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Transterrestrial Musings ^ | August 13, 2004 | Transterrestrial Musings

Posted on 08/13/2004 12:48:30 PM PDT by COURAGE

Deja Vu

Many forget, but one of the things (besides Ross Perot, and the bogus supermarket scanner story, and his seeming unfeeling toward those who felt that the recovering economy wasn't recovering fast enough) that resulted in George Herbert Walker Bush's loss of his second term, was the limp response of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to Hurricane Andrew in the summer of 1992 before the election, in southern Florida. If his son is smart, he'll have FEMA ready to aid the Gulf Coast immediately this weekend, if Charlie is even a small fraction as devastating as many are predicting.

[Update at noon Pacific

Is it Deja Vu all over again?

But H.W. did take Florida in 1992.

If the election was held today, which would be unconsitutional, Kerry 308 and Bush 221.

Bush is now down in Florida by 6 or 7 points, this is a chance to turn it around.

Carl Rove where are you?

1 posted on 08/13/2004 12:48:30 PM PDT by COURAGE
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Tony Snow on the radio this morning commented that this Bush campaign is in complete dissaray, and the only thing keeping it close is that Kerry is a weak candidate.

2 posted on 08/13/2004 12:52:27 PM PDT by wrathof59 (semper ubi sub ubi)
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Florida Poll Results: Bush 48%, Kerry 47%, Nader 1%; Bush Job Approval rate: 52%

Strategic Vision polling company ^ | Friday, August 13,
2004 (Poll conducted August 2-4, 2004)

Below are the results of a three-day poll of likely voters in the critical battleground state of Florida for the presidential race. Results are based on telephone interviews with 801 likely voters in Florida, aged 18+, and conducted August 2-4, 2004. The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.

1. If the election were held today, would you vote for Bush—Cheney or Kerry—Edwards?

Bush—Cheney 48%
Kerry—Edwards 48%
Undecided 4%

2. If the election were held today, would you vote for Bush—Cheney, Kerry—Edwards, or Nader—Camejo?

Bush—Cheney 48%
Kerry—Edwards 47%
Nader—Camejo 1%
Undecided 4%

99% of everything you post is complete and utter crap.

3 posted on 08/13/2004 1:01:33 PM PDT by TheBigB (I'm more frustrated than a legless Ethiopian watching a doughnut roll down a hill.)
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To: TheBigB
Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CTQuinnipiac University, Hamden, CTQuinnipiac University, Hamden, CT
spacer spacerAugust 12, 2004 -- Kerry pulls ahead in Florida, Quinnipiac University Poll finds; many concerned about voting machines
spacer August 12, 2004 -- Kerry pulls ahead in Florida, Quinnipiac University Poll finds; many concerned about voting machines
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Democratic challenger John Kerry leads President George W. Bush 47 – 41 percent  among Florida voters, with 4 percent for independent candidate Ralph Nader, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.  With Nader out of the race, Sen. Kerry leads President Bush 49 – 42 percent.

Bush and Kerry were locked in a 43 – 43 percent dead heat, with 5 percent for Nader, in a June 29 poll by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN uh-pe-ack) University.

Florida voters disapprove of the job President Bush is doing 54 – 44 percent, compared to a 52 – 46 percent disapproval June 29.

Among Bush backers, 78 percent say they are voting pro-Bush, with 18 percent anti-Kerry; 43 percent of Kerry supporters are anti-Bush, with 51 percent pro-Kerry.

"Sen. Kerry is holding on to a modest bounce from the Democratic convention, with his favorability rating jumping nine points since late June as more Florida voters get to know the Democratic candidate,” said Clay F. Richards, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

“Kerry is seen as the candidate best able to handle the health care issue.  The Democrat also is cutting sharply into the perception that the President is the stronger candidate when it comes to dealing with terrorism.”

“Most Florida voters say their mind is made up with only 10 or 11 percent on each side saying they could change their mind,” Richards added. 

Offered four choices on the most important issue in the election:

  • 30 percent of voters list the economy;
  • 23 percent say terrorism;
  • 22 percent say health care;
  • 18 percent say the situation in Iraq.

Asked who would do the best job on these issues, Florida voters said:

  • 52 – 39 percent that Kerry would do better on the economy;
  • 59 – 31 percent that the Democrat would do better on health care;
  • 50 – 41 percent that Bush would do better on terrorism;
  • 48 – 45 percent that Bush would do better on Iraq.

Florida voters give Bush a negative 38 – 43 percent favorability rating, with 17 percent mixed.  This compares to a split 41 – 42 percent favorability June 29.

Kerry gets a 39 – 31 percent favorability rating, with 21 percent mixed and 8 percent who haven’t heard enough to form an opinion.  This compares to a split 30 – 33  percent favorability June 29.

This year, 97 percent of those surveyed plan to vote and 47 percent of these voters are “very confident” their vote for President will be counted correctly, including 52 percent of white voters, 30 percent of black voters and 39 percent of Hispanic voters.

Only 21 percent of voters are “very confident” in the new touch screen voting machines.  Sixteen percent of voters plan to cast absentee ballots, with 43 percent of this group using a paper ballot because they distrust the voting system.

From August 5 - 10, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,094 Florida registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Florida, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and the nation as a public service and for research. 

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Jeb Bush is handling his job as

                        App     Dis     DK/NA

Aug 12, 2004            45      44      11
Jun 29, 2004            47      42      12

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way the state legislature is handling
its job? 

                        App     Dis     DK/NA

Aug 12, 2004            41      42      18
Jun 29, 2004            39      42      18

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Nelson is handling his job 
as United States Senator? 

                        App     Dis     DK/NA

Aug 12, 2004            42      18      40
Jun 29, 2004            48      16      36

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bob Graham is handling his job 
as United States Senator? 

                        App     Dis     DK/NA

Aug 12, 2004            56      21      23
Jun 29, 2004            58      21      21

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his 
job as President? 

                        App     Dis     DK/NA

Aug 12, 2004            44      54       3
Jun 29, 2004            46      52       2

TREND: If the election for president were being held today, and the candidates
were John Kerry the Democrat and George W. Bush the Republican for whom
would you vote?
                        JK      GWB     SmnEls  Wld'tVt DK/NA

Aug 12, 2004            49      42       1       1       7
Jun 29, 2004            46      44       1       1       8

TREND: If the election for president were being held today, and the candidates
were John Kerry the Democrat, George W. Bush the Republican, and Ralph Nader 
the Independent for whom would you vote?

                        JK      GWB     RN      SmnEls  Wld'tVt DK/NA 

Aug 12, 2004            47      41       4       -       1       6
Jun 29, 2004            43      43       5       1       1       8
1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Jeb Bush is handling his job as

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Approve                 45%     82%     19%     39%     50%     41%
Disapprove              44      11      71      47      40      47
DK/NA                   11       7      10      13      10      11

2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the state legislature is handling
its job?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Approve                 41%     63%     26%     35%     49%     34%
Disapprove              42      19      59      46      37      46
DK/NA                   18      19      15      19      14      21

3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Nelson is handling his job
as United States Senator?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Approve                 42%     39%     47%     39%     43%     42%
Disapprove              18      23      14      16      18      18
DK/NA                   40      39      39      45      40      41

4. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bob Graham is handling his job as
United States Senator?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Approve                 56%     44%     69%     54%     54%     57%
Disapprove              21      34      11      18      23      19
DK/NA                   23      21      20      28      22      24

5. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job
as President?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Approve                 44%     86%     12%     37%     48%     41%
Disapprove              54      13      85      59      50      56
DK/NA                    3       1       3       4       2       3

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Approve                 52%      5%     41%
Disapprove              46      91      58
DK/NA                    3       5       1

6. How much attention have you been paying to the election campaign for
President -- a lot, some, only a little, or none at all?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

A lot                   56%     56%     60%     51%     57%     55%
Some                    29      27      30      32      27      30
Only a little           11      13       8      13      12      11
None at all              3       4       3       3       3       4
DK/NA                    -       -       -       2       1       -

7. If the election for president were being held today, and the candidates
were John Kerry the Democrat and George W. Bush the Republican for whom
would you vote?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Kerry                   49%      9%     86%     51%     46%     52%
Bush                    42      87       9      34      46      38
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          1       -       -       2       1       1
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         1       -       2       1       1       1
DK/NA                    7       3       3      12       7       7

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Kerry                   42%     87%     57%
Bush                    50       3      37
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          -       1       2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         1       -       1
DK/NA                    7       8       3

8. If the election for president were being held today, and the candidates
were John Kerry the Democrat, George W. Bush the Republican, and Ralph Nader
the Independent for whom would you vote?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Kerry                   47%      9%     84%     46%     43%     50%
Bush                    41      86       9      32      45      38
Nader                    4       2       2      10       4       4
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          -       -       -       1       1       -
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         1       -       1       1       1       -
DK/NA                    6       3       4      10       6       7

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Kerry                   40%     86%     55%
Bush                    49       3      35
Nader                    4       2       7
SMONE ELSE(VOL)          -       1       -
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)         1       -       -
DK/NA                    6       8       3

9. (If candidate choice q8) Is your mind made up, or do you think you might 
change your mind before the election?

                        CANDIDATE CHOICE Q8
                                Kerry   Bush
                        Tot     Vtrs    Vtrs   
Made up                 87%     89%     87%    
Might change            12      10      11     
DK/NA                    1       1       2     

10a. (If Kerry voter q8) Is your vote more for Kerry or more against Bush?
For Kerry               51%  
Against Bush            43   
DK/NA                    6   

10b. (If Bush voter q8) Is your vote more for Bush or more against Kerry?


For Bush                78%   
Against Kerry           18    
DK/NA                    4    

11. Is your opinion of George W. Bush favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't 
you heard enough about him?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Favorable               38%     76%     10%     30%     40%     36%
Unfavorable             43       8      73      46      42      45
Mixed                   17      15      15      21      17      17
Hvn't hrd enough         2       1       2       2       1       2
REFUSED                  1       -       1       1       1       1

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Favorable               44%      5%     35%
Unfavorable             37      70      50
Mixed                   17      16      14
Hvn't hrd enough         1       8       -
REFUSED                  1       -       1

12. Is your opinion of John Kerry favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't
you heard enough about him?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Favorable               39%      9%     69%     37%     35%     43%
Unfavorable             31      66       5      25      34      29
Mixed                   21      18      16      29      22      20
Hvn't hrd enough         8       6       9       9       8       7
REFUSED                  1       2       1       -       1       1
12. (cont’d) Is your opinion of John Kerry favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or 
haven't you heard enough about him?

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Favorable               32%     70%     45%
Unfavorable             38       3      25
Mixed                   21      15      25
Hvn't hrd enough         8      11       4
REFUSED                  1       1       1

13. Is your opinion of Ralph Nader favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't
you heard enough about him?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Favorable               12%      9%     12%     18%     14%     11%
Unfavorable             25      24      26      24      30      21
Mixed                   17      20      17      12      18      17
Hvn't hrd enough        43      44      42      44      36      49
REFUSED                  3       4       3       1       2       3

14. Is your opinion of Dick Cheney favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't 
you heard enough about him?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Favorable               31%     66%      7%     24%     35%     28%
Unfavorable             36       8      56      40      37      34
Mixed                   18      14      19      22      17      19
Hvn't hrd enough        14      11      17      15      11      17
REFUSED                  1       1       1       -       1       1

15. Is your opinion of John Edwards favorable, unfavorable, mixed, or haven't
you heard enough about him?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Favorable               35%      8%     56%     41%     31%     38%
Unfavorable             16      34       3      10      17      15
Mixed                   15      19      10      17      13      16
Hvn't hrd enough        33      37      30      31      37      29
REFUSED                  1       1       1       2       2       1

16. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in
the nation today?  Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat
dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Very satisfied          10%     24%      2%      6%     10%     10%
Smwht satisfied         35      57      16      33      40      30
Smwht dissatisfied      27      11      39      30      24      30
Very dissatisfied       27       8      42      30      26      29
DK/NA                    1       1       1       1       1       1

17. If you had to choose, which of the following issues will be most important 
to your vote for president - the economy, the situation in Iraq, terrorism or 
health care?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Economy                 30%     22%     31%     35%     35%     25%
Iraq                    18      13      21      18      16      19
Terrorism               23      41      14      15      25      21
Health care             22      17      29      21      16      27
DK/NA                    8       7       5      11       8       7

18. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better
job on the economy, -- George W. Bush or John Kerry?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Bush                    39%     80%      9%     32%     43%     36%
Kerry                   52      14      86      53      49      54
DK/NA                    9       6       5      15       8      10

19. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better
job on the situation in Iraq, -- George W. Bush or John Kerry?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Bush                    48%     86%     14%     47%     53%     43%
Kerry                   45      11      80      42      41      49
DK/NA                    7       3       7      11       6       9

20. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better
job on terrorism, -- George W. Bush or John Kerry?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Bush                    50%     88%     16%     48%     55%     45%
Kerry                   41       8      74      38      37      45
DK/NA                    9       4      10      14       7      11

21. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better
job on health care, -- George W. Bush or John Kerry?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Bush                    31%     65%      5%     26%     32%     30%
Kerry                   59      22      90      64      61      58
DK/NA                   10      14       5      10       8      12

22. Do you think going to war with Iraq was the right thing for the United
States to do or the wrong thing?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Right thing             45%     82%     21%     35%     51%     41%
Wrong thing             49      14      73      57      45      52
DK/NA                    6       5       6       7       4       7

23. Would you describe the state of the nation's economy these days as:
Excellent, good, not so good, or poor?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Excellent                3%      7%      -       1%      3%      3%
Good                    38      64      18      35      42      35
Not so good             37      23      45      40      37      37
Poor                    21       5      35      23      18      24
DK/NA                    1       1       1       1       -       2

24. Did you vote for President in 2000, did something prevent you from voting, 
or did you choose not to vote for President in 2000?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Voted                   82%     87%     81%     79%     81%     82%
Didn't vote             14       9      16      17      13      15
COULDN'T/INELIGIBLE(VOL) 4       4       3       5       5       3
DK/NA                    -       -       -       -       -       -

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Voted                   85%     74%     73%
Didn't vote             12      20      22
COULDN'T/INELIGIBLE(VOL) 3       6       6
DK/NA                    -       -       -

25. (If voted q24) How confident are you that your vote in the 2000 presidential 
election in Florida was counted correctly - very confident, somewhat confident, 
not too confident or not confident at all?

                        VOTED FOR PRESIDENT 2000 Q24...............

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Very confident          42%     70%     22%     32%     45%     39%
Somewhat confident      17      17      19      15      16      18
Not too confident       14       3      22      18      13      14
Not confident at all    21       2      33      29      18      23
DK/NA                    6       8       4       7       7       6

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp*

Very confident          48%     20%     30%
Somewhat confident      18       8      25
Not too confident       12      22      19
Not confident at all    16      46      22
DK/NA                    7       4       3

(* NOTE: Number of respondents is 75 or less in the Hispanic subgroup. 
Additional caution should be taken when interpreting the findings of this 
subgroup because of the larger margin of error.)

26. Are you planning to vote in the 2004 presidential election?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Yes                     97%     98%     98%     95%     97%     98%
No                       1       1       -       3       1       1
DK/NA                    2       2       1       3       2       1

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Yes                     97%    100%     96%
No                       1       -       -
DK/NA                    2       -       4

27. (If planning to vote q26) How confident are you that your vote in the 2004 
presidential election in Florida will be counted correctly - very confident, 
somewhat confident, not too confident or not confident at all?

                        PLANNING TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT 2004 Q26....

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Very confident          47%     73%     33%     38%     50%     45%
Somewhat confident      33      23      41      35      34      33
Not too confident       14       3      20      18      12      15
Not confident at all     5       -       6       8       3       6
DK/NA                    1       2       1       1       1       1

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Very confident          52%     30%     39%
Somewhat confident      31      42      39
Not too confident       11      22      16
Not confident at all     4       6       4
DK/NA                    1       -       2

28. How confident are you that the new touch screen voting machines introduced 
in some areas of the state will solve the voting problems that occurred in 
Florida in the 2000 election - very confident, somewhat confident, not too 
confident or not confident at all?

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Very confident          21%     32%     13%     18%     18%     23%
Somewhat confident      43      44      45      39      44      42
Not too confident       18      10      23      21      19      17
Not confident at all    12       5      13      17      12      11
DK/NA                    7       8       6       6       7       7

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Very confident          23%     12%     15%
Somewhat confident      42      48      43
Not too confident       16      25      24
Not confident at all    11      11      11
DK/NA                    7       4       8

29. (If planning to vote q26) Do you intend to vote by absentee ballot in the 
2004 presidential election?

                        PLANNING TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT 2004 Q26....

                        Tot     Rep     Dem     Ind     Men     Wom

Yes                     16%     11%     18%     20%     16%     16%
No                      79      86      75      76      81      78
DK/NA                    5       3       7       4       3       6

                        Wht     Blk     Hisp

Yes                     11%     29%     24%
No                      85      63      72
DK/NA                    4       8       4

30. (If voting absentee q29) Are you casting an absentee ballot because you are 
unable to get to the polls on election day or because you don't trust the voting 

                        Voters q29

Can't get to polls      47%
Don't trust system      43 
DK/NA                   10 

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4 posted on 08/13/2004 1:06:55 PM PDT by COURAGE (A charter member of the Grim FReeper Club)
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Hurricane Android, yes I remember it.
Saw some pics of a town.
There wasn't anything left standing.

5 posted on 08/13/2004 1:07:38 PM PDT by Darksheare (I'll bayonet your snowmen and beat you down with a chinese yo-yo!!)
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To: TheBigB

American Research Group, Inc.

August 6, 2004

Kerry Takes Lead Over Bush Among Likely Voters in Florida

John Kerry has taken the lead over George W. Bush among likely voters in Florida according to a survey by the American Research Group. A total of 50% of likely voters say they would vote for Kerry if the presidential election were being held today and 43% say they would vote for Bush. A total of 2% of likely voters say they would vote for Ralph Nader and 5% of likely voters are undecided.

In a ballot question without Nader, 52% of likely voters say they would vote for Kerry and 44% say they would vote for Bush, with 4% of likely voters undecided.

These results are based on 600 completed telephone interviews among a statewide random sample of likely voters in Florida. Of the 600 likely voters, 39% are Republicans, 45% are Democrats, and 16% are not affiliated with any party or affiliated with a minor party. The interviews were conducted August 3 through 5, 2004. The theoretical margin of error for the total sample of 600 is plus or minus 4 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

Florida likely voters Aug 5 Jul 15 Jun 23 May 19 Apr 21 Mar 4
George W. Bush 43% 44% 46% 47% 46% 44%
John Kerry 50% 47% 47% 46% 45% 45%
Ralph Nader 2% 3% 2% 3% 3% 4%
Undecided 5% 6% 5% 4% 6% 7%

While Bush leads Kerry 49% to 43% among white voters (72% of the sample) and 46% to 42% among Hispanic voters (15% of the sample), Kerry leads Bush 87% to 9% among black voters (13% of the sample) which gives Kerry the overall lead.

Kerry is doing slightly better among Democrats and Republicans compared to the July survey while maintaining a 10 percentage-point lead among non-affiliated/minor party voters.

Party Republicans
George W. Bush 83% 9% 41%
John Kerry 10% 84% 51%
Ralph Nader 2% 2% 3%
Undecided 5% 5% 5%


In terms of awareness and favorability, all likely voters say they are aware of George W. Bush and John Kerry.

A total of 45% of likely voters say they have a favorable opinion of Bush and 48% say they have an unfavorable opinion of Bush.

A total of 54% of likely voters say they have a favorable opinion of Kerry and 41% say they have an unfavorable opinion of Kerry. 

A total of 73% of likely voters say they have an unfavorable opinion of Ralph Nader.

Awareness and favorability Aware Favorable Unfavorable Undecided
George W. Bush:
Aug 5 2004 100% 45% 48% 7%
July 15 2004 100% 44% 46% 10%
June 23 2004 100% 46% 46% 8%
May 19 2004 100% 48% 47% 5%
Apr 21 2004 100% 48% 45% 7%
Mar 4 2004 100% 48% 47% 5%
John Kerry:
Aug 5 2004 100% 54% 41% 5%
July 15 2004 100% 51% 44% 5%
June 23 2004 99% 51% 44% 4%
May 19 2004 94% 46% 45% 3%
Apr 21 2004 94% 44% 45% 5%
Mar 4 2004 93% 41% 41% 11%
Ralph Nader:
Aug 5 2004 91% 13% 73% 5%
July 15 2004 93% 12% 75% 6%
June 23 2004 92% 7% 75% 10%
May 19 2004 93% 6% 72% 15%
Apr 21 2004 95% 8% 70% 17%
Mar 4 2004 95% 17% 53% 25%

A total of 83% of Republicans say they have a favorable opinion of Bush and 81% of Democrats say they have an unfavorable opinion of Bush.

A total of 89% of Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of Kerry and 81% of Republicans have an unfavorable opinion of Kerry.

A total of 77% of Republicans and 73% of Democrats have an unfavorable opinion of Nader.

About this survey:

Survey Sponsor: American Research Group, Inc.

Sample Size: 600 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of likely voters in Florida. Of the 600 likely voters, 39% are Republicans, 45% are Democrats, and 16% are not affiliated with any party or affiliated with a minor party.

Sample Dates: August 3-5, 2004

Margin of Error: ± 4 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

Question wording:

I'm going to read a list of names associated with running for president and I'd like you to tell me if you have ever heard of them before.

The first name is (READ FROM BELOW). Have you ever heard of (NAME) before? IF AWARE, ASK: Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of (NAME)? (NAMES ROTATED)

George W. Bush
John Kerry
Ralph Nader

If the election for president were being held today between George W. Bush, the Republican, John Kerry, the Democrat, and Ralph Nader, the Independent, for whom would you vote - Bush, Kerry, or Nader? (NAMES ROTATED)

Top |  ARG home

6 posted on 08/13/2004 1:08:18 PM PDT by COURAGE (A charter member of the Grim FReeper Club)
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Of the 600 likely voters, 39% are Republicans, 45% are Democrats

Complete and utter crap. Bush is ahead in Florida (ARG and QUINNIPIAC are Dem firms). Maybe not by much, but he is. Your only goal is to scare and dishearten people. I think you should just take a break until after the election.

7 posted on 08/13/2004 1:13:55 PM PDT by TheBigB (I'm more frustrated than a legless Ethiopian watching a doughnut roll down a hill.)
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To: TheBigB

You need to wake up and realize we are in trouble. Tony Snow is right, Bush does have a chance to win because Kerry is so weak.

8 posted on 08/13/2004 1:18:41 PM PDT by COURAGE (A charter member of the Grim FReeper Club)
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To: Darksheare

Oh I'm sure if both Bush's handle this perfectly, the DUers will claim GWB created the hurricane to impact the election in his favor.

9 posted on 08/13/2004 1:20:52 PM PDT by rintense (Results matter.)
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I think you are simply a DUh troll.

In trouble why? Is the election today and I missed it? No.

Is the elction next week? No.

Is the election next month? No.

Is the election two months from now? No.

Numbers...from any source...right now are meaningless. If you don't think so, ask President Dukakis.


10 posted on 08/13/2004 1:21:52 PM PDT by TheBigB (I'm more frustrated than a legless Ethiopian watching a doughnut roll down a hill.)
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Would you like a Floridian's perspective on what happened in Florida after Hurricane Andrew in 1992? Because I remember it well.

Lawton Chiles was governor, and a yellower dog than Walkin' Lawton never lived. He stonewalled FEMA, he stonewalled President GHW Bush, and he personally invited Bill Clinton to come on down and feel everyone's pain.

Jeb Bush is Florida's governor now, remember? He won't be inviting Kerry down to use our emergency for his own benefit.

11 posted on 08/13/2004 1:31:27 PM PDT by EllaMinnow (swimming through the blogosphere)
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To: rintense

I'm used to weather disasters and such being blamed on me..

12 posted on 08/13/2004 1:38:34 PM PDT by Darksheare (I'll bayonet your snowmen and beat you down with a chinese yo-yo!!)
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