013 8:11:13 AM PST by Carry_Okie ("Single payer" is Medicaid for all; they'll pull the sheet over your head when you're done.)
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To: Carry_Okie
>>>When I pulled my kids we got more done in far less time. <<<

Exactly. We spend just as much time with a full day of education as we did every night helping them. So in essence we were getting nothing from the school.

Well they were holding our kids back. So really less than nothing from a full day at school.

49 posted on 11/17/2013 8:15:00 AM PST by jimpick
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To: jimpick
We spend just as much time with a full day of education as we did every night helping them. So in essence we were getting nothing from the school.

Actually, it's negative, because they were still controlling the content of study.

In the evening, I'll bet you get FAMILY time with them now. Sharing that for which we were grateful every evening after dinner was the delight of our lives together as a family.

50 posted on 11/17/2013 8:20:16 AM PST by Carry_Okie ("Single payer" is Medicaid for all; they'll pull the sheet over your head when you're done.)
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To: PghBaldy

All is not what it seems.

51 posted on 11/17/2013 8:21:04 AM PST by libertymaker
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To: yldstrk

“All the schools have problems. My kid goes to the snootiest school in town and it is full of atheists and rich Democrats. The Catholic schools are full of liberal idiots. The Christian schools are oppressive and don’t trust the kids. What is the answer?”

The answer is homeschooling.

Now that I have enraged the Libtards, I think I’ll go play with a gun. Or three of them.

Why three?

‘Cause four would be ostentatious.


52 posted on 11/17/2013 8:21:17 AM PST by GladesGuru (Islam Delenda Est - Because of what Islam is and because of what Muslims do.)
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To: kristinn

I have oftened wondered why no one has asked about Arne Duncan’s ties to Bill Ayers.

53 posted on 11/17/2013 8:28:14 AM PST by LauraJean (sometimes I win sometimes I donate to the equine benevolent society)
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To: kristinn

They need a new kind of class room - where the Mom’s
can come to learn with their children.
“A generational school”.

54 posted on 11/17/2013 8:40:42 AM PST by savage woman (if we lose communication - see ya at the local library)
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To: kristinn
A single picture is worth a thousand words kristinn... ;)

55 posted on 11/17/2013 8:42:57 AM PST by Errant
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To: kristinn
Talking to a teacher with 25 years experience about common core and her thoughts on it. She told me it was impossible to teach and impossible for the kids to learn anything from. She reaches 1st grade and is very dedicated to her children. She told me that 2 weeks into the 1st grade her kids were to write a paragraph about their summer vacation or something. She said how are they going to write anything since they only know most of their letters and can't read. She also told me that she is working extra hours to keep up with the lessons and is required to pay out of her own pocket for many of the materials and books needed for this horseshit.

I explained to her that the purpose of common core was to get rid of the older good teachers and to make the children fail. Both the teachers and children were set up for failure from the start.

She voted for Obozo in both elections and now sees that I was right when I warned her of what he was. She is quitting after this year, it is a shame because because she loved to teach.

56 posted on 11/17/2013 9:12:41 AM PST by Foundahardheadedwoman (God don't have a statute of limitations)
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To: kristinn

Communist indoctrination. Ptooey.

57 posted on 11/17/2013 9:18:23 AM PST by a fool in paradise (America 2013 - STUCK ON STUPID)
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To: kristinn

In the major cities and liberal areas of the country the public schools have been failing for a long time, and now the disaster has spread into the suburbs and rural America. The “No Child Left Behind” act and “Common Core” are finishing off the educational system.

I believe Common Core is just another leftist intrusion into the public schools, but the learning environment is so spoiled that the students are not going to learn a darn thing. So the Marxism, environmentalism, Nazi extremism that Common Core teaches will not be learned because the kids can not read or write. The whole system has become a disaster.

58 posted on 11/17/2013 9:30:06 AM PST by Jay Redhawk (Oh Crap!)
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To: kristinn; TNMountainMan; alphadog; infool7; Heart-Rest; HoosierDammit; red irish; fastrock; ...

Freep-mail me to get on or off my pro-life and Catholic List:

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59 posted on 11/17/2013 9:31:01 AM PST by narses (... unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.)
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To: kristinn

I did alright without your common core.

60 posted on 11/17/2013 9:33:49 AM PST by Darren McCarty (Abortion - legalized murder for convenience)
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