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To: madison10; ding_dong_daddy_from_dumas; GonzoII; stephenjohnbanker; DoughtyOne; Gilbo_3; NFHale; ...
RE :”There you are again. This is not about MITT. Sometimes it’s better to let things play out. Alot of what is out there is innuendo and gossip. Mitt chooses his battles.”

Me??? Again??? LOL

This is simple, If Romney wins Tuesday then his strategy will be judged as a sound one, if he loses then he will be judged (rightly) as another weak fool like McCain. The problem is that time is running out quickly for this to be noticed and Obama is being hugged and praised on TV by Christie and Bloomberg instead of this. That is what voters are seeing.

That part is simple.

McCain played Mr Civil, got creamed by O and now MSNBC praises his civility in that campaign to make Mitt look ruthless.

37 posted on 11/01/2012 8:41:47 PM PDT by sickoflibs (Romney is still a liberal. Just watch him. (Obama-ney Care ))
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To: sickoflibs
if he loses then he will be judged (rightly) as another weak fool like McCain

Maybe so. But NOT on Benghazi.

We have elected officials who are not doing their job and Mitt Romney is not one of them. Yet.

40 posted on 11/01/2012 8:43:59 PM PDT by tsowellfan (KEEP WORKING like we are 10 POINTS DOWN!!!!)
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To: sickoflibs; madison10; ding_dong_daddy_from_dumas; GonzoII; stephenjohnbanker; DoughtyOne; ...

” This is simple, If Romney wins Tuesday then his strategy will be judged as a sound one, if he loses then he will be judged (rightly) as another weak fool like McCain. The problem is that time is running out quickly for this to be noticed and Obama is being hugged and praised on TV by Christie and Bloomberg instead of this. That is what voters are seeing.”

I rarely disagree with you, but Romney hasn’t campaigned for Obama numerous times, like McCain did. It would do no good for Romney to go “Benghazi”. The MSM is praying that he does, so they can paint Romney as a “flake”. They would pound Romney 24/7 until Tuesday. Who is gonna back Romney up? Boehner ? Boner even alive? No evidence of it : )

76 posted on 11/02/2012 8:23:12 AM PDT by stephenjohnbanker ((God, family, country, mom, apple pie, the girl next door and a Ford F250 to pull my boat.))
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