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Mitt is Kicking Butt Out There
Rush ^ | May 25, 2012 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 05/25/2012 5:08:11 PM PDT by Kaslin


RUSH: Mitt Romney yesterday on his website and his YouTube channel (he has a YouTube channel) released a new ad entitled, "Day One, Part 2." Romney's staying on message. There's one thing... I probably, in the near future, need to spend a little bit more time in this. But you know, everybody's talking about Obama and his daily events and so forth. But Romney is kicking butt out there, and Romney is staying on message, and Romney is rapid-firing back. And this is part and parcel of what has them a little bit discombobulated.

So here is a Romney ad staying on message Day One, Part 2.

ANNOUNCER: What would a Romney presidency be like? Day one: President Romney announces deficit reductions, ending the Obama era of big government, helping secure our kids' futures. President Romney stands up to China on trade and demands they play by the rules. President Romney begins repealing job-killing regulations that are costing the economy billions. That's what a Romney presidency will be like.

ROMNEY: I'm Mitt Romney, and I approve this message.

Day One

RUSH: Now on CNN's Starting Point this morning, Christine Romans, the fill-in host, talked to Debbie "Blabbermouth" Schultz, who runs the Democrat National Committee. By the way, do you know Debbie "Blabbermouth" Schultz was scheduled to appear and make a speech after services at a Miami temple, a Jewish temple? And a member of the temple, a man by the name of Tate stood up and said (paraphrased), "I'm outta here. If you bring her in here to make some concocted political speech on Friday night, I'm outta here. I mean, I'm out!"

So they canceled her. A Miami temple canceled the appearance by Debbie "Blabbermouth" Schultz. When was the last time you heard of that happening? Normally that's the kind of stuff that happens to us. One of us is scheduled to go someplace, the left protests it, and whoever was scheduled to host it shuts it down. Debbie "Blabbermouth" Schultz was disinvited or uninvited, and this Tate guy... I forget his first name. Stanley? I'm not sure. Anyway, he persevered.

And this temple is very close to her district. It's in Miami but it's very close to her district. Anyway, she was on CNN's Starting Point this morning and Christine Romans said, "I want to start with this attack on Romney and Bain Capital. A lot of people, Debbie, are seeing this as an attempt to disqualify Romney in battleground states, so the lunch-bucket Democrats have somebody to blame for their factories closing. The White House said this is their big strategy: Go after Bain; go after Romney. Will it play in those battleground states, and if it doesn't, what's Plan B?"

Day One, Part Two

SCHULTZ: It's not strategy! What it is is that Mitt Romney has made his record at Bain Capital his experience in the private sector -- which is almost exclusively at Bain Capital -- the central premise to American voters, uh, that ... that they should elect him president. There are thousands of workers who he laid off, uh, companies that they deliberately forced into bankruptcies, and Mitt Romney and his partners run -- made hundreds of millions of dollars.

RUSH: "Deliberately forced into bankruptcy."

So they're doubling down on Bain.

Whether it's working or not, they are going to double down on Bain.

And Romney's ads are entirely positive. And, by the way, remember all these calls against negative ads? "Gotta stop all the negative ads!" Well, Romney's out there running positive ads, and the media is still dissing his ads. The media is still ripping Romney's ads. The media is still criticizing Romney for his ads even though they're the essence of positive. So Debbie "Blabbermouth" Schultz says there basically is no Plan B. "We're going after Bain, we're going after Romney, and nothing gonna change." So Christine Romans says, "Well, why is it not hypocrisy for the president to take campaign donations from private equity when he's attacking private equity, making that an essential part of his campaign?"

SCHULTZ: Accepting a contribution from a particular person involved in venture capital and criticizing Mitt Romney -- who has made his record as a venture capitalist at Bain the central focus of his credibility and his qualification for being president -- are completely different things! So Mitt Romney, in the way that he ran Bain Capital -- the companies that he deliberately drove into bankruptcy, the creditors that he left with less than pennies on the dollar in return, and the thousands and thousands of people who he left on the unemployment lines while making hundreds of millions of dollars of -- in profits for himself and his partners -- is an appropriate examination for a man who is saying that this is the reason we should elect him president.

Who contributes to Barack Obama --

RUSH: Stop it! I feel like I'm I listening to Hillary. I can't stand it. It's nothing but... It's just poppycock. It's just lies. It's all lies. It's all absurd. I tell you what I'm gonna do. When we come back at the top of the hour, we'll do Marc Thiessen. Washington Post headline: "Forget Bain -- Obama's Public-Equity Record is the Real Scandal." And it's a list of all and every one of Obama's abject failures -- bailing out companies, green energy sector -- using your money. Romney used his own. Obama is using your money, taxpayer money is got a dismal record.

You talk about bankruptcies and people losing their jobs?

Obama's the king of destroying companies!


RUSH: The fact of the matter is Bain Capital was trying to keep these companies out of bankruptcy, and they were asked in to save these companies. These were not takeovers. This woman doesn't have the slightest idea what she's talking about.


TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: election2012; obama; romney; romney2012; rushtranscripts
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To: sergeantdave

My soul is far more important than your fear of Obama.

Good luck.

41 posted on 05/25/2012 6:14:58 PM PDT by cripplecreek (What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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To: Republican Wildcat
One of the more foolish things to do is to ignore the top of the ticket and focus only on the bottom.

When Goldwater went down, so did a whole big bunch of other Republicans.

Running a candidate for President who is a natural born loser is simply stupid,.

42 posted on 05/25/2012 6:16:55 PM PDT by muawiyah
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To: Kaslin

Romney is an extreme liberal pretending to be a moderate or, at times, a conservative. A pretender will never get my vote. I vote for honesty, if honesty is not there, I don’t vote (that old conviction thingy hounds me day and night).

So, my choices are between a socialist/communist and another socialist who doesn’t have the ability or brains to realize that he is a member of a cult. Gee, choices, choices ... not my call.

Seems to be a lot of energy expended on my one vote ... sorry, my mind is made up. Let the chips fall were they may. If Obama wins, blame my one vote.

My convictions stand ...

To clarify, I will be voting for everything except for President. Polling machines don’t allow write in votes ... you must go to paper ballot. I will not go the write in option knowing that my vote will mean nothing.

43 posted on 05/25/2012 6:18:14 PM PDT by doc1019 (Romney will never get my vote!)
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To: cripplecreek

You are the one that needs the luck. If you can’t tell the difference between Romney and ozero your are near brain dead.

44 posted on 05/25/2012 6:18:34 PM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin 2012)
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To: Diogenesis

Its not looking that way at all....what if he wins?

45 posted on 05/25/2012 6:21:12 PM PDT by woofie (It takes three villages and a forest of woodland creatures to raise a child in Obamaville)
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To: rodguy911

Do you support gay adoption?

Mitt does even if republicans are too cowardly to talk about it.

46 posted on 05/25/2012 6:21:53 PM PDT by cripplecreek (What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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To: cripplecreek

One of these is a muslim go ahead and vote for him by not voting at all. If he wins you can claim part of the credit.

47 posted on 05/25/2012 6:22:03 PM PDT by Aria ( 2008 wasn't an election - it was a coup d'etat.)
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To: Aria
I'm just going to have to LOL. I'd do it in your face but you're on the other side of the country.

48 posted on 05/25/2012 6:26:55 PM PDT by cripplecreek (What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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To: Kaslin

Dems voted in the same numbers in 04 and 08, the difference was the 6M pubbies who couldn’t hold their noses hard enough to for John McCain in 08. I don’t see a real reason for nose holding this time.

49 posted on 05/25/2012 6:30:17 PM PDT by varmintman
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To: varmintman

Lol. Talk about nuts. If the last 4 years have not been enough to realize we need pbama gone at all costs, nothing will sway you.

People staying home and not helping us ost this freak have a death wish.

50 posted on 05/25/2012 6:32:42 PM PDT by GlockThe Vote (The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
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To: A message
ABO. As many here including myself see this as socialist vs socialist I would at least prefer one that was competent.


Competent Socialist, or

Incompetent Socialist.

Which would I prefer?

Suppose the Supreme Court knocks down the health care disaster and we have a Republican Congress. Would a competent Socialist or an incompetent Socialist be more likely to be able to saddle us with a new federal health care program?

51 posted on 05/25/2012 6:38:56 PM PDT by CharacterCounts (A vote for the lesser of two evils only insures the triumph of evil.)
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To: GlockThe Vote

That’s what I’m telling people. If Bork Obunga gets re-elected, it’s basically over, there won’t be any pieces lying around for anybody to try to pick up or put back together four years down the road.

52 posted on 05/25/2012 6:40:25 PM PDT by varmintman
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To: cripplecreek

Look these words up they will help you in your quest for sanity.
1. Single issue idiot.
2. Brain dead.

53 posted on 05/25/2012 6:41:31 PM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin 2012)
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To: cripplecreek
Why do you think this is a laughing matter?

Was listening to Mark Levin for a little bit this afternoon and there was a discussion with Dick Morris. They were talking about the treaties Obama is trying to ram through the congress - while he still can. The treaties dissolve the sovereign USA. Do you want to support giving 1/2 our royalties to 3rd world countries for any drilling under the oceans? Do you want USA citizens to be obligated to support child welfare across the world? Do you want our POTUS to be personally liable for any war of defense we undertake that wasn't approved by Russia and China?

If this doesn't disturb you then stay home, write in, or vote 3rd party.

54 posted on 05/25/2012 6:41:41 PM PDT by Aria ( 2008 wasn't an election - it was a coup d'etat.)
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To: Venturer

I proudly voted yesterday in the Texas primary for Newton Leroy Gingrich. I voted my conscience.

55 posted on 05/25/2012 6:43:02 PM PDT by matthew fuller (Mitt Romney is the supreme exemplification of the word SMARMY.)
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To: Venturer

I proudly voted yesterday in the Texas primary for Newton Leroy Gingrich. I voted my conscience.

56 posted on 05/25/2012 6:43:32 PM PDT by matthew fuller (Mitt Romney is the supreme exemplification of the word SMARMY.)
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To: rodguy911

Git back in that field boy, that cotton ain’t gonna pick itself. LOL

57 posted on 05/25/2012 6:44:26 PM PDT by cripplecreek (What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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To: varmintman

Somehow these people think if only we let Obama completely collapse the nation over four more years some magical perfect conservative will rise from the ashes to the save the nation.


at that pint there will be little less to save and the problems so astronomically worse that no one would be able to help fix the mess.

58 posted on 05/25/2012 6:45:01 PM PDT by GlockThe Vote (The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
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To: Psalm 144

Hear that.

George Patton isn’t either.

59 posted on 05/25/2012 6:45:37 PM PDT by Fightin Whitey
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To: Kaslin

Waiting to here from the crowd who tosses anyone who is supportive of Romney. Rush is sure sounding like Coulter in his praise of Romney so I am waiting for equal treatment.

60 posted on 05/25/2012 6:47:06 PM PDT by FreedomNotSafety
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