Since Oct 12, 2004

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Middle age barbarian sick of dumbasses.

Noted Bushbot.

Defender of common sense.

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Rush Ping List 12-10-07

NonValueAdded; LibertyisSpecial; Hoya97; ICFN(ICan'tFixNothing); StoneWall Brigade; ct_libertarian; TheRobb7; Collier; acsrp38; CSM; tazannie; TexasPatriot8; Chuck54; shephrd; lormand; American Quilter; Kieri; Ingtar; KateUTWS; butternut_squash_bisque; Sensei Ern; Neverforget01; prairiebreeze; restornu; jackv;cibco; LibertyLee; Barneysbiggestfan; aligncare; Kerretarded; Jo Nuvark; HonestConservative; indcons; Unrepentant VN Vet; old_sage_says; hattend; navynucmom; ozzysmom; Lucy Jo; Varmint Al; jan in Colorado; brivette; 76834; Extremely Extreme Extremist; gopwinsin04; HelloooClareece; evets; Eric in the Ozarks; conservativebabe; The Phantom FReeper; mzbzybee; B Knotts; jslade; Republican Red; Ron in Acreage; b4its2late; fish hawk; Syntyr; LachlanMinnesota; RoseofTexas; Matchett-PI; GOPJ; auto power; shooter223; exile; Enterprise; Carolinamom; TheForceOfOne; SeeRushToldU_So; PogySailor; longtermmemmory; rightinthemiddle; Rosemont; Pyro7480; roses of sharon; msnimje; bwteim; Bosco; Pardon Me; Repub4bush; DCPatriot; SE Mom; JFC; dubyaismypresident; Bahbah; sono; ValerieUSA; Exit148; Liberty Valance; varmintxer; NormsRevenge; McGruff; DarthDilbert; YaYa123; meema; DollyCali; malia; StarFan; Springman; Mo1; doug from upland; Peach; Alamo-Girl; retrokitten; cripplecreek; Txsleuth; Mrs.Nooseman; GodBlessUSA; del4hope; Prophet in the wilderness; LUV W; tndarlin; RasterMaster; Republican Red; Lovergirl; Springman; B Knotts; jslade; proud American in Canada; advance_copy; RushCrush; wagglebee; angcat; Dustbunny; maggief; TSchmereL; Fishtalk; Sammie42; txroadhawg; primetimedonna; Repub4bush; rocket fett; eeevil conservative, rodguy911;AliVeritas; lysie; a.hun;sofaman;HuntsvilleTxVeteran;TruthNtegrity;pimpmygop;marklevinfan;ChicagoConservative27;brandie;senseiern; Clint N. Suhks; rottndog; nanster;4everontheRight;jerseydvl;harleyLady27;LibSnubber;CDB;stockpirate; mtbrandon49;EmilyGeiger;FaithintheRight;TheRightStuff;eagleandliberty; rightwingintelligentsia;pippin; clevelandgop; vision; IMissPresidentReagan; rejoicing; txradioguy

Hannity Ping List 12-14-07

Repub4bush; bwteim; rightinthemiddle; andyk; tiredoflaundry; sono; markedmannerf; Matchett-PI; Primetimedonna; LadyBuzz; newzjunkey; jackv; Pyro7480; Cautor; rockrr; HelloooClareece; Bahbah; dougfromupland; MNJohnnie; Polyxene; eeevil conservative; Hoya97; LucyJo;AllenH; advance_copy; Liberty Valance; babaloo; Kokojmudd; pollywog; princess leah; b4its2late; soloNYer; CharlesWayneCT; sofaman; Bulldaddy; Dr. Scarpetta; Cautor; rockrr; HelloooClareece; Bahbah; baystaterebel; McGruff; GodBlessUSA; Mo1; Hattie; hipaatwo; TruthSetsUFree; The Grim Freeper; FOXFANVOX; McGruff; JFC; Allen H; YaYa123; JerseyDvl; BellStar; navynucmom; acsrp38; Sammie42; Txsleuth; hattend; ianschwartz; Fudd Fan; SoCalPol; alice_in_bubbaland; A.Hun; rightwingintelligentsia; IslandJeff; the-gooroo; HonestConservative; used2bdem; Spanaway Lori; TheForceOfOne; ThreePuttinDude; eastsider; del4hope; Jo Nuvark; Lovergirl; Neverforget01; LibertyLee; aligncare; old_sage_says; Unrepentant VN Vet; maggief; MarkLevinFan; AliVeritas; LUV W; meema; marinemom613; smallvoiceinthewilderness; gopwinsin04; cripplecreek; FuddFan; caluvdubya; jennyscool; repub4bush; Tazannie; QueenKathy; dmd25; Starfan; Texokie;phatoldphart; Ladysmith; SEMom; Txsleuth; Lysie; nc1mrw; Collier; Del4hope; Hattend; Navynucmom; mogirl; nclaw441; restornu; defconw; cibco; DCPatriot; Clint N. Suhks; NormsRevenge; ChicagoConservative27; cleveland gop;texaspatriot8;springman;mad dash;kerretarded;rottndog;lone palm;sirhailstone;paige;harleylady27;nicole5;pippin;perdogg;lamb_chopny

Proud of the south!

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Tired of Lindsey Graham

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