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The failing war on drugs
The Lantern - Student Voice of Ohio State Univ. ^ | 3/3/06 | Alex Stechschulte

Posted on 03/05/2006 2:49:43 PM PST by freedom44

Cocaine, marijuana, heroin and LSD - all of these drugs are illegal to possess, produce or traffic in the United States of America. Yet, tobacco, alcohol and various other over the counter drugs are legal in the United States. Why, I ask?

I do not understand why certain drugs are illegal in America, and why other drugs that are just as dangerous and addictive are legally and socially accepted. This country currently spends tens of billions of dollars each year trying to prevent drugs from entering the country. At the same time, billions of dollars are spent on advertisements promoting the use of other controlled substances.

Does anybody else see a flaw in the current system? Who are the people who decide what is a "good" drug and what is a "bad" drug? I believe the war on drugs has failed and that we should decriminalize all drugs. I do not understand why adults, in the privacy of their own homes, cannot put whatever substance they want into their bodies.

There are many positive effects that would come about if we legalized the possession and use of narcotics and various other illegal drugs.

First off, the prison populations would decrease greatly. Prisons are currently overcrowded because of the high percentage of inmates that are incarcerated on drug-related offenses. Many of these drug law offenders are in prison because of nonviolent possession offenses. Are these offenders that dangerous to society?

Besides having less people currently in prison, there are many other economic rewards for the legalization of drugs. The federal government would be able to tax and regulate the sale of legalized drugs, increasing tax revenues.

In addition, this would allow police departments around the country to be able to focus on malicious crimes instead of drug-related offenses. This would produce more efficient policing departments, and could perhaps prevent more non-drug related crime. Although the economic advantages of legalizing drugs are important, the social advantages are even greater.

The legalization of drugs would make drug use a health problem instead of a criminal problem. Drug users would be able to freely seek help and rehabilitation, without fearing legal implications.Rehabilitation, instead of imprisonment, would not only help current drug users with their actual drug habit, but also wash some of the stigmate away from drug use. No longer would a drug user be forced to hide his habit from his friends and family. Drug users could use their social networks to help them quit their habits, instead of hiding the problem for fear of rejection.

The poor neighborhoods of the city would also be radically changed if all drugs were legalized. A serious problem with most poor inner-city neighborhoods is drug-related crime and street gangs. Most street gangs are based on the trafficking of illegal drugs. With the legalization of drugs, many street gangs would cease to exist. Without the street gangs and drug dealers littering the neighborhood, the inner-city areas would be a radically different place.

Not only has the illegal-drug trade destroyed inner city areas around the United States, entire countries have been ruined because of it. The United States is by far the biggest market in the illegal-drug trade, and for our market to be supplied, there are various producer countries around the globe.

For example, Columbia's entire economy is based on the drug trade with the United States. Because of this, Columbia has one of the lowest Gross Domestic Products in the world. Columbia is also controlled by drug cartels that we have indirectly created because of the drug laws in the United States.

All of the reasons above are examples of the damage that the criminalization of drugs creates. The problems of our drug laws far outweigh the advantages the criminalization of drugs creates.

KEYWORDS: adopeloser; awoddiecrushonleroy; blahblahblahblahblah; doperlist; drugskilledbelushi; giveitupdruggies; leroylives; mrleroy; notthispoopagain; ohjustshutup; perverts; shutupalready; thatsmrleroytoyou; wod; wodlist
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To: Zon
"It is the number one facilitator of drug related problems."

Yeah, the number one problem being getting arrested and thrown in jail.

241 posted on 03/06/2006 5:08:37 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: Looking4Truth
"It is widely known that up to 90 percent of the people in prison now did their crimes under the influence of alcohol. The info is out there."

Not my question. Though thank you for pointing out what happens when we legalize drugs.

242 posted on 03/06/2006 5:11:17 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: Know your rights
"People under the influence of the drug alcohol regularly do things that endanger others; is that sufficient reason to ban alcohol?"

If legal alcohol endangers others, then it's a sufficient reason to keep the other drugs illegal. Why do you wish to add to the danger?

243 posted on 03/06/2006 5:15:03 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: robertpaulsen
I bet he favors allowing people to speed or drive drunk.

Gee, do people speed and drive druck, RP? I thought there were laws against it. Surely that has stopped it.

I'll bet you never drive faster than the posted speed limit, do you? You've never driven with a BA level of .08 or higher, have you?

You probably never even soiled you diapers when you were a baby. Mommy wouldn't like all that crap!

Your constant spews are a lot like that. They are nothing more than an authoritarian pile of crap!

Have a good day, and keep that bottle warm in your closet...

(Note: photo provided of I-495 (DC beltway) traffic. Left lane is driving at 70-80mph+. Nobody is doing less than 60mph. Posted limit is 55. It is heavily patrolled by Police cars... in the left lane!)

244 posted on 03/06/2006 5:20:01 AM PST by pageonetoo (You'll spot their posts soon enough!)
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To: Know your rights
"I'm pretty sure zoning laws rule out running a retail business in a residential area; there are no taverns in my neighborhood."

Do your zoning laws rule out the manufacture of home-brew beer or wine? Do your zoning laws rule out the planting of a 6,000 square foot garden growing "weeds"? Do your zoning laws rule out the neighborhood kids from harvesting your crop while you're at work?

245 posted on 03/06/2006 5:22:00 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: ccmay
When they do get them, they neglect everything including jobs, spouses and children. Crack babies, meth babies. All of these things are very dangerous to society. And of course, all of this is in glaring contrast to legal alcohol. Alcoholics are the very model of hard workers, devoted spouses and loving parents. And there's no risk to a baby if the pregnant mother drinks booze. Alcohol doesn't cause any dangers to society at all. After all, if it did, we'd be putting drinkers in prison and confiscating their property.
Have I misunderstood your assertions?

Not at all and I see your point. You simply wish to hasten the destruction of society at a much faster rate by legalizing crack and meth.

246 posted on 03/06/2006 5:32:56 AM PST by DouglasKC
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To: mugs99; SouthTexas; Know your rights
"In 1981 Cocaine Purity: 59% Cost: $191/gram
In 2003 Cocaine Purity: 78% Cost: $44/gram"

Purity is up and price is down because demand is down 66%. Isn't the object of the WOD to reduce consumption?

In 1982, Past Month Cocaine Use: 2.4%
In 2004, Past Month Cocaine Use: .8%

247 posted on 03/06/2006 5:34:58 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: salexander
"150 years ago in America there were no drug laws and there were no meaningful drug problems"

By that logic, we don't need the FAA. Have a good flight.

248 posted on 03/06/2006 5:37:06 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: Know your rights
"Do you think government should ban everything that isn't "good"?"

Do you think government should legalize everything that isn't "bad"?

249 posted on 03/06/2006 5:39:24 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: SouthTexas; Zon
I thought I read a statistic where one-third of those who smoke tobacco are likely to get lung cancer. I would imagine most of them die because of that.

I belive that almost 100% of heroin addicts die because of their heroin use (overdose, infection, AIDS, disease, etc.).

So, heroin wins.

250 posted on 03/06/2006 5:47:15 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: Know your rights; APFel
"Support for marijuana legalization is up to 41%"

You keep quoting that same ol' tired (and misleading) statistic. You're the one APFel's talking about. In response to the (leading) question, "Some people say the government should treat marijuana more or less the same way it treats alcohol: it should regulate marijuana, control it, tax it, and only make it illegal for children.", the complete response is:

Strongly agree with legalization -- 23.5%.
Somewhat agree with legalization -- 17.4%.
Somewhat disagree with legalization -- 11.4%.
Strongly disagree with legalization -- 45.3%.

Therefore, nearly half the public strongly opposes legalization, and less than a quarter strongly supports it.

Why do you persist in citing that misleading statistic when you know the truth? Got an agenda?

251 posted on 03/06/2006 6:03:17 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: SandfleaCSC
"That's called the Paulsen Maneuver."

That's correct. I have a secret device capable of destroying any poster which attacks me. The Admin Mod then offers to spare all of us by towing the thread to the SB and destroying it there.

252 posted on 03/06/2006 6:20:19 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: robertpaulsen
Paulsen, who has previously agreed, -- government should ban everything that isn't "good" --- now asks:

Do you think government should legalize everything that isn't "bad"?

-- Showing us his primary delusion; -- that an all powerful government can both 'ban & legalize' at will.

Prohibitionism is a political disease.

253 posted on 03/06/2006 6:24:20 AM PST by tpaine
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To: SandfleaCSC; A CA Guy
I haven't seen that Lincoln quote in three years. Where did you dig up that puppy?

If you got it from Schaffer then you know it's false, yet you posted it anyways?

254 posted on 03/06/2006 6:29:00 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: pageonetoo
"Gee, do people speed and drive druck, RP?"

Should there be a law against that? Why? They're not harming anyone.

Certainly you don't favor a law that would punish someone for what they might do?

255 posted on 03/06/2006 6:40:52 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: Zon
You have no idea of the concepts, strategy and tactics that are waiting in the wings.

I read your little post full of straw men, rhetorical contortionism, personal attacks and "bigwordese" and I was just going to laugh it off and let it go.

Until I read this.

I actually laughed out loud. Seriously.

Please, do tell what these grand strategies are, because I haven't seen or heard anything new from you types since I was a young teenager in the early 1980s. Please explain these concepts and tactics. I promise, I have the aptitude to maybe grasp them just a little.

You are nothing but a new kid running an old play.


256 posted on 03/06/2006 6:42:33 AM PST by APFel (Loose ships sink lips.)
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To: ccmay
"but there is not the slightest question that they are orders of magnitude greater than all deaths from illegal drugs put together."

And that's just not fair!

I say we legalize those drugs so they can cause just as much death! This is America, dabnubit!

257 posted on 03/06/2006 6:44:01 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: Zon
"that when all the facts and context are presented that the bogus law loses all power ... that is what will be happening with everyone of them"

Marijuana was prohibited 70 years ago -- are you saying that in 70 years the public has not yet been presented with "all the facts and context", but that will be happening soon?

What's taking you so long? The public got the facts and context on alcohol in 13 short years and repealed Prohibition.

258 posted on 03/06/2006 6:53:24 AM PST by robertpaulsen
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To: robertpaulsen
Excuse me, I should have written drive drunk. You did not answer my questions.

Do you drive at a speed higher than the posted speed limits? You have broken the law, if so.

Have you ever driven a vehicle after imbibing alcohol, and a possible BA level of .08 or more? You have broken the law, if so.

Do you favor punishing people for what they MIGHT do? I don't. I prefer to see an actual harm, before seeing any consequence. I guess you think that idea is wrong. It wouldn't agree with your idea of justice.

You ducked tmy questions, AGAIN. You want everyone else to toe your line, but obviously don't feel anybody else should have the same rights!

Do you feel it is OK for a cop to drive 80 in the left lane, even when he is just going for coffee and donuts, or heading home? After all, they get a badge, and a free "get out of jail" pass!

Authoritariansim is just a typical psychological imbalance, of you and your buds, RP! It can be treated with counseling and good drugs. It is possible to learn about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, even at this late stage.

Do you really believe all the crap you spew? Do you think anybody really cares what you think? I get a kick out of it, though it is the same repetitious drivel. I guess you have your pathetic group of warriors to keep you company, though. In the meantime, most of us actually enjoy life.

Have a good day. I have better things to do...

259 posted on 03/06/2006 7:12:12 AM PST by pageonetoo (You'll spot their posts soon enough!)
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To: robertpaulsen
...are you saying that in 70 years the public has not yet been presented with "all the facts and context",

Yep, money talks loud in DC. Did you know the Kennedy's control a lot of Alcohol imports?..

260 posted on 03/06/2006 7:14:40 AM PST by pageonetoo (You'll spot their posts soon enough!)
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