Posted on 05/08/2011 10:57:32 AM PDT by RummyChick
"One picture is worth ten thousand words" - Chinese proverb.
Then there's this,also on his right side.
Looks like a potential spinal implant to me.
I think you’re seeing a cast shadow of his lobe onto his neck in the Cyborg picture. The same light is casting a shadow from his head across his wife’s face.
Circumcision scars !
Face transplant.
brain implant..he is the real Soros
Botched abortion?
I married a twin. When I first met them, I couldn’t tell them apart. Then thet became so differentiated to me that I knew who was who even over the phone.
That said, if Zero had a twin it would have been known about a very long time ago.
I don’t know about that. His history is very controlled and scripted.
Some identical twins are more identical than others. I’ve known several twins that one could learn to differentiate, but I have some cousins who nobody could ever tell apart until they decided to sell fingernails to cosmetics companies. They grew them out very long, and one always had a broken nail or two. Their mom kept track of who had which broken nail.
His face transplant. Done in China. In Manchuria no doubt.
Ear lobes are like finger prints.. no two people..even identical twins have exactly the same lobes
Wow. Good find. Wonder what happened to him?
Any significance with the black and pearls?
It’s from when they removed his head from his ass.
I don’t think they got it all.
It is very likely he received this scar when he was Muslim when he was in Indonesia. His stepfather most likely insisted on it. It is an actual ceremony where the young males will have their heads cut open with a sword or large knife. Sadly, this is the most plausible theory I seen thrown around.
This procedure locates, targets, and then destroys (ablates) a clearly-defined area of the brain affected by Parkinson's disease. The goal of this surgery is to destroy tissue that produces abnormal chemical or electrical impulses that result in tremors and dyskinesias.
In ablative surgery, a heated probe or electrode is inserted into the targeted area. During the procedure, it may be difficult to determine how much tissue to destroy and the amount of heat to use. It is safer to treat a small area and risk the tremor returning or not being eliminated, than to treat a larger region and risk serious complications, such as paralysis or stroke.
Types of ablative surgery include pallidotomy or thalamotomy. Pallidotomyablation in the part of the brain called the globus pallidusinvolves putting a hole (i.e., otomy) in the globe-shaped structure located deep inside the brain. This procedure is performed to eliminate uncontrolled dyskinesias. Thalamotomyablation of brain tissue in the thalamusinvolves creating an otomy in the structure located below the globus pallidus. The procedure is performed to eliminate tremors. A related procedure, called cryothalamotomy, uses a supercooled probe that is inserted into the thalamus to freeze and...
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