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Recent Iranian disclosures highlight the perversity of the Iran "deal"
Dan Miller's Blog ^ | August 13, 2015 | Dan Miller

Posted on 08/13/2015 12:01:35 PM PDT by DanMiller

In 2011, well before the multilateral P5+1 "negotiations" with Iran began in February of 2013, Obama put Senator John Kerry in charge of  "secret bilateral negotiations on the [Iranian] nuclear dossier." Kerry then advised Iranian officials that "we are definitely and sincerely willing, and we can resolve the issues" -- including Uranium enrichment and the Possible Military Dimensions (PMDs) of Iran's nuclear program. Iran's nuclear weaponization and missile development programs have been substantially ignored ever since.

Ernest Moniz, who was to become Kerry's technical adviser, was brought into the P5+1 negotiations at the specific request of the Iranian official -- Moniz' former MIT classmate -- who was to be his counterpart. 

The Iran - North Korea nuclear axis, through which the rogue nations cooperate on nuke and missile development, continues to be ignored.

In earlier articles, beginning shortly after the Joint Plan of Action was published in November of 2013, I attempted to show that the focus was on pretending to curtail Iran's Uranium enrichment programs as they expanded and then granting sanctions relief, while substantially ignoring the program's "possible military dimensions" (PMDs). Followup articles are here, here and elsewhere. The PMDs have yet to be explored seriously and evidently will not be under the current "comprehensive" joint plan and the secret side deals between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran.

Video link

Any pretense that the IAEA will have "any time, anywhere" access to Iran's military sites was mere rhetoric, as acknowledged by US Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on July 16th

“I think this is one of those circumstances where we have all been rhetorical from time to time,” Sherman said in a conference call with Israeli diplomatic reporters. “That phrase, anytime, anywhere, is something that became popular rhetoric, but I think people understood that if the IAEA felt it had to have access, and had a justification for that access, that it would be guaranteed, and that is what happened.” [Emphasis added.]

Ms. Sherman was right about the rhetorical nature of administration assertions, but wrong about IAEA access, of which there will apparently be little or none pursuant to the secret deals between Iran and the IAEA.

I. Here's some background on Kerry

Reporting for duty Reporting for duty with Iran

During his 2004 campaign for president, Kerry said if he were the president he would

have “offered the opportunity to provide the nuclear fuel” to Iran, to “test them, see whether or not they were actually looking for it for peaceful purposes.” Mr. Kerry’s words brought comfort to Tehran’s top mullahs, who have been seeking to buy time from the international community for the past two years while they continue perfecting their nuclear weapons capabilities. [Emphasis added.]

. . . .

Top among the pro-regime fund-raisers who have contributed to the Kerry campaign is a recent Iranian immigrant in California named Susan Akbarpour.

. . . .

The Kerry campaign credits Miss Akbarpour and her new husband, Faraj Aalaie, with each raising $50,000 to $100,000 for the presidential campaign. Mr. Aalaie is president of Centillium Communications, a Nasdaq-listed software firm.

These contributions continue . . . even though Miss Akbarpour was not a permanent U.S. resident when she made her initial contribution to Mr. Kerry on June 17, 2002, as this reporter first revealed in March. (To be legal, campaign cash must come from U.S. citizens or permanent residents).

On August 10th of this year, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) published a lengthy article quoting Iranian officials on their dealings with Senator Kerry. Obama had put Senator John Kerry in charge of "secret bilateral negotiations on the [Iranian] nuclear dossier" well before the multilateral P5+1 "negotiations" with Iran began in February of 2013.

The MEMRI article states that Kerry had representatives of The Sultanate of Oman deliver a letter he had written to Iranian officials recognizing Iran's Uranium enrichment rights and suggesting secret negotiations. Omani officials discussed the letter with Iranian officials and, when the Iranians appeared skeptical, the Omani official suggested,

Go tell them that these are our demands. Deliver [the note] during your next visit to Oman.' On a piece of paper I wrote down four clearly-stated points, one of which was [the demand for] official recognition of the right to enrich uranium. I thought that, if the Americans were sincere in their proposal, they had to accept these four demands of ours. Mr. Souri delivered this short letter to the mediator, stressing that this was the list of Iran's demands, [and that], if the Americans wanted to resolve the issue, they were welcome to do so [on our terms], otherwise addressing the White House proposals to Iran would be pointless and unjustified. [Emphasis added.]

"All the demands presented in this letter were related to the nuclear challenge. [They were] issues we had always come up against, like the closing of the nuclear dossier, official recognition of [the right to] enrichment, and resolving the issue of Iran's past activities under the PMD [possible military dimensions] heading. After receiving the letter, the Americans said, 'We are definitely and sincerely willing, and we can resolve the issues that Iran mentioned.'" [Emphasis added.]

The texts of the November, 2013 Joint Plan of Action, as well as the July 14, 2015 "deal," could easily have been predicted based on Kerry's 2011 response to the Iranians.

"After Rohani's government began working [in August 2013] – this was during Obama's second term in office – a new [round of] negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 was launched. By this time, Kerry was no longer a senator but had been appointed secretary of state. [But even] before this, when he was still senator, he had already been appointed by Obama to handle the nuclear dossier [vis-à-vis Iran] and later [in December 2012] he was appointed secretary of state. Before this, the Omani mediator, who was in close touch with Kerry, told us that Kerry would soon be appointed secretary of state. In the period of the secret negotiations with the Americans in Oman, there was a more convenient atmosphere for obtaining concessions from the Americans.  After the advent of the Rohani government and the American administration [i.e., after the start of Obama's second term in office], and with Kerry as secretary of state, the Americans expressed a more forceful position. They no longer displayed the same eagerness to advance the negotiations. Their position became more rigid and the threshold of their demands higher. But the situation on the Iranian side changed too, since a very professional team was placed in charge of the negotiations with the P5+1..."

Perhaps Kerry had found it more congenial, and certainly more consistent with his and Obama's own intentions, to be eager to help Iran during secret negotiations and to appear modestly resistant during the P5+1 sessions; they were at least slightly more in public view. Even so, according to Amir Hossein Motagh, a former aide to President Rouhani,

The US negotiating team are mainly [in Lausanne] to speak on Iran’s behalf with other members of the 5+1 countries and convince them of a deal. [Emphasis added.]

. . . .

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, for example, has long been insisting that Iran come clean on its previous military activities, something we are now told that the American delegation, led by Secretary Kerry, wants to leave out of the negotiation. Why? Because the Iranians have said they will not come clean. [Emphasis added.]

That was too much even for the normally pro-Democrat Washington Post, which wrote in a column attributed to its Editorial Board last Friday that the deal was “a reward for Iran’s noncompliance.”

According to the article linked above,

Some Iranian-Americans believe that Secretary Kerry should have recused himself from the negotiations at the very outset because of his long-standing relationship to his Iranian counter-part, Mohammad Javad Zarif.

The two first met over a decade ago at a dinner party hosted by George Soros at his Manhattan penthouse, according to a 2012 book by Hooman Majd, who frequently translates for Iranian officials.

Iranian-American sources in Los Angeles tell me that Javad Zarif’s son was the best man at the 2009 wedding between Kerry’s daughter Vanessa and Behrouz Vala Nahed, an Iranian-American medical doctor.

The newlyweds went to Iran shortly after their wedding to met Nahed’s family. Kerry ultimately revealed his daughter’s marriage to an Iranian-American once he had taken over as Secretary of State. But the subject never came up in his Senate confirmation hearing, either because Kerry never disclosed it, or because his former colleagues were too polite to bring it up.

Why did Obama designate Kerry to deal with Iran in 2011? Andrew C. McCarthy, writing at The Center for Security Policy, offers this:

Clearly, there are two reasons: Obama needed someone outside the administration, and Kerry’s status and track record made him a natural.

Remember, Obama was running for reelection in 2011–12. Public opposition to Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons and, therefore, to Iran’s enrichment of uranium was very strong — and, indeed, remains so. Consequently, Obama pretended on the campaign trail that he would vigorously oppose Iran’s uranium-enrichment efforts . . . even as he was covertly signaling to the jihadist regime that he was open to recognizing Iran as a nuclear power. [Emphasis added.]

As my friend Fred Fleitz of the Center for Security Policy has noted, Obama asserted in the lead-up to the 2008 election that “the world must work to stop Iran’s uranium-enrichment program.” So too, in the run-up to the 2012 election, did Obama continue assuring voters that Iran “needs to give up its nuclear program and abide by the U.N. resolutions that have been in place.” Those U.N. resolutions prohibit Iran’s enrichment activities. Thus did the president proclaim, in seeking reelection, that the only deal he would accept would be one in which the Iranians “end their nuclear program. It’s very straightforward.” [Emphasis added.]

With Obama out feigning opposition to Iran’s enrichment activities, it would not do to have a conflicting message communicated to Iran by his own administration. What if Iran, to embarrass Obama, were to go public about an administration entreaty that directly addressed enrichment? It would have been hugely problematic for the president’s campaign. Obama thus needed an alternative: someone outside the administration whom Obama could trust but disavow if anything went wrong; someone the Iranian regime would regard as authoritative. [Emphasis added.]

John Kerry was the perfect choice.

I agree, but Mr. McCarthy does not address this exchange, quoted above but worth repeating here:

"All the demands presented in this letter were related to the nuclear challenge. [They were] issues we had always come up against, like the closing of the nuclear dossier, official recognition of [the right to] enrichment, and resolving the issue of Iran's past activities under the PMD [possible military dimensions] heading. After receiving the letter, the Americans said, 'We are definitely and sincerely willing, and we can resolve the issues that Iran mentioned.'" [Emphasis added.]

II. Ernest Moniz

Moniz, the U.S. Energy Secretary, was asked to join the P5+1 technical discussions at the request of Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization.

Salehi said that he was asked to join the nuclear talks when the discussions on the Natanz enrichment facility reached a dead end. Salehi said he would only join the talks if Moniz, his American counterpart, did as well. According to Salehi, this was approved by Undersecretary Wendy Sherman and Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi, which he described as “the communications link between America and Iran.” [Emphasis added.]

Salehi said he and Moniz did not know each other well when they were at MIT, but when they first met during the talks, “there was a feeling that he has known me for years.” Salehi added, “A number of my classmates are now Mr. Moniz’s experts.”  [Emphasis added.]

According to Salehi, Moniz entering the talks was important because Salehi expressed that he had been sent with “full authority” to sign off on all technical issues in the nuclear negotiations and Moniz had told him that he had the same authority. He added, “If the negotiations did not take place with the Americans, the reality is that it would not have reached a conclusion. No [other] country was ready to sit with us and negotiate for 16 days with their foreign minister and all of its experts.”

Salehi said that one of the more difficult times negotiating with Moniz was after they reached an agreement on a particular issue. Moniz would take it to the other members of P5+1, who would then make their own requests.

Moniz was likely as forthcoming with the non-US members of P5+1 as he was with members of the U.S. Congress; not at all.

North Korea and Iran, partners in crime

This is a drum I have been beating for years. Recent articles are available here and here. The Obama Administration persists in covering up what it knows on the subject and the current "deal" with Iran is silent on the matter. So, of course, was the November 2013 Joint Plan of Action.

Forbes published an article by Claudia Rosett today (August 13th) on the subject and, beyond noting that Douglas Frantz is Kerry's Assistant Secretary in charge of the Bureau of Public Affairs, she observes that in his former capacity as a journalist for the Washington Post and New York Times, he wrote about the nature and perils of the axis.

Frantz' duties under Kerry include

engaging “domestic and international media to communicate timely and accurate information with the goal of furthering U.S. foreign policy and national security interests as well as broadening understanding of American values.”

But it appears that as a State Department advocate of a free and well-informed press, Frantz himself is not free to answer questions from the press about his own reporting on North Korea’s help to Iran in designing a nuclear warhead. The State Department has refused my repeated requests to interview Frantz on this subject. Last year, an official at State’s Bureau of Public Affairs responded to my request with an email saying, “Unfortunately Assistant Secretary Frantz is not available to discuss issues related to Iran’s nuclear program.” This June I asked again, and received the emailed reply: “This is indeed an important topic for Doug, but he feels that speaking about his past work would no longer be appropriate, since he is no longer a journalist.”

The real issue, of course, is not the career timeline of Douglas Frantz, but the likelihood, past and future, of nuclear collaboration between Iran and North Korea. Frantz may no longer be a journalist, but it’s hard to see why that should constrain him, or his boss, Secretary Kerry, from speaking publicly about important details of Iran’s illicit nuclear endeavors — information which Frantz in his incarnation as a star journalist judged credible enough to publish in a major newspaper.

. . . .

President Obama has been telling Congress and the American public that the Iran nuclear deal — the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — “cuts off all Iran’s pathways to the bomb.” That’s not true. One of the most dangerous aspects of this deal is that it does not sever the longtime alliance between Tehran and Pyongyang. If there has indeed been cooperation between these two regimes on nuclear weapons, it’s time not only for Iran to come clean, but for the Obama administration to stop covering up. [Emphasis added.]

Although that's not the only dangerous aspect which the Obama Administration has covered up and lied about cutting off "all [of] Iran's pathways to the bomb" it is an important one. Meanwhile, it has been reported that

Fresh satellite images suggest North Korea is expanding its uranium extraction capacity, possibly with a view to increasing its stockpile of nuclear weapons.

The images taken in Pyongyang show Kim Jong-un has begun to refurbish a major mill that turns uranium ore into yellowcake - a first step towards producing enriched uranium.

A recent report by U.S. researchers warned that Kim was poised to expand his nuclear programme over the next five years and, in a worst-case scenario, could possess 100 atomic weapons by 2020. 


"Negotiations" involving hostile foreign nations such as Iran are easier when led by friendly "negotiators" with compatible interests. At least since his failed 2004 campaign for the presidency, Kerry has been on Iran's side and has favored it over the United States. While pretending for political purposes to be against Iran's nuclear program, Obama was and remains in favor of it, pretenses to the contrary notwithstanding.

Obama, Kerry and Moniz got the deal they wanted. They, along with their P5+1 partners, richly deserve their resultant legacy of empowering Iran as an anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Western civilization, Islamist hegemonic nuclear power with a disgraceful human rights record comparable to that of its partner, North Korea.

The Iran - North Korea nuclear axis has helped both rogue nations to develop and create nuclear bombs and the means to deliver them, with very little in the way of "adult supervision." The failure to deal with even tangentially, or even to mention, the axis will likely become a significant part of Obama's legacy. Ours as well.

Video link

Bringing Obama's vision of stability to the Middle East, Allah willing.

This video is from August 2010. Now it may well be too late to stop Iran.

Video link

TOPICS: Government; Politics; Science
KEYWORDS: iranscam; kerry; moniz; obama

1 posted on 08/13/2015 12:01:36 PM PDT by DanMiller
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To: DanMiller

Why are they disclosing all this? Humiliating Obama might be fun, but jeopardizing their one-way deal with an election coming seems foolish to me.

2 posted on 08/13/2015 12:13:12 PM PDT by Pearls Before Swine
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To: DanMiller

Obama is arming the future enemies of America while liberals whine that Reagan gave weapons to the Mujahideen while they were fighting the Soviets.

3 posted on 08/13/2015 12:13:38 PM PDT by Telepathic Intruder (The only thing the Left has learned from the failures of socialism is not to call it that)
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To: Pearls Before Swine

Perhaps the Iranian officials are pleased that they did so well during the 2011 and subsequent negotiations and want others to know.

4 posted on 08/13/2015 12:24:28 PM PDT by DanMiller (Dan Miller)
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To: Pearls Before Swine
Why are they disclosing all this? Humiliating Obama might be fun, but jeopardizing their one-way deal with an election coming seems foolish to me.

Because the Iranians have won and they know it.

The deal has been approved by the UN so sanctions are dead even if the US Senate does not approve the deal.

Obama has not been enforcing the sanctions for the last several years so the support for sanctions is a dead issue.

The Koran admonishes observant Muslims to provide their enemy with three warnings before an attack and the Iranians are following through on that obligation because it costs them nothing to do so since Obama and Kerry are 100% in the Iranian camp.

5 posted on 08/13/2015 2:17:03 PM PDT by rdcbn (imee)
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To: rdcbn

...about that three warning thing...

There’s a lot of unobservant Muslims out there. Or, do they consider their incessant threatening blather as warnings? That seems insincere to me, since there are so many of them, and they do not speak with a unified voice.

6 posted on 08/13/2015 2:31:24 PM PDT by Pearls Before Swine
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To: Pearls Before Swine
...about that three warning thing...

There’s a lot of unobservant Muslims out there. Or, do they consider their incessant threatening blather as warnings? That seems insincere to me, since there are so many of them, and they do not speak with a unified voice.

Al Qaeda and the Iranians have been pretty scrupulous about providing the West with clear warning of their intentions, we just don't listen or take the warnings seriously

7 posted on 08/13/2015 2:38:15 PM PDT by rdcbn (imee)
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To: DanMiller

The other day, Lurch opined that rejecting the Iran deal would lead to the dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency.

8 posted on 08/13/2015 2:50:11 PM PDT by cynwoody
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To: DanMiller; Jeff Head; hawkaw; nascarnation; onyx; Bon mots; CORedneck; unixfox; IC Ken; ...
"Top among the pro-regime fund-raisers who have contributed to the Kerry campaign is a recent Iranian immigrant in California named Susan Akbarpour."

"Iranian-American sources in Los Angeles tell me that Javad Zarif’s son was the best man at the 2009 wedding between Kerry’s daughter Vanessa and Behrouz Vala Nahed, an Iranian-American medical doctor."

"The newlyweds went to Iran shortly after their wedding to met Nahed’s family. Kerry ultimately revealed his daughter’s marriage to an Iranian-American once he had taken over as Secretary of State. But the subject never came up in his Senate confirmation hearing, either because Kerry never disclosed it, or because his former colleagues were too polite to bring it up."


I'll be damned!!!
No wonder this treasonous bastard kerry and treasonous bastard obama are doing their best to make sure this 'deal' goes though. !!!

I hope Israel attacks Iran and knocks the the cr*p out of them soon; before the vote in September.
If this deal goes through - Israel knows that either they neutralize every nuclear site in Iran - or Israel risks being gone!!!

9 posted on 08/15/2015 1:24:20 PM PDT by Mr Apple (
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To: Mr Apple

One of the main purposes of the Valerie Jarrett/Obama administration is Israel being gone.

10 posted on 08/15/2015 1:29:54 PM PDT by MarvinStinson
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To: MarvinStinson; flaglady47; Maine Mariner; pax_et_bonum; mickie; seekthetruth; Bob Ireland; ...
Farsi-speaking Valerie Jarret, THE senior advisor and right-hand eminence to Obama was born in Iran of African-American parents. Her father, a doctor, ran a children's hospital in Shariz, Iran.

Jarret has long-standing ties to Chicago terrorist, William Ayers. Her late father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was a life-long card-carrying Communist Party member and the first black, the first black columnist for the Chicago Tribune.

Valerie, now divorced, has one daughter.....and the last I could find from searching the net, she is dating a Muslim.

After Obama and Valerie leave the White Mosque forever (hopefully), and if Hillary becomes the new presidente, just think.....Valerie Jarrett will be replaced by Clinton's Muslim body-woman and closest confidante, Huma Abedin Weiner, whose mother and sister (Heba) have verifiable ties with the Muslim Brotherhood.


11 posted on 08/15/2015 2:47:34 PM PDT by MinuteGal
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To: MinuteGal

That says it all.

Remember—Wipe out Israel

and enable islam to take over the world.

12 posted on 08/15/2015 2:53:23 PM PDT by MarvinStinson
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To: MinuteGal; All

13 posted on 08/15/2015 2:53:32 PM PDT by Fiddlstix (Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
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To: Mr Apple

Kerry is a blight on the nation. He always has been.

I’ve said for some time now, “Israel - Green Light!”

14 posted on 08/15/2015 3:44:34 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (If the fetus at one minute old is not alive, what is it?)
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To: Fiddlstix; MarvinStinson; flaglady47
Wow, Fiddlstix...your post speaks volumes, doesn't it !!!


15 posted on 08/15/2015 3:46:42 PM PDT by MinuteGal
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To: MinuteGal

She does indeed.

16 posted on 08/15/2015 4:01:21 PM PDT by Fiddlstix (Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
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To: Mr Apple

Today Tehran...Tomorrow MECCA!

17 posted on 08/15/2015 5:12:32 PM PDT by MeshugeMikey ("Never, Never, Never, Give Up," Winston Churchill ><>)
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To: MarvinStinson; DoughtyOne
One of the main purposes of the Valerie Jarrett/Obama administration is Israel being gone.

I can't think of anything to say. I'm off to watch a movie.

18 posted on 08/15/2015 8:19:25 PM PDT by Mr Apple (
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To: MarvinStinson; MinuteGal; MeshugeMikey; Fiddlstix; rdcbn
"One of the main purposes of the Valerie Jarrett/Obama administration is Israel being gone."

Speaking of being gone, this month of August is the 70 year anniversary of Hiroshima being 'gone.' I left last night to watch a documentary of that historic event. So, I didn't get to ask you Marvin, who did you find out from that the Jarrett/Obama administration have the dual purpose of Israel being gone?

19 posted on 08/16/2015 7:19:56 AM PDT by Mr Apple (
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To: Pearls Before Swine
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, for example, has long been insisting that Iran come clean on its previous military activities, something we are now told that the American delegation, led by Secretary Kerry, wants to leave out of the negotiation. Why? Because the Iranians have said they will not come clean. [Emphasis added.]

That was too much even for the normally pro-Democrat Washington Post, which wrote in a column attributed to its Editorial Board last Friday that the deal was “a reward for Iran’s noncompliance.”

According to the article linked above,

Some Iranian-Americans believe that Secretary Kerry should have recused himself from the negotiations at the very outset because of his long-standing relationship to his Iranian counter-part, Mohammad Javad Zarif.

The two first met over a decade ago at a dinner party hosted by George Soros at his Manhattan penthouse...

Seems there's a limit to how much the press will lie and cover-up for democrats... that's what's happening...

20 posted on 08/16/2015 12:35:59 PM PDT by GOPJ (Research facilities aren't using two million pounds of aborted babies a year. Where's the rest ?)
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